《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 19 - Another World City


If you want me to describe the city in one word, I can only say amazing. I mean, it looks like a capital city of my kingdom. But there is not castle or palace here that means it is not a capital city, the walls although the gate is protected but I rarely see any patrolling guard on them. So, it means it’s not a fortress either, so the conclusion is it is only a normal city yet the quality is rivaling a capital city back home.

The road is paved and clean, there is apparently drainage system which I could not found even on my kingdom capital. I mean, the moment I look at it, it easily remains me of a modern city. Well if you ask why, well because aside from carriage that represents car, there are fucking flying ships on the air. I mean come on, isn’t that the same as an airplane on Earth. This city technology is so damn advanced even more than my capital city.

At first, I didn’t notice the flying ships when I arrived here, maybe because it is dusk and I focused on the environment first. But now that I enter the city, when I look up, dozens of flying ships could be seen in the sky. My group member is also not so good either, the male wolverine even has his mouth opens showing his sharp teeth and fang. If I don’t know a wolverine and seeing this first time, I would probably think that he is a hungry beast that invaded the city. We really look like a group of country bumpkins in this city.

After a while staring at the sky, we finally came to our mind and continue our journey to the Vanguard branch in the city. Along the way, I noticed that this city is really built like a city from Earth. I mean if you look at the road, there is a pedestrian area on both side of the road, the road also wide and can easily fill 4 carriage at a time. It almost looks like a road on Earth, b the one who are using the road are carriages pulled by horses not car.

30 minutes of walk from the gate and we arrived at the business district. Here we can see many shops and street vendor are busy promoting and selling their goods. I think that this district is the heart of the city where most of the activities are concentrated so it’s probably in the center of the city. Our destination, the Vanguard branch also located in this district. When we arrive, the location is packed with bunch of people, I don’t know what they do but this place looks like administrative building back on the academy. Lines of people are waiting to do whatever their business in this building.


“Welcome to the Vanguard, how may I serve you?”

“We are immigrant, we were told to go here”

“Ah, please proceed to the second floor and ask the receptionist there”

“Okay, thank you”

We walked to the stair onto the second floor where we were greeted by a bunny girl. I mean not in bunny costume or that erotic costume but a girl with rabbit ear. Well seeing that there is a wolverine, a bunny girl isn’t that surprising anymore to me. She warmly greeted us and asked about our purpose, after we answer her question, we were then led to a room.

“Manager, the immigrants are here”

“Ah yes, thanks, you can go now”

The voice came from a beautiful middle-aged woman, she wears a formal attire for work with glasses. She then told the