《Transmigrated Into A Game》4: The Game


Based on what Rose had found online, it was indeed the 21st century. The only difference was there exist a formula to generate magic in a form of gadgets, which can either look like bejewelled accessories or instruments that had been inlaid with programmed stones.

These stones function like a chip capable of receiving voice commands and executing the said commands, bringing forth the installed spells. The spells were the data contained in a jewel or stone.

Across the world, only very few institutions have been able to buy these gadgets, but the city Rose was currently living in was one of the leading figures just because her father was one of the biggest contributor to the project.

This gadget was supposedly created to further increase a child's attentiveness and interactions to the world. But 7 years ago, incomprehensible monsters begun to appear, bringing with them terror all over the lands.

In a year, Toto was earning billions from the demand, while education institutions underwent reformations and adding facilities specialized in running dungeons.

With monsters abound, dungeons also begun to sprout, where a home of family monsters could be found. Each dungeon's danger level differ, and many dungeons were still left unexplored. 6 years was too short for things to really shift, but it was enough time for the rich and the wealthy to arm themselves with gadgets.

Although there are guns, explosives, tanks and even nuclear bombs, monsters continue to rise and spread. The task was then left to the future generation to purge the root of this evil. Or in the Modern Fantasy MMORPG that Rose knew, online players were left to explore the world that has be ran by monsters and discover the secrets to this phenomenon.

She could only vaguely remember the plot of the game because she fell asleep before her daughter dived into the immersive plot that would drive online players to crave for the highest level spells, passive-defensive accessories and maximum craftable materials or tools that can assist a player's adventures.


Instead of heavy armors, swords and shields, little trinkets became the most powerful offensive and defensive gears anyone could hope to equip. Almost all Non-Playable Characters were not meant to carry these gadgets, but the Online Players were different. They are the heroes after all and must follow the path of vanquishing all evil.

Aside from the diverse gameplay, a player can also choose a specific profession after achieving Level 10 in Research Profession. This was merely the first step into becoming a Master of the Invention as what follows after was choosing either to become a Enginner, Hacker, Architect or Scientist.

What made each player differ from one another was the effort and time they put in leveling their spell-sets. Spells can only be leveled after a number of usage, but each number of usage may differ for the spell's difficulty. Such as that a level 1 spell may have to be used 20 times, while the level 2 version of it would have to be used 50 times.

It does not guarantee however that it has to be that way depending on which mobs are killed. If the spell was used to hunt mini-bosses or real bosses, spell leveling becomes faster. In proportion, it is never easy killing a boss monster.

Because the world has changed because of the gadgets and the monsters, the lands were then divided into Safe Areas and Danger Areas. Most cities and towns are quarantined for everyone's safety. If one must leave the city, a permit must be presented at the gate.

This is where licensed fighters come. Players begin their adventure in an Academy setting wherein they'll be given tutorials step by step of what kind of dangers they will be facing once outside the safety of the city. They'll be given their gadget and it is up to them if they wish to buy any more accessories to have their own diverse playstyles.


They will also be introduced to Professions and learn about gathering materials. Then they will have to choose what kind of licensed hunters they want to become. Although players can choose whichever spells they want to install in their gadget, it comes with a price and some stones can even be obtained from monsters. This is where Hunter's License come, so players can be guided on which specific skills they should focus on to become an even more effective fighter.

Licenses are divided into First Division, Second Division and Third Division.

First Division clearly divides the need of society, so a player can either become an Officer that can only receive missions from the Government, or Rogue that is able to get quests from the Mercenary Guilds.

Second Division and Third Division expands from the First Division.

The MMORPG was underdeveloped so that plot did not have an ending, at least from when Rose was told by her daughter whose friend made the game.

"Am I an NPC now?" Rose blankly questioned to no one in particular. She then heard soft knocking on her door, followed by Toto's gentle reminder: "Love, supper time~!"

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