《Cultivation System》Chapter 1


Zhao Cang is just a normal student at the age of 17, sadly for him though his parents died 2 years ago, leaving him alone with nothing but money which he used to survive until now. He started to avoid getting into contact with people due to his parents death, leaving him with no people around him. Zhao Cang just layed down on his bed to sleep so he is well rested for another tiring school day when something appeared in his view, causing him to swat at it out of reflex.

Zhao Cang found his hand just passing through whatever it was that he swatted, leaving him confused as he looked closer at it. He found that it was something that resembled an advertisement, causing him to wonder if he is hallucinating or not.

[Would you like to be one of the 500000 people to obtain the Cultivation System? Y/N

PS: If you choose yes, everybody who has ever known you will forever forget about you and you will not be allowed to interact with them]

Zhao Cang thought for a moment before he decided to just press yes since he has nobody he cares about anyways. Thinking this, Zhao Cang moves his finger to the Y letter and presses it, which instantly causes him to feel as if he is having an insane hangover.

By the time the hangover disappears, Zhao Cang finds himself in un unfamiliar white space, all alone with nobody nor anything around him. He gets up, albeit groggily, and moves around a bit to examine this area. He finds that this white space he is in is around the size of what he thinks to be 75 meters or so. Just as he is about to walk around more, the familiar screen like thing appears in front of him.

[Since you have accepted the Cultivation System, you will be given access to support from the system A.I which will act as your guide for the change. You are probably wondering what the change is, so I shall explain it to you. Currently the void covering Earth and another world which we have come to understand is called Li Yang World. Li Yang World is a typical cultivation world, with powerful cultivators who can decimate mountains and split a sea with a wave of their hands, I don't think I need to explain that further for now. We have no idea why the void is currently distorting, but due to this distortion, Earth is fusing with the Li Yang World, which cannot be stopped from happening. 500000 of us Cultivation Systems were created and given to 500000 different humans around the world. Those that accepted will be sent to a space similar to this one with their A.I, while those that declined will have their memory of the system erased.]


Zhao Cang looked at the screen in front of his face, shocked. He didn't think that something such as this would suddenly happen, so it startled him quite a bit. After a while he calmed down and just accepted it calmly since he adapts to situations pretty easily now. Unknown to him or not, but after he accepted the situation, the A.I started talking again.

[The time until the worlds come to fuse, as we call it, is only 1 year from now. During this year, everybody that accepted the Cultivation System will be given a new body and identity, as they cannot use their old ones now. During this year, the Cultivation System will guide the Hosts in Cultivation, Medicine and Poisons. The Hosts will not learn anything else from the system, so the rest will have to be learned in the Li Yang World a year from now. The Hosts will gain access to a type of status that will show them their basic info, after their new body is created. Right now, Host will have to create himself a new body. It can look like anything the Host wishes, even changing genders is possible, though not recommended. Please create your new body now.]

Before Zhao Cang appeared a different type of screen. This one had things such as Appearance, Hair, Eye color, Height, Weight and so on. Remembering what the system said about creating a new body, Zhao Cang clicks the button that brings up a normal genderless body that is around 5 ft tall and about 150 pounds. He clicks the Height button and brings it up to exactly 6 feet tall. The body changed itself to exactly 6 feet tall, which is what he wanted.

After that he started putting the muscles on the body. The body now had a perfect 6 pack, while his arms and legs had no wasted fat and looked perfect, not full of muscle nor fat. After this he began changing the face of the body. The once extremely normal adrogynous face now looked handsome and perfectly sculpted. The eyes looked sharp while the nose looked to be a perfect fit on his face. His chin became incredibly sharp and refined, while his lips became a seductive red

Zhao Cang looked at the face and nodded to himself before opening the Eye Color tab. He changed his right eye from brown to blue, while the left eye from brown to golden. This gave the body a somewhat mysterious look to it. he opened the Hair tab, as the short shabby brown hair looked bad with the new body. He changed the hair to white/silver and made it go halfway down his back. The hair completely straight with no problems. His bangs went up over his eyes and fell down his back as far as it could. After this Zhao Cang changes the weight of the body from 150 to a 180. He stepped back and admired the body. Perhaps noticing he was down, the system A.I talked again.


