《Rise of Toki》Chapter 4: Magic


Drol, a grey wolf, took Toki to various locations for her to hunt or kill insects and small critters. Drol had to help Toki with bigger prey and let Toki do the final kill.

After two weeks of this repeated action, Toki leveled up to 9. When she evolved she went back to LV 1 and now it past 5. Toki don't know when she will evolve again. As for Drol, he's LV 20. He evolved to his current form from a pup at LV 10.

"Status!" Toki called out.

Name: Toki Species: Quin Tortoise Youngling Mana: 122 Level: 9 Stat Points: 0 Strength: 23 Intellect: 66 Defense: 35 Magic Defense: 29 Speed: 10 Accuracy: 19 Skills: Bite (lv7), Leap (lv4), Hide, Constriction (N/A to Species), Mana Manipulation, Swift Feet (lv3),...

Stat points were self-explanatory and once Drol told her how to used it, Toki put it all on intellect! Why? Toki's reason was because it will make her smart, no it doesn't. The stat called intellect was different from Toki's maturity level and her lack of common knowledge.

The more intellect she has, the more powerful and fuel efficient she will be when using magic spells. Magic spells came in a lot of varieties from healing to elemental attacks, from status debuffs to weather changing. Mana was in all living beings and the entire universe. Mana manuipulation was powerful skill that was a step-up in the world. But, gaining such a skill was another matter.

When Drol found out Toki had mana manipulation he was so jealous! Toki can't help it to rubbed it in his face everyday. Except, she can't perform any magic spells!

"Ugooo... I wanna use magic! I wanna use magic!" Toki yelled at Drol who was chewing on a deer's leg.

"How should I know! I can't belive this little thing have it." Drol licked his lips and approached the river to drink. He was not expert on this and he doesn't know anyone who can used magic except...the humans. This forest was filled with mostly ordinary animals, Toki must had an extraordinary lineage. He felt the world was unfair to him!


"But, now things are different. Toki, will need to find you a teacher or... you have to evolve again." Drol said.

"I need no teacher!"

"But you don't know how to create magic!" Drol was getting a headache.

Drol regained his composure and said: "Kid, it been a while since we met, 14 moons. Those adventuers might have been long gone if we don't get clues to where there are. There's a human village near the woods, if we cause a ruckus, adventuers might show up."

As Drol was explaining his plan, a few footsteps could be heard. Drol grabbed Toki and hid behind a tree.

They're goblins. Green little monsters that were uglier and smaller than humans. Drol had tried to eat one, they tasted disgusting.

Then a certain thought came into his mind. Drol knew a goblin could used magic called, Goblin Shaman. If Toki can eat the shaman's gem, she can learn its spells.

"Toki, you're gonna learn magic."

Toke saw the glimmer in his eyes, she then hid in her shell.

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