《Cultivation System》Chapter 2


When Xuan Ye Feng woke up, he found himself looking straight up at the blue sky. He then remembered what happened before he fainted and figures this will be the area he is living at, so he sits up to look around.

The first thing Xuan Ye Feng sees is a large forest to the right of him. There are thousands of giant trees, and those are only the ones he can currently see.'This forest will most likely be hundreds if not thousands of kilometers in length.' concludes Xuan Ye Feng.

He looks towards the left of him now and notices a small manor sitting there, clean and seemingly well taken care of. He figures that this is where he will be living for a year so he shrugs and starts walking towards the manor. Once Xuan Ye Feng reaches the gate of the manor, the system popped up again.

[This manor is where you will be living at for the year. Inside it there is a kitchen, a room with a bed, a medicine chamber, a poison chamber and an alchemy chamber. The forest towards the front of the manor where be where you will be able to find things such as herbs for poison, medicine and alchemy. There will also be beasts that will be roaming around, which you will use to train on at a later time in your cultivation. All the herbs you will need to get for your poison creation, medicine creation and alchemy will be found by yourself on the outskirts and outer circles of the forest. System has made it so that there will be no beasts in either of these parts, only inside the inner area, so you will be safe.]

'The system is most likely going to be making me get used to every herb so when I get to the Li Yang World, I won't be completely clueless even though I was trained in using herbs.' figures Xuan Ye Feng. He notes that he will have to memorize everything about each herb he finds, so he doesn't use poisonous herbs within medicine.

He enters the manor and the first thing that appears is just a basic room with different exits. The first one leads to the kitchen, which looks like one from thousands of years back, nothing modernized. The opposite side of the kitchen lays a room with a bed, where he assumes is his sleeping courters. He continues walking and ignores both ways and finds 3 different rooms. Above each room door has a sign reading either: Poison Chamber, Medicine Chamber or Alchemy Chamber. As he is thinking which chamber to enter first, the system appears.

[Host will sadly have to give up either Poisons or Medicine due to having added Alchemy to the guide list. System recommends giving up poison, as medicine will be much more useful to Host within the Li Yang World. To choose which one to keep, either enter the Poison Chamber and the Medicine Chamber will dissapear, or enter the Medicine Chamber, resulting in the Poison Chamber dissapearing.]


Xuan Ye Feng somewhat expected this to happen, so he is not that startled. He doesn't think much before he enters the Medicine Chamber, because as the system said, medicine arts will be more useful in a world full of fighting. Once he enters the door to the Medicine Chamber, he finds himself in a small version of the white space, probably only 1/5 of the size.

[Since Host has chosen the Medicine Chamber, the Poison Chamber will dissapear once Host exits the small space. Inside this Medicine Chamber, Host will learn all the vital points of a human body and will be made to completely memorize them. After Host has done so, Host will then learn acupuncture. Upon learning acupuncture, Host will be able to heal himself or any other person Host wishes to with it. Acupuncture is designated as the best medicine art by system. Host will now completely learn and remember every vital part of the human body before he is allowed to leave. Please follow the white arrow and do as told.]

Xuan Ye Feng was surprised that he will be learning Acupuncture, but thinking about it further, the Li Yang World is an ancient world where modern stuff will not exist, so it makes a lot of sense now. He looks around and glowing white arrow, which he follows. He walks for 5 minutes before he reaches a little area that has a human body and a table there. Not sure if the body is real or not, he doesn't mind and walks to the table.

On the table, Xuan Ye Feng finds a detailed report about the human body, which he reads over. He takes 3 hours to fully memorize it and can recall it at any time, so he figures his new body has a perfect memory. The contents of the report were basically each and every acupoint on the body, as well as organs and the such. He then is told to examine the body to find each part written in the report on the body.

Xuan Ye Feng first decides to find each and every organ in the human body before anything else. He spends 8 hours locating and memorizing each spot of the human bodies organs, completely embedding them inside his mind, keeping each spot memorized. Afterwhich he decides to do the bones and joints of the body, so he can fix them should anything happen in the future.

Xuan Ye Feng does not know how long he took to memorize each bone use and position, but he found he is not tired, so he figures that he will not be tired ever inside these chambers. He finally memorized each bone in the human body, so Xuan Ye Feng decides it is time to work on the acupoints.

