《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 20 - Test


“Alright, the two over here are senior members of Vanguard. They usually went hunting outside but I called them here to test you guys” Selene said.

A man and female are standing in front of us along with Selene. Although the man builds not as muscular as our innkeeper but I can feel that he is a veteran from his gaze. He is wearing normal clothes for the occasion, I wonder if he went like this to hunt or he wore it because it’s only a test. The woman body is voluptuous with a slender waist and big rack, I think that every healthy man will droll over her. But when I look further down below the waist, what I see is not beautiful legs but a snake like tail. (She is a naga)

“Nice to meet you, my name is Steven, and this is Jharra” the male said.

“Nice to meet you” we all said in unison.

“Okay, first thing, let’s do some warm up, do whatever you want, I want to see what kind of warm up you guys do”

Well since it’s a warm up, I just stretch all muscle possible on my body using several stretching moves. Then I ran several laps around the room to warm up my body. When I felt that it is enough, I went back and wait for the other guys to finish. While waiting for them to finish, I also observe their warm up routine, the wolverine sibling was sparring against each other, the naga well she did nothing, and the elf is meditating on the ground.

“Okay, since the warm up have finished, now let’s begin with a spar”

The siblings and the elf are facing against Steven as their training partner while me and the naga, Kaelyn are facing against Jhara. The first match is Razz against Steven, when Jhara declared that the match started, Razz almost immediately rushed towards Steven with fast speed. His claws are ready to tear apart Steven like a beast hunting their prey. But then Steven turn into a blur and vanished from his place, Steven then appears behind Razz and tried to attack him. Razz who felt the presence behind him lunged forward and do a role before turning back to evade the attack from Steven.

What an agile movement and fast reflex, his presence detection is also superb. From his movement, aura, quick-witted decision, and techniques, I can only say it’s astonishing, if the group of students from the academy were to face Razz, then they will stand no chance. After the attack, both of Razz and Steven take another stance while observing each other movements and behavior. Then out of a sudden, both side rushed towards each other and clashed a few times before a sword managed to place itself on Razz’s neck.


“Good, the foundation is there, you pass the test” Steven said.

“Thanks for being lenient” Razz said.

Although he passed the test, from his voice I can sense bitterness of losing. It seems that its Razz first defeat and to another race at that. From his movement, I can conclude that in term of agility, a wolverine has an advantage against a human. But due to the difference in power and experience, Razz lose the duel. Next is Ginz against Jhara. Now, this is interesting because according to my earth logic, a naga must have disadvantage while battling on the surface.

When the battle proceeds, it became more intense and shocking for me. Jhara who I thought would have disadvantage on the surface showing such agile movement that if she doesn’t have a tail I would not be this surprised. Her weapon of choice is a trident, although this is the first time I saw the real trident, I couldn’t help but admire her skill. She could use it so fluently whether it’s thrust or sweeping using the trident. Then there was Ginz, who surprisingly more of a strength type, she was so powerful that every punch she launches would produce terrifying sound. In midst of battle between Jhara and Ginz, I suddenly realized that the wolverine, whether its Ginz or Razz didn’t use a weapon in the battle, they used either their claw or fist. The battle lasted for a while before Ginz decided to surrender.

“Good, you also have nice foundation and monstrous natural talent”

That was what Jhara said after the battle, although the battle was intense, it seems that the tester still holds their strength to our level. If they choose to be serious, it doesn’t even need 5 seconds for either Razz or Ginz to be defeated. The reason I said this because from seeing the technique they used, whether it's Steven or Jhara, they began from probing, then raise the level of difficulty at a time until the opponent surrender. They don’t even break a sweat while doing so.

Then the test continues, Kaelyn against Steven, the battle also last quite a while but it seems that Kaelyn’s movement wasn’t as proficient as Jhara. She seemed to have a hard time dodging Steven’s attack, while on the other hand, her attack although it’s not at the level of Jhara, it was magnificent. Her weapon of choice was a dual blade, when she attacked, she didn’t look like in battle but on the dance floor with the dual blade as her dancing equipment. The movement, although restricted, I could see the beauty in it.


Then there was Nevrel who surprisingly choose to fight with a bow. I mean, it’s not like a bow is a rare weapon or weak weapon. It’s just that we are currently indoor with restricted space of movement, yes it was advantageous for the archer because the enemy cannot hide. But the enemy can just rush towards you before you even prepared the arrow and then you will become a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered. That was the first thought when I saw him taking a bow as his weapon of choice.

But then my prediction was broken from the start of the battle, Nevrel who holds the bow never stood still. He beautifully moved while releasing arrow after arrow, even the spectator have to dodge the arrow that directed towards us once in a while. While Steven can block, or dodge the arrow, it makes him stop his movement, letting Nevrel distance himself every time Steven got close. But in the end, the difference in experience really led Steven to win the battle. After a while into the battle, Nevrel released another arrow which Steven blocked, but when Nevrel moved to another location, Steven suddenly appeared in front of him and the battle end right at that moment. It’s not that Steven teleported, just that he finally able to predict Nevrel movement and then guessed where he will move so that he could catch up to him.

Then it’s finally my turn, I am going to go against Jhara. Seeing the battle from before, I know that I don’t have the advantage of movement because of racial traits. If she could move like that even on the surface, I cannot even imagine how terrifying battling with her in water. But luckily for me, it isn’t water so she doesn’t have the advantage, but neither do I, it makes me feel nervous. I am not planning to use any weapon, not because I don’t want to but because I haven’t trained in any weapon proficiently. So, it is better to use my fist which I have used since I saved Elizabeth.

We began with a bow towards each other and then proceed to take our stance. I rushed towards Jhara, who then thrust her trident towards me as fast as a bullet. I dodged to the side but then she sweeps her trident towards my direction. Without any space to move, I could only jump into the air only to meet Jhara’s trident again because I jumped so high that it made her able to get the time to sweep her trident upwards. Luckily, I could dodge it in time by a little mark so the trident missed me.

Then I distanced myself and catch a few breaths before rushing again only to meet the same situation. But this time, I flicked her tridents, making it unstable and led me closer towards her. I throw out a punch which made her staggering a few steps backward. I who was so happy at that time because I could land a punch, dazed for a moment. But then Jhara’s trident came toward me at a faster speed, although I could dodge it, the attack didn’t stop but continue. From her face, I could see that she was pissed, but I don’t know why. Ah I screwed, I thought and then I magnificently flying from her sweep and the battle end.

When the battle end, I realized what I did wrong to her. She rubbed her enormous racks that were hit by me during the battle. What the fuck, so that was the place I hit, and I hit it with all I had. No wonder she suddenly turned serious and unleash her anger towards me. Although I wanted to apologize, I couldn’t do it because how am I supposed to say sorry for hitting a woman breast. Ah, the second day of arriving in this world, I already managed to offend a girl, a veteran at that. The future… I wonder how am I supposed to resolve this misunderstanding.

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