《Rise of Toki》Chapter 7: (no title)


The next day, the residents of the village (that Toki attacked) continued grieving and mourning for the dead. While it was important for those to release their feelings, the village chief had his thoughts on the protection of the village.

The village chief would mourn along with them but someone told him he saw a skeleton outside the village watching them and fled after the carnage. Which means in a few things to the chief:

1. Yesterday attackers were only the first wave and the mastermind might attack again.

2. This attack was only a test of a new rising threat from the Kokuri Woods.

3. Or it was just a random act of violence from monsters. It wasn’t the first goblin attack, but it was so uncoordinated and unorganized.

One thing was clear, the escaping skeleton was some sort of observer. The village chief needed help. The kingdom he lived in wouldn’t help, so he must send a request to the Adventurer Guild. But with what money? What a dilemma the village chief got himself in.

“Village chief, why are you concern of this skeleton. Maybe the boy was just seeing things?” The village chief’s son said.

The village chief rubbed his short beard and contemplated. He responded, “If he saw it, he saw it. I believe in the boy. *SIGH* We must increase our guard for a while.”

Plenty of people huddled in front of the village chief, in front of his home. They wanted to learn what the village chief was going to do and they were disappointed, but it wan’t unreasonable.

But the young boy who reported the fleeing skeleton couldn’t take it! His older brother was killed! And the village chief said to increase surveillance.

The young boy left the crowd because he couldn’t stand everyone’s dejected attitude! Plus, they wouldn’t do anything and planned to just return things to normal like nothing happened!


“Shoji wait!” A young girl, Heri, ran for the young boy, Shoji. Once she reached him and grabbed his wrist, she said, “Whatever you’re planning, stop right now.”

Shoji wrestled out of Heri’s grip and yelled, “I’m gonna kill them!”

“Kill who? The goblins and skeletons are all dead.”

“The one who ordered the attack.”

“You’re crazy! Crazy! Did you want to get killed! Your mom needs you!”

He didn’t want to hear it and few others came to also dissuade him. He continued to not listen. His older brother was a guard of this village and was killed by fire. Magic. What else could it be? A magic user, but the skeleton didn’t look like it was capable. So, someone hiding in the woods did it.

Before Shoji began to get ready to leave, he was tackled to the ground.

“What the hell do you think you are doing!?”

“Let me go Geo!”

Shoji struggled on the ground until he was tired and came his mother. She had been crying all night.

“Shoji, where you’re going!?” Shoji’s mother yelled. Geo let go of Shoji and the mother stood before the sitting Shoji.

Shoji didn’t say anything. The mother got her knees and hugged his head.

The mother said, “Don’t go. Your father and now your brother is gone.” Tears were building up again. “Pleease, I—I don’t want to lose you too.” Her voice was breaking up. Soon, Shoji also broke into tears.


Drol continued listening to Toki’s story of her failure. At the end of the story, Drol was upset! He grabbed Toki by the jaw and bit down on her shell!

“Gahhh! No more! No more!” Toki screamed and wiggled her limbs.

Drol spitted her out and lectured her. Why didn’t she wait for him to be awake? Why can’t she build a small army of skeletons before attacking? Why she attacked during the day instead of under the cover of night?


Toki had the gifts but her brain was lacking! Drol thought if she evolved, would she get smarter? Maybe Drol will be able to use magic when he evolved.

Losing the goblins wasn’t a big deal and the skeletons can always be summoned.

“Did you learn anything from battle?” Drol asked.

Toki closed her eyes and thought deeply.

“Next time, more bony things!” She answered. Well, she wasn’t wrong. There’s strength in numbers.

Drol sighed and said, “There’s nothing more we can do here. We should leave. There’s another place where humans gathered. Bigger place, that’s where adventurers lives.”

Drol plans were for Toki to amassed a skeleton army to attack the town. Toki’s sister got to be there somewhere or a clue. Someone must had made a request for Toki’s sister to be kidnapped.

“Okie dokie! Don’t worry Cheri, big sister coming!”

Drol told Toki to use half of her mana to summon bone soldiers. So, one bone worker and six bone soldiers in total. As Drol, Toki, and bone minions were walking down towards south of the woods, a jiggling mass of jelly was ‘watching’ from afar.


In the middle of the night in the village, there was only the sound of crickets.

Shoji slowly got up from his bed of straws and quickly looked over his mother who was sleeping next to him, she was afraid he would run away. Shoji escaped his mother’s embraced and had a pillow to replace him.

Shoji packed up food and a water pouch, and took his brother’s crude, wooden spear. It was the only thing that didn’t burned with him. Shoji stared at a pot and pointed at it. He used magic to levitate it! He placed the pot back where it was and nodded in satisfaction. With his magic, he might have a chance.

Shoji took one final look over of mother and kissed her check. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. I’ll get revenge for Finol.”

He tighten his fists, he was mad at himself. The one time he could help, he was fishing at the river with his friends. It was unacceptable to him and guilt was eating him.

As Shoji left his home and was about to enter the woods, a voice came.

“Where you think you’re going?”

Shoji quickly turned around and saw Geo and Heri.

“None of your business,” Shoji responded.

Geo ran towards Shoji and laid his arm around Shoji’s shoulders. “If you’re going, we’re going.”

Heri ran towards the two and said, “Yes. We knew this would happen. If we can’t stop you, we’re go with you. You’re quite reckless.”

Shoji stared longingly at his friends. He sighed in relief and said, “Let’s get going.”

“Yeah! Adventure!” Geo screamed.

“Shut it! You want to wake the whole village!” Shoji yelled in distraught.

“Then let’s get moving.” Geo winked.

The trio entered the woods and didn’t look back. They will find the culprit and return victorious, which was wishful thinking for them. Nonetheless, there was an air of excitement, they had never left the village for so long before.

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