Xuan Ye Feng truly lost himself in memorizing each acupoint, as there is apparently 72 acupoints that he needs to memorize each flow, use and position of. He feels like he took at least 2 days to memorize the acupoints, even though there are less than the bones. After he managed to memorize everything, the system decides to pop up.


[You took a total of 53 hours to memorize each Organ, Bone and Acupoint. This is a very good result, as people would normally take up to a week, while you took less than 3 days. Since you have memorized each vital human part, it is time for you to practice acupuncture. On the table you will find a set of silver needles, as well as a cloth and water to clean them. You will be given a live human body that is injured and you will need to save it. There will be no mind in the body, just the flesh. If the body dies, you will fail and have to restart on a new body. Do not panic whilst doing acupuncture on the body, as the clearer your state of mind is, the better the result of acupuncture will be. You will be learning how to seal bloodflow, make the person unconcious so they won't feel the pain during the treatment and so on.]

Xuan Ye Feng didn't need another reminder and instantly went back to the table and found everything there. He picks up a few silver needles and heads back to where the new body is. There are numerous wounds on the body, making it look gruesome. Xuan Ye Feng doesn't mind it though, as he is used to seeing bloody bodies such as these.

He quickly remembers the acupoint where he can make the target fall unconcious and instantly hits it with his silver needle, making the body fall asleep. After he does so, he starts placing silver needles on spots that can seal the bloodflow of the wounded areas, giving him more time to heal the body up.

2 hours later he has finished cleaning the wounds and making all the wounds start to close. Xuan Ye Feng looks at the closing wounds and finds the acupuncture just seems to be pretty magical. No wonder the system wanted him to learn it, he thought.

He spends the next 20 hours experimenting with all types of wounds and safely manages to heal the body up each time, leaving no wounds, just scars. As Xuan Ye Feng finishes with the latest body and wounds, the system pops up again.

[You have dealt with every kind of wound that is possible to heal with acupuncture and completed in doing so each time, so you have completed learning acupuncture. System was reading to teach Host over the next month, however since Host is simply a genius in acupuncture, Host will be given a lot more time for cultivation and alchemy. The next thing Host will be doing will be cultivation, because it is very hard to do any alchemy without profound energy, and the only way to get profound energy is when you are a cultivator. Host needs to get to at least stage 5 of Qi Condensation before starting alchemy, so that Host won't be too exhausted by trying to make a single pill.]

Xuan Ye Feng is actually pretty happy because even the system said he was a genius in acupuncture, which means he is probably going to be one of the best at it in the Li Yang World. He notices that a door appeared behind him, which he assumes will just let him exit the medicine chamber. He walks through the door and it is as he expected, he is back outside the entrance. He notices that the Poison Chamber is now gone, like the system said.

Since the system said that he has to cultivate now, Xuan Ye Feng assumes that he will be doing it in his room, so he heads there. Once he enters his room, the system talks again.

[You will be cultivating in your room from now on until you reach at least stage 5 of Qi Condensation before leaving. To start cultivating, you will need to guide a strand of spiritual energy into your dantian, which is located below your navel. Once you have that one strand in your dantian, you will officially become a cultivator. After that you will just have to constantly do the same thing, though it will be easier. Each time you will need to completely fill your dantian with spiritual power before you get ready to breakthrough to the next stage. Earth has a very low spiritual power, so it will take you a lot longer to cultivate he then it would on the Li Yang World.]

Suddenly information and images appear in his mind, causing Xuan Ye Feng to cringe a little from the unexpected pain. Once all of the information is processed, he realizes that the system just gave him the proper way to cultivate, so he sits on his bed in the lotus position and starts to feel around his body for a while before he manages to find a flow to his dantian.

Since he founds the flow he will use to reach his dantian, Xuan Ye Feng reaches out to try and absorb the spiritual energy into his body. He keeps failing at doing so, but he doesn't get discouraged, instead he gets more motivated. By the time he actually manages to get a strand of spiritual energy into his body, it took him 7 or so hours. Finally getting a strand of spiritual energy in his body, Xuan Ye Feng gets excited and makes the strand of energy flow through his body on the path he found earlier to his dantian.

The energy slowly but surely heads towards the dantian. After a while the spiritual energy strand finally manages to come in contact with his dantian and enters it, causing something akin to an explosion to happen in his dantian, causing it to expand, making Xuan Ye Feng feel a large amount of pain which he eventually cannot stand and finally falls unconscious, while his dantian keeps expanding itself, greedily absorbing all the spiritual energy around him.

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