《Ascension of Shura》Strongest newbie


“Aha…, I’m back”

First thing he did after getting back was to check whether his cloths are present. Fortunately he was completely dressed along with his mask when he appeared.

“Lets check the spoils of war..”

He waved his hand and the holographic panel with his status appeared in front of him.

Level : 1 (0/10)

Class : Lightning god (Divine)

Title : divine rookie (+10 additional attribute points will be given with every level up.)

Strength : 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence : 3

HP : 50 (1+600/minute)

MP : 30 (3/minute)

Attack : 1244

Defence : 0(+1)

Movement : 1(+2)

Class Skill (1/5) : Lightning step (S) - (Movement(basic)*MP used*1000% per second)(Lvl : 1/10)

Default Skill : Analyse (H) - (Lvl 2/2)

Extra Skill (1/5) : Ice barrage (F) - (Project 5 ice shards towards the enemy)(Damage : Atk*100% per shard)(Cool down : 20s)(MP : 20)(Lvl : 1/1)

Extra Skill (2/5) : Over boost (A) - (boost your attack by 2*skill Lvl)(Duration : 10s)(Cool down : 60s)(MP : 30)(Lvl : 1/5)

“Holy shit, am I awesome or what?”

“Wait when did my states screen become this detailed. Oh my analyse skill went up. But it should only level up after I class up. Is it because I analysed that divine class monster? Well, no use in worrying about a free gift like that.”

“Mmm..Let’s see what my S class reward is”


Wooden Staff : +1 magic attack (cannot be equipped due to class restrictions.)

Starting clothes : +1 defence

Mask of the saint : +10 HP/s , +2 Movement

Summoning seal (Life) : Summon the last monster you killed as your life pet. (1 time use)(Monster’s level cannot exceed users level by 10)

“Wait a minute, Is this for real? I can really summon that god class monster. Seriously? Wow I think I used up all my luck for seven generations for this.”

“Let’s use this now” he clicked the seal icon on his inventory.

“You are using the summoning seal (Life) item to revive a monster as your life pet. After summoning you cannot change pets. You can only have one life pet till you reach the 3rd class advancement. Do you want to confirm the use of this item.”



In a flash of light a golden ball of light materialized in front of him. Then suddenly it disappeared.

“The pet you summoned is divine class. Minimal level for a divine class is level 100. Except in a unique situation this pet will stay in the pet space till it reach level 100. Till it reach level 100 , 80% of player experience will be taken in by the pet.”


“What the hell, where’s my promised OP partner. I don’t need this useless free loader.”

“Sign.., can’t do any thing about it now. Might as well start grinding.”

“Before that let’s check player rankings.”

World rankings

Xia Rin (China) - Lvl 29 - Berserker priest Michael Lewis (America) - Lvl 28 - Assassin Alexei Vasiliev (Russia) - Lvl 28 - Knight Unknown (Japan) - Lvl 27 - Blaze Archer Lin Chenguang (China) - Lvl 27 - Wizard

“Oh well done little Rin, World rank one is quiet an achievement. I have to hurry as well. After that girl reach level 30 she will definitely create her own guild. Unless I reach level 10 I can’t join her guild. I have to keep my promise after all.”

“Mmm.., there are two unique classes among the top 5 already. Probably that S class reward little Rin got was the Berserker priest unique class.”

When he went out from the town centre he saw a new addition which wasn’t there. It was a large board with various notices. Several adventures could be seen loitering near that board.

While he was walking towards the notice board he looked around the town. Different from the time he first logged on, there is a rather relaxed atmosphere. Since the starting period is over small mobs are no longer appearing inside the town. To farm experience you have to head out side the town.


After reaching the notice board he saw several notices available. Near the notice board there’s a NPC leaning on the board. He could be identified pretty easily by the huge golden exclamation mark above his head.

When Lin Shen walked towards the NPC he got up and asked,

“Hello young adventure, are you here to take a city quest. Do you want to listen to the rules or are you going to take a quest right away.”

“I’ll listen to the rules please.”

“You are new here right. I can tell from your beginner equipment, except for that mask that is. This notice board was erected after more than 200 adventures from this town reached their first class up. So this is primarily for those who have reached there first class advancement and majority of the quests have a level limitation. You should probably visit the mayor for beginner quests, though I doubt there’s much left since starting period is almost over.”

“Although there are several quests here without a level restrictions, Usually these types are permanent monster subjugation requests. If you accept these kind of request you have to subjugate the minimum number required and for any additional subjugation you will get additional rewards up to a certain limit. If you failed to reach the minimum subjugations you will receive a penalty.”

“Is there a limit to how many such requests could be taken?”

“No, but it’s better to take it easy for beginners.”

“Thank you!”

Lin Shen then looked at the notice board. There were 2 quests he could take among all those quests.

Goblin subjugation

Go to the northern forest area outside the town. There you will find a nest of goblins. Entire forest area have been infested by those goblins. Please exterminate those goblins. Minimum 10 goblins must be killed. Return back to the quest board to receive the reward. Rewards : 10 XP, 1 iron per goblins killed.

Wolf Pellet collection

Go to the northern forest area outside the town. There you will find a group of wolfs. When killed there's a possibility to receive wolf pellets as loots. They will be used to make cloths during winter. Minimum 5 wolf pellets must be collected. Return back to the quest board to receive the reward. Rewards : 10 XP, 2 iron per wolf pellets killed.

“I’ll select these two.”

“Both of them? Are you sure?”


Then a panel opened in front of him stating,

Current Quests

Goblin subjugation - 0/10

Wolf Pellet collection - 0/5

“Then let’s start some good old fashion grinding.”

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