[Since you have finished creating your body, the system will put the Host into the new body. You will feel a little hangover, but please deal with it.]

Zhao Cang barely had time to react before he started to feel really hungover, perhaps worse than when he was brought to this white space. The feeling lasted for at least an hour before it finally finished. After the feeling dissapeared he found himself standing higher than before, which means he successfully changed bodies, Zhao Cang assumed.

[Now that your new body has been created, you will now be given a brand new identity. Zhao Cang will no longer exist from now on. Your new identity will be called Xuan Ye Feng, at 17 years old from now on. Now that you have a new body and identity, you will be shown your status.]

[-Name: Xuan Ye Feng

- Age: 17

- Cultivation: N/A

- Elements: N/A

- Money: G:0 S:0 C:0]

Xuan Ye Feng looked at his status and felt like it has all it really needs, he is just confused about the Elements and money. He figures the system will tell him though. Like he thought, the system speaks again.

[The Cultivation spot in your Status will display what your current cultivation is. The cultivation ranks are as follows: Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent, Heavenly, King, Emperor, Monarch and Saint. Each realm has a total of 9 stages.]

Xuan Ye Feng understands what the cultivation realms are now, which helps him alot. He figures that the 9 stages in each realm, each time he rises in a stage his strength will grow, is his guess.

[Next is the Elements. The elements are as follows: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal, Wood, Dark, Light, Lightning, Space and Void. Fire and Earth are the most common elements that there are. People normally have only one element while lucky people will have two or three, though that is rare. Space and Void elements are the strongest elements to ever exist, and to date in the Li Yang World, only a total of 1000 people have had either of the 2 before in it's history.]

Xuan Ye Feng finally understands what the Elements was for. 'So it seems that every cultivator will have up to three elements, though rare.' though Xuan Ye Feng.

[The Money tab is seperated into Gold, Silver and Copper. 100 Copper is 1 silver while 100 Silver is 1 Gold. For commoners, Copper is what is mostly used while a few Silver will last them for a year atleast. Cultivators will need a lot of Silver and Gold, especially Gold. Gold can be used to buy things from auctions that are usable for cultivators.]

'That is how I figured it would be. Gold is most useful to me it seems, so I should try and get alot of it when I get to the other world.'

though Xuan Ye Feng, understanding the concept quite clearly.

[Since you have your body and know about all the tabs on your status, it is time to give you your Elements. You will randomly get any of the elements previously listed, ranging from 1 to 3. System will now begin the Element Roulette.]

[Spinning Element amount... Congratulations to Host. You can obtain 3 Elements.]

[Spinning Elements... Host has obtained Fire, Wood and Space Elements.]

Xuan Ye Feng looked at the screen a bit startled, since he understands that Space is the rarest element with void, while Wood is also quite rare. Not to mention that he actually obtained 3 elements, with one being Space and another Wood.'it seems that my luck is really good, for me to get 3 elements, all being good elements.' thought Xuan Ye Feng.

[Congatulations for obtaining 3 good Elements, Host. Fire and Wood Elements will allow you to become an Alchemist, which are very rare and a very useful occupation, as you can create pills to assist your cultivation. System will add Alchemy to the Guide list for Host to learn over the next year. Since Host has a new body and identity, while also completing everything they need inside this space, Host will now be sent to a random spot that Host will live at for the next year. Host will be living away from all populated areas and will live out of the range of any city or town for the whole year, as Host cannot be distracted during his training.]

The last thing Xuan Ye Feng remembered before he fainted was a very bright light shrouding his body.

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