《Ascension of Shura》End and a Beginning.


“You shitty game, I want my money back!!!!”

It was a beautiful morning with sun shining brightly in the sky. There’s a huge mansion and in front of that mansion is a tranquil Zen garden with a large clearing in the middle and a beautiful pond at a side. In the clearing 2 people could be seen sparring against each other using real swords. The edges of these swords were blunted for safety.

One of them is a pretty young girl about 16 years old. On the other side there was an old man nearing his late fifties.

“Lin Shen, that's enough sparring. Show me how much you mastered flowing water blade.”

“yes master Quing!”

Now identified Lin Shen brought his sword horizontally and adjusted his foot work. Then he crouched down and moved forward. To any spectator, it would seam as his body become a haze making it very difficult to lock on to him.

To master Quing, he saw that his disciple moved leisurely towards him and casually swing his sword. But despite this he barely had any time to bring his sword to block the attack. That attack was too fast and completely untraceable. One second Lin shen was dozen of meters away and in next second he has already attacked.

“Fast! He has become too fast. This is definitely not the level a body refiner should have. I heard that lord Zu sealed his meridians.”

When he blocked the attack, his eyes widened when an impossible scene occurred. Lin Shen’s sword phased through his own sword as it it was nothing but air. Lin Quing instantly activated his golden core using every ounce of his strength to move backwards. He disappeared and reappeared several dozen of meters away.

He looked down at his sword which only has half of its blade remaining. Other half is still falling down from where he first stood a second ago.

“You little monster, you nearly took this old man’s life there. That was not the flowing water blade. What the hell was that?”

“No it was definitely the water blade, I just incorporated some natural laws into the technique.”

“Oh is that so…. You WHAT? You, You incorporated natural laws. Please don’t make fun of this old man kid. My heart is not strong as it used to be.”

“Ah… I’m not joking you know. I only used some water concepts to harmonize the flow of the sword.”

“.… Do it again. This time at that tree.” master Quing showed a thick tree several foots wide. This time use the 3rd stance of the flowing water blade technique.

“All right” Lin Shen nodded and brought his sword in front of him.

This time master Quing focused all of the power from his golden core to his eyes straining them to the limit.

Lin Shen kept the blade horizontally in front of him and touched its blade with two fingers from the other hand. Then he disappeared creating ten thousand hazy images like his image was being reflected from ten thousand water droplets. In the next instant he was back his original position keeping the exact same stance as if he never moved in the first place.


“Thud!”, “Thud!”…

In front of Master Quing’s awed eyes, that large tree started to fall down piece by piece. Each piece was a cube cut cleanly from the tree.

“So it’s true. You really mastered the concept of water. Even I mastered a concept after reaching the soul manifestation realm you know. To master a concept while in body refining realm , aha… if only your aura didn’t mutate.”

Lin Zu who just arrived said emotionally.

“Ha ha ha.. At least now this old man can rest freely. No one below soul formation realm would dare to bully you now. Even if you can’t cultivate you can call your self a proud son of Lin family.”

“Good, good. Today is a great day. I came with another great news. Lin Shen your mother and father both succeeded in their breakthrough to soul formation stage. They are now the youngest in the history to reach the soul realm. Our Lin family now have 4 soul realm experts. They will come out in a couple of weeks after stabilizing their realm.”

“Father, mother… they succeeded!.”

It was like a thunder went through his entire body. His legs become week as he fell down to his knees tears flowing non stop from his eyes. His entire body relaxed as if a huge burden got removed.

Lin Zu gently looked at his crying grandson “Finally your troubles are over little Shen.”

It has been 7 days since that incident.

In the garden Lin Shen could be seen tending to a flower pot clipping away extra leaves.

During the time when his curse was still present he couldn’t go to school with other children. So after his curse got resolved he was very eager to go to school and enjoy it with his classmates. But today even though its a school day he was staying in his home. This was because today is the valentine day.

When he first entered to school two years ago, during the valentine day a huge disaster occurred when almost every male in the school, even some of the teachers tried to give him valentine chocolates. It created such a disturbance that damages caused due to in fighting caused the school to close for several weeks. In the following year he naively thought it was a one time event and went to the school during the valentine day and even a greater disaster occurred when even students from neighbouring schools tried to force their way inside. Due to this event called valentine calamity he was given a mandatory leave during that week.

This caused him to nearly cry “I’m a man damn it”.

After tending to the plant, just as he was about to get up he heard a voice shouting “Lin Shennnn..”

“Aha, that little devil is here.” He signs and got up just as a fast moving object collided with his stomach.

“He Hee, listen to this big bro. I’m already 3rd place in the world ranking. I’m already at level 27. When I reach level 30 I’m going to start my own guild.”


“My little Rin is the best..” he began to pat her head. Looking at her expression he can almost imagine a tail waving behind her.

“Lin Shen, you promised to be my underling right. You will be the first member of my guild. So tell me what’s your level now.”

“Aha Its, I mean It’s a secret.”

“Hmp, I will see it soon any way. Keep your stupid secrets for now.” She pouted and ran away.

