《Cultivation System》Chapter 4


[Host, there is 1 minute remaining until the world fusion. Recommended for Host to get up and get ready.]

Xuan Ye Feng gets up and stretches his body for a while before he picks up his sword. Having the sword in his hand feels so familiar that he feels like those memories were not actually memories, though he can't be sure of anything.

[Unknown interference detected... Interference blocks world fusion... Earth and Li Yang World no longer in danger of fusion... 500000 Hosts will be forcefully transported to the Li Yang World...]

Before Xuan Ye Feng can do anything, he is suddenly sucked into a type of door similar to that of the ones that take him to the white space. The next thing he knew was that he is currently within a forest. Xuan Ye Feng recalls that the system said something about interference, which caused the worlds to no longer fuse, yet since the 500000 people have the system, they were forced to come here.

[Due to unknown reasons all 500000 hosts have been transported to the Li Yang World. There was no alternative. Someone or something directly stopped the world fusion, resulting in only the hosts being sent to this world. All systems were given permission to give their Host an apology gift, which is the following: 100000 Gold, Silver and Copper Coins, one unlimited Spatial Ring and 10 loyal shadow guards. The Spatial Ring will be directly fitted onto Host finger, while the coins will be placed directly inside. The shadow guards will listen to anything Host says, even if Host tells them to commit suicide, they will. There is 5 male and 5 female shadow guards, all of which are at the 5th stage of Gold Core.]

Suddenly, Xuan Ye Feng felt something tighten itself around the index finger on his right hand. Looking down he notices a good looking ring and realizes that this should be the spatial ring. The next second he notices 10 people dressed in fully black clothes suddenly appearing and kneeling down to him

"Master!" they all call out towards Xuan Ye Feng. He realizes that these must be his new shadow guards. He looks are them closer and notices that they all seem to be in their early twenties.

"Get up. Tell me your names." Xuan Ye Feng says. The ten shadow guards get up, but they don't speak. They just look at eachother for a while until one of them finally steps forward.

"Master, we have no names. Master is supposed to name us, however he wishes." replies one of the male guards. Xuan Ye Feng is startled for a second, before he realizes that this makes sense, since they were just created. Xuan Ye feng thinks for a minute before speaking.

"Okay. From now on your names will be, Ye Sha, Ye Gu, Ye Mo, Ye Zho, Ye Wu, Ye Shi, Ye Xi, Ye Yi, Ye Yue and Ye Na." states Xuan Ye Feng. They all kneel down again and thank him before standing again. Xuan Ye Feng remembers his spatial ring and decides to check inside it by putting a wisk of profund energy into it. The next second his mind entered a little black space, inside of it there are hundreds of chests full of Gold, Silver and Copper coins. His tier 5 sword is also there, which relaxes him since he was wondering where it went.


"Ye Sha, Ye Gu, you two go search for a city. Ye Xi, Ye Yue, you two go find a wild beast to kill and bring it back to eat." orders Xuan Ye Feng. The four reply and head out in different directions. Xuan Ye Feng and the other six shadow guards remain in the same spot. 30 minutes later, Ye Sha and Ye Gu return, another 15 minutes after that Ye Xi and Ye Yue also return.

"Master, me and Ye Gu have found what seems to be the capital city of this place. It is about 10 or 15 minutes of a run from this spot." reports Ye Sha. Xuan Ye Feng nods and tells Ye Xi and Ye Yue to roast the beast they hunted. They quickly create a fire and expertly skin the beasts before roasing the meat perfectly. They all eat the beast meat before heading in the direction Ye Sha and Ye Gu previously went.

Running for 20 minutes, Xuan Ye Feng and his shadow guards find a giant city, which Ye Sha reports is the capital city. Xuan Ye Feng orders his shadow guards to hide themselves and sneak into the city, while he uses a weird movement technique from his memories. He dissapears like a ghost and appears in an empty alleyway inside the capital, with his shadow guards appearing a few seconds later.

"Ye Sha, you go search for a good manor we can use as our base from now on, keep it clean. The rest of you 9 will go around the capital and gather all the information about this area as you can. gather information about the rulers, the continent and so on." orders Xuan Ye Feng. The 10 of them all obey and dissapear in a flash, going to complete their orders.

Xuan Ye Feng finds a random mask and picks it up and checks it out. After determining that there is nothing wrong with the mask, he decides to use this as his mask from now on, and puts it on his face. The mask hides his whole face except his eyes. Having found a mask which is something he figured he would be needing in this world, Xuan Ye Feng decides to check out his status, as he has not done so recently.

