《Rise of Toki》Chapter 1: I Am the Leader!


In an emptied ruins, in the middle of a forest, six eggs were hatched.

Six baby tortoises were born but there was no mother or father to be found. Only the empty ruins, a large pond, and the forest that surrounds them.

After a few weeks of surviving on their own by eating the edible plants and insects. They began to interact with one another and communicating. Then like it was embedded in their blood, they called out, "STATUS!"

Name:------- Species: Baby Quin Tortiose Mana: N/A Level: 3 Stat Points: 6 Strength: 3 Intellect: 4 Defense: 10 Magic Defense: 7 Speed: 2 Accuracy: 4 Skills: Bite (lv1), Leap (lv1), Hide

A little female tortoise chuckled catching the attentions of her siblings. Her laughter gave a very uncomfortable and annoying feeling.

"Hahaha! Look at my powers! My smarts is 4! I'm te' smartest one here! I should be leader!"

The others groaned except for one. The little tortoise continued to boast her stats in front of the others and named herself, Toki.

The others moved away from her as fast as they can to somewhere more quiet. Now, it's only Toki and the one who was last to hatched. The runt of the group, who was named by Toki, Cheri.

"Look at this Cheri, they don't understand my greatness," said Toki. "I make a great leader. Isn't that right?"

Cheri nodded her head in submission, Toki was the only sibling who gave her any attention. Cheri didn't mind her boasting but she wished Toki can tone it down.

"Let's go Cheri. Kill more crickets and get stronger."

Both Toki and Cheri then walked closer to the pond, while the other 4 baby tortoises bore hard stared at the other two and began discussing.


The next day, all the little tortoises gathered once again to talk about the future. Of course, Toki kept talking about staying here, where its safe from the outside.


But one tortoise began to cause trouble for Toki. "What? You scared? We should move! Better prey, get stronger! Instinct told me so." The other 3 tortoises nodded in an agreement. There were truth to the tortoise's words, they can't endlessly hunt prey until there was none left.

"No! I'm leader! Kill crickets, one step at a time to grow stronger. Then kill fish in pond to get shiny rock."

"You dummy! You don't know to swim!" Another tortoise said.

"Once I kill fish, I will!"

"You bad leader! Bad leader! Bad leader!" Tortoises besides Toki and Cheri started chanting that phrase. Toki opened her mouth in astonishment while Cheri retreated into her shell.

Toki frowned and then stood in front of Cheri. She didn't know what to do, she was losing control of the situation. Then she finally had enough, "Fine! Go! Leave! Who wants you!"

That was that. Except one of them asked Cheri, "What to go with us or stay here with dumb dumb?"

Cheri popped her head out and looked at Toki and her other siblings back and forth. Toki was quiet and slowly shook her head. Cheri didn't uttered a word. The other tortoises left like they planned no matter what. They couldn't be in the same vicinity as Toki and her bloated ego.

Once they left, Cheri asked, "Will we be okay?"

"Yeah! Big sister super smart! Don't worry Cheri, no bad will happen. Big sister promise." Toki said in a reassuring tone. She nudged Cheri 's head with her head to calm Cheri's unease.

They'll come back, Toki thought.

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