《Rise of Toki》Chapter 2: Lose


For the few days, Toki had been trying to find prey to gain 'exp' and skills.

Toki found a cruvy snake sithering near a pile of rubble. She slowly got behind the small snake who was in the middle of swallowing a bug, and used bite on it's tail!

The snake was alerted and tried to worm out from Toki's jaw but failed! Toki stomped her foot on the snake to hold it down and tried to bite the middle of the snake's body!

Toki tried to tear the snake's guts out despite the digusting taste but she had to win!

Soon the snake stopped struggling and laid out the ground unmoving.

Success! Toki continued to digged into it's body to find a gem and again, success!

Toki swallowed the gem and gained new skills: Constriction (unavailable to species)

"What! I can't use this!"

While she can't use the skill, she leveled up to 5!

Toki is level 5! Toki can now evolve from Baby Quin Tortoise to Quin Tortoise Youngling!

Now commencing evolution.

Toki began glowing dimmly and grew slightly taller, her stats increased, and new skills opened!

Toki was amazed by this new change that she had to tell Cheri.

But once she made a turn by the pile of rubble, she saw a few strange creatures taking Cheri!


"Hah! Look, there is one!" Said one skinny man. "But where's the others?"

Toki took cover under the rubble and used hide. Her limbs and head retracted into her shell and listened to the huge monsters. But...

"Help! Help! Big sister! Big sister!" Cheri screamed in fear! She was so small that she was carried between the skinny man's two fingers.

To the skinny man, Cheri was making crying noises. He couldn't understand what's she's saying.


The other creatures searched and searched throughtout the ruins but they couldn't find Toki or any other tortoises like them.

"Shit. That's the only one." The old man gumbled.

Cheri cried and yelled out Toki's name over and over, but to no avail. She didn't show up.

Then the men and Cheri went into the forest.

It wasn't until night that Toki began to get out of her shell and stared into the darkness of the forest.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Toki pleaded for forgiveness but now she's alone.

NO! Toki shook her tears away and started walking towards the forest.

I'm good sister! I'm good sister!

Toki tried to muster all the courage she can and marched forward, forward, and forward.

She wants to get her sister back and ... apologize.

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