《Rise of Toki》Chapter 6: Failed Assault


Toki sat on the fleshy throne now. Drol was recovering in a small tent while the goblins… do goblin things.

Toki was immersed at the list of spells she can use: fireball (3 M), minor heal(4 M), water ball (3 M), and Necromancy (lv1).

Toki began to use them each spell, each time she used them her mana goes down. When she used necromancy a screen pop-up:

Bone Worker: 2 M

Bone Soldier: 7 M

Bone Giant: 15 M

Toki summoned all of them!

3 dark, misty holes appeared on the ground a skeletal hand reached out from each of the holes and skeletons came out of them. The Bone Giant was the size of 2 adult human males.

They’re nothing special about them, except they’re very human-like.

“I am...I am... A magic genius!” Toki yelled in joy and danced around on the fleshy throne. She can’t wait to rub it in Drol’s face.

Now she can order around those goblins and bone monsters. She looked the goblin’s dwelling and it’s a mess. She wants a better place to live. When she brings Cheri back, they both can live like kings… or queens.

Drol did say something about a village…

“You goblin!” Toki shouting at a lone goblin. It pointed at itself with a puzzle look.

“Yeah, you! Where human village!?”

“Follow down river chieftess!” The goblin said.

Toki nodded her head and began thinking on what to do? Can she take over a village with a bunch of humans with these numbers?

“Oh well.” Toki decided that it better to strike while the iron was hot. “All goblins and bone thingys come!”

The 3 skeletons were already in front of her, so they didn't move. Six goblins lined side by side with the skeleton monsters and waited for the Toki’s orders.


Toki ordered everyone to march towards the village. Toki stood on top of the bone giant, so she can taller than everyone else.

They left one person behind and it was Drol. He was sweating and turning around in the tent, he must be having a nightmare.


The village had only about 50 residents, many if not all were peasants. They lived their lives simply and without worry. Their grew their own food and paid low grain tax to their local lord, everything was fine and dandy.

There was only a couple of guards that kept their eyes out on anyone or anything that came by the village. Many days there will be nothing happening, which was great for the guards.

Except today, they caught a sight that out of normal! Goblins and undead!

Before they can react, a pair of fireballs formed and shot at them!

They began screaming, tossing and turning on the ground, being burned alive.

The goblins, bone giant, and bone soldier charged towards the village.

“Yes! Yes!” Toki yelled while being held by the bone worker. Both of them took cover behind a bush and watched.

The bone giant used his fist and smashed a few weak, clay huts and trampled on a few humans. The goblins began assaulting anyone that were vulnerable and stabbed them with their rusty swords and makeshift spears.

All was going well, but…

A man with a hoe attacked the bone soldier from behind. The bone soldier was caught off guard and an arm was broken off. The man swung again horizontally and knocked its skull off from its body.

The goblins were being taken out one by one. The male humans gotten the courage to fight back the goblins with various tools. There was a woman with a pan slapping a goblin’s teeth out of his mouth to protect a child.


As for the bone giant, a few humans worked together with a rope to tie around the bone giant’s legs. It tumbled over and crashed onto a home. After it had fallen, every human tried to grab any object and smashed the skeleton until it shown some cracks.

Soon, the battle ended and Toki’s little mob was decimated.

“I tried. Time to go home,” Toki said in deadpan expression. The bone worker ran towards the woods with Toki in tow.


Drol was slowly opening his eyes. He tried to adjust his position for more comfortability. Then he jolted up and analyzed his surroundings.

He was in a dirty tent with rags and pelts on the ground. There were no light except the moon being filtered through the thin, mix-patched tent.

It was then he saw a the little tortoise entering inside the tent.

“Oh, you’re awake,” she said.

“Yeah. Kid, what happened. The goblins, where are they?” Drol rubbed his head with his paw.

“They’re dead.”


Toki yawned and walked by Drol’s soft fur and laid down.

“Too sleepy, tell you tomorrow.” Toki laid her head by Drol soft fur and fell asleep.

Drol was really confused… What happened? He remembered Toki killed the shaman chief, then the goblins stopped fighting. All the goblins were dead? Did she killed them? By herself?

What the hell happened!, Drol yelled internally.

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