[- Name: Xuan Ye Feng

- Age: 18

- Cultivation: Gold Core stage 1

- Elements: Fire, Wood, Space

- Money: G:100k, S:100k, C100k]

'So I can see all my money by simply checking my status, rather than counting it' muses Xuan Ye Feng. Looking around the alleyway while still hiding a bit, he notices a clothe shop and snatches a black robe before placing it on his body, rather than earths clothes.

Having clothes that can be considered normal here, Xuan Ye Feng finally decides to leave the alleyway. Walking out of the alley, he instantly attracts a lot of attention, though he decides it is normal, considering he has a mask on. Xuan Ye Feng walks around the capital city ignoring all of the stares, while noting all the city details, so that he knows his way around it in the future.


After walking around for about an hour, Xuan Ye Feng decides to stop at a restaurant to wait for his shadow guards, so he enters a nearby restaurant. A waiter quickly comes over and greets him.

"Hello sir, would you like a table or a private room?" asks the waiter. Xuan Ye Feng looks down at him for a few seconds before he replies.

"Get me a private room." says Xuan Ye Feng. The waiter looks at Xuan Ye Feng a little bit stunned, before quickly leading him towards a private room on the second floor. Upon entering the room, Xuan Ye Feng simply tells the waiter to get him a meal that has meat, which the waiter quickly nods and leaves the room.

Xuan Ye Feng sits down on a chair and leans back on it, waiting for his food. Before the food even comes, Ye Sha appears silently in front of Xuan Ye Feng kneeling.

"Did you find a good manor, Ye Sha?" questions Xuan Ye Feng, while still relaxing in his chair. Ye Sha looks up at his master for a few seconds, admiring his overall beauty, before quickly snapping out of it and replying.

"Yes, master. I found a perfect manor that is located near the palace. It is a bit expensive, but master should have enough money for it. The positioning and size of the manor is perfect, second only to the imperial palace, where the emperor and his family lives." replies Ye Sha. Xuan Ye Feng gives a quick hum of acceptance, and ignores Ye Sha while waiting for his food.

After a few minutes, a knock on the door and the smell of food tells Xuan Ye Feng that his food is here. Ye Sha quickly dissapears and Xuan Ye Feng says "Come in." The door opens and the waiter comes in with a big plate of meat. There are also some vegatables on the side, though he isn't quite sure what they are.

"Sir, the meal costs a total of 25 silvers." the waiter says, to which Xuan Ye Feng raises an eyebrow under his mask, but doesn't mind it and waves his hand, directly giving the waiter 25 silver. The waiter bows a bit before leaving, while Xuan Ye Feng takes off his mask upon the door closing and starts eating. The meat is quite juicy and tastes very good, so Xuan Ye Feng figures that this is probably one of the best restauraunts restaurants in the city, which would explain the price.

Xuan Ye Feng eats his meal for a good 40 minutes before he sits up and walks out the door, and heads towards the exit. Leaving the restaurant, Ye Sha tells him that the person selling the manor is waiting for him there, so he heads over to the manor with Ye Sha leading. A few minutes later, Xuan Ye Feng and Ye Sha arrive in front of a large manor that seems better than the one he lived in for a year back on Earth.

Noticing them come over, a fat person starts walking over to them. He looks at Xuan Ye Feng up and down, before he starts speaking to them.

"Are you the one that wants to buy the manor? The cost for the manor is 4000 gold coins. Do you want to pay now, or later?" asks the fat manager. Xuan Ye Feng waves his hand and a bag full of gold coins appears in front of them. The fat manager opens the bag, and seeing all the gold coins inside, looks at Xuan Ye Feng differently. Taking the bag of gold coins, the fat manager hands some papers over to Xuan Ye Feng, which seem like proerpty deeds to him, so he puts them inside his storage ring.

Now officially owning the manor, Xuan Ye Feng heads inside with Ye Sha following behind him. He notices that the manor is clean and looks quite expensive inside, which he doesn't mind much. Xuan Ye Feng heads towards the master bedroom and looks at it. The room is perfectly clean, with nothing wrong with it. The bed has brand new sheets, so he figures that the manor was just completely cleaned and changed.

"When the other 9 come back with their information, just tell them to wait until tomorrow, as I am going to cultivate. They can tell me everything tomorrow, so don't disturb me." orders Xuan Ye Feng. Ye Sha quickly obeys and dissapears out of the room, going who knows where.

Xuan Ye Feng doesn't bother any further and sits down on the bed in a lotus position, whilst taking out 3 tier 2 Profound Gather pills and putting them into his mouth, before he starts cultivating.

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