《Rise of Toki》Chapter 5: All Hail Toki!


Drol and Toki followed the goblins back to a little settlement that they made themselves.

Makeshift fences, shabby huts, and many bones and corpses laid around. The stench was foul to Drol's nostrils.

Drol saw at least 10 goblins with wooden spears and rusty swords. Then he found his target, the Goblin Shaman. It was sitting on fleshy throne watching over his minions.

“Okay kid. See that goblin with the stick in his hands, we must kill it.”

“Then, I learn magic!” Toki yelled in joy. Learning magic was Toki’s first priority than worrying about the dangers.

If Drol had his pack, they would had raided this the goblin’s home and tore it apart. Situations changed and Drol must adapt, even if he had to work with the little one.

“I will attack at night. Sneak up the shaman when it's asleep and rip its throat. Then run with the body.” Drol explained his ingenious plan.

“Coward! You coward! We go head on! You bite! I bite! Nothing can stop us! That’s my genius plan.” Toki smirked like it was the most clever thing she ever thought of.

“Do you have rocks for brains!” Drol shouted at Toki.

“Wolf! Wolf!” A couple of goblins caught on to Drol and Toki’s quarrel.

Drol was about to pick up toki but he was too late! An arrow was shot into Drol’s thigh!

“Gahh! Kid run!” Drol warned Toki! But Toki didn’t listen and charged at the goblin’s camp!

“I will not run! I will not run!” Toki screamed.

Every single goblin moved towards the wolf and ignored the little tortoise. The shaman walks towards the entrance to get the a better view of the kill. Drol’s goal was it and everything else can be ignored.


Drol used howl to frighten the goblins into a standstill, including the archer. Drol ignored the pain and zipped the goblins’ defenses towards his target. The shaman was the first to shake off the fear and was prepared to cast a fireball!

The shaman pointed his staff at the wolf who was running towards it, before he can released the spell, something bit him!

Toki had reached the shaman and bit his toe! The fireball flew passed the wolf and hit two other goblins! Drol had reached the shaman and chomped down of its arm and tore it apart. The shamna cried in pain and fell on the ground.

Goblin’s body were soft and their bones barely had density like a human child. It’s was a miracle for them to even survive on their own, the only strength was their numbers and ambushes.

The other goblins were out of their frighten state and ran towards Drol to save their leader. The archer shot another arrow at Drol and he barely managed to dodge it!

Drol can’t howl the second time to achieve the same effect on the same targets

This was almost the end for Drol and Toki!

Then everything stopped. The goblins, they stopped. Drol was confused! Why?

The goblins bowed down towards a certain individual - Toki.

Why? While the goblins had their eyes on Drol, Toki bit on shaman’s neck while it was down! The shaman choked on it’s own blood and Toki was covered in its blood.

Drol collapsed on the ground, tired and bleeding.

“I’m Toki! Your new leader!”

Goblins were simple beings. They followed whoever was stronger, which was the shaman. Then now, it was Toki who killed the shaman.

The goblins cheered for their new leader!

Drol slowly closed his eyes while witnessing this. He feared the future!

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