《Rise of Toki》Chapter 3: Partners


Toki braved her way through the forest. She was walking straight onwards with no idea where Cheri went.

The glowing yellow moon was her only source of light then "HOWWLLLL*

That sound always appeared at night but Toki had no idea who made the sound.

Toki was getting tired and hungry from walking and she looked back at the ruins, did she even made it that far! She can still see the ruins but as a small dot.

"Well, what do we have here?" A voice came from the bushes!

Toki was gotten nervous and used hide, and shrunk into her shell.

"Haha! Don't be scared." A hairy beast came out of bushes. Walking on four limbs and has a snout and tail. It's furry all over but it looked injured. The beast had line of blood across it's face, that's goes between the eyes diagonally. It walked striaght towards Toki and stared down on her.

"If you don't start talking-" The beast grabbed Toki by the mouth and slightly bit down. Toki can feel the pressure from it's jaws! Her defense was too low!

Toki popped out her head and said: "Okay! I give!" The beast put down Toki and laid down arching around Toki, for her not to escape.

"What a little turtle doing out here and these scary woods? By the way, the name's Drol. What's yours?" Drol said.

Toki didn't know how to answer, but if she didn't, she didn't want to experience that again.

"Toki is my name! I'm gonna find my sister! Big creatures on two legs with shiny sticks took her! I'm gonna find them and beat them up! And rescue her!" Toki said loud and proud.

But the next moment, the Drol's eyes grew cold and a sinister aura covered the beast.


"HUMANS! Do you see the humans!" Drol got up and growled at her, showing his razor teeth.

Toki was alarmed and quickly nodded her. "See! See! But left into here!"

Toki was shaken up, she never met a fierce monster. Drol slowly dispersed his muderous intent, he was scaring the little creature before him.

Drol apologized and told the reason why he was so mad and searching for the people who took Cheri as well.

The creatures that stole Cheri were humans that called themselves 'adventurers.' A group of humans who specializes in killing beasts and monsters like him. It's dangerous to go near one if you're not strong enough. Adventurers slayed anything that moves, rabbits, bears, deers, and even tortoises.

Then it happened. A group of adventurers came to Drol's den. He and his pack went out to go hunting for food. When they came back, adventurers ambushed them! They fought back as best they can, but humans who knew magic put Drol and his pack in an disadvantage. An adventurer slashed Drol's face and his pack died one by one. Soon, Drol was alone and ran.

Now Drol was here. He was resting until he caught his eyes on a little tortoise.

"So, if your trying to find them, I'll join you." Drol said.

"You'll help! Then be my servant!"

Drol stepped on Toki's shell and said, "I'm a servant to no one. We're ... partners. Once we find these adventurers and your sister, we're done."

Drol looked at the tortoise and second guessed himself. What can this little thing do?

Then Drol asked, "What can you do?" Drol let go of Toki and she was fuming.

"I can do more than you!" Toki tried to bite Drol but she was quickly stepped on again.


Drol can just eat her but he didn't want to chase the humans alone, it's suicide. He needed to get stronger, so was Toki.

"Kid, you and I need to get stronger. I know my way around these woods. Follow me and we can get our revenge."

Toki retaliated and said, "I follow no one! You follow me!" Toki struggled under Drol's paw.

With a mix of convincing and threat, tomorrow and the days afterwards were training, training, and more training.

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