Lin Shen smiled bitterly at that. “I can’t tell her that I’m still level 1”

It has been two whole weeks since he first entered and he was still stuck on the dungeon. After fighting those spirits for few days non stop he became proficient enough to predict their movements and kill them using a combo of fire ball and Ice barrage. Even with his constant progress the dungeon is extremely massive.

“At least my attack has gone up to a ridiculous level. Well let’s try it again today.”

After taking a shower and cleaning up he put on the link and logged on to the Asgurd.

When he opened his eyes he saw the familiar dungeon. It was the place where he last logged off. After becoming familiar with those spirits his death rate has gone very low. He then started to walk forward till he saw a bend. He sneakily came to the edge of the bend and suddenly jumped towards the entrance sending out a fire ball without even looking and releasing ice barrage a fraction of a second later few degrees to north from the fire ball. Without losing momentum he reached the other side of the wall and kicking the wall he somersaulted back missing several dozen lightning arcs and moved towards the spirits avoiding lighting arcs through predicting their trajectories.

It was a deadly dance where even a single millisecond of an error would have caused an instant death. After few minutes the entier area was cleared with a panting Lin Shen standing at the centre. Even tough non of his parameters went up aside from his attack he managed to create these kinds of miracles through shear skill. After moving forward for few hours and clearing several such spirit infested areas he finally reached a different scenario.

In front of him was a dead end and a huge door could be seen on the wall.

When he came near the door a system announcement sounded to him,

“Player Lin Shen is about to enter the final BOSS room. After killing the boss you can clear the dungeon. Do you wish to enter the dungeon.”

“Finally… YES!!!”

Then he was teleported to a new location. Every where he looked it was filled with arcs of lightning. Millions of lightning arcs are zipping around the cave like agitated snakes. Suddenly,


“Player died in the dungeon. Reviving after 60 seconds. 59, 58,…..”


“Mmm, It seams that lighting came from above.”

Next time he entered he immediately looked above and said ‘analyse’.


“Player died in the dungeon.…..”

Though he died, he managed to get a glimpse of the boss and got its stat sheet.

Lightning spirit God (Divine)

Level : 1

Strength : 10

Agility: 90

Intelligence : 400

HP : 500 (10/minute)

MP : 4000 (400/minute)

Attack : 400

Defence : 50

Movement : 90

Skill 1 : Divine punishment (A) - (Damage : Atk*2000%)(Cool down : 5s)(MP : 100)

Skill 2 : Invulnerable (A) - (Immune to all physical attacks as long as targets level doesn’t exceed 100 levels above it. Immune to all physical attack skills up to B rank. All physical attack skills above B rank has a 50% damage reduction. Immune to all Lightning element attack skills up to A rank.)(passive)

Skill 3 : Stun (A) - (Has a 100% - 0% chance to stun the enemy with each attack depending on enemy level. Effect will last for 30 minutes - 1 second depending on enemy level. A damage of 100% attack value per second will be done for the duration of the stun.)(passive)

Skill 4 : Recover (A) - (Increase HP recovery rate by 1000%. Increase MP recovery rate by 1000%. Remove all de buffs A rank or bellow.)(Cool down : 120s)(Duration : 40s)(MP : 500)

Skill 5 : Thunder annihilation (A) - (An area of radius 200m around the target will be eradicated with heavenly thunder.)(Damage : Atk*100% per bolt)(Per wave : 200 lightning bolts)(Waves : 20)(Interval : 1s)(Cool Down : 500s)(MP : 3000)

“Are you serious? A divine class monster. Oh! its HP is only 500. Last time I checked my attack should have exceeded that value.”

“Let’s see,”

Attack : 1204

“Oh, OH…. that’s a lot of digits.”

“Buwahahahaaa… I AM INVINCIBLE!.. cough, cough… That didn’t happen.”

“Let’s go and kill that god.”

Immediately after entering he waved his hand up ward sending fireball then Ice barrage.


“Player died in the dungeon.…..”


“Player Lin Shen killed the final boss the Lightning spirit God and cleared the sacred inheritance ground dungeon.”

“Finally it’s over.”

“Player Lin Shen is the first to kill a Divine tier monster. Hidden attribute fame gets +10000. Hidden attribute luck gets +10.”

“Player Lin Shen killed a Divine tier monster before 2nd class advancement. A random ‘S’ class reword will be given.”

“Player Lin Shen killed a Divine tier monster before 1st class advancement. A random ‘A’ class skill will be given as a reward.”

“Player Lin Shen killed a Divine tier monster at level 1. Title ‘monster rookie’ upgraded to ‘divine rookie’.”

“Player Lin Shen cleared the inheritance test of the Lightning Celestial Vajra. You will receive the unique class ‘Lightning god’. This will replace your existing class ‘mage’. Do you accept this class change?”

“Yes of course I accept.” “I’d be a fool not to.”

“Class change successful.”

“Player Lin Shen is the first to obtain one of the 4 Divine tier classes. Hidden attribute fame gets +5000. Hidden attribute luck gets +10.”

Then he was teleported to the town centre of the Risenburg. He was dizzy for a moment looking at the scene he was longing for these few weeks.

“Aha…, I’m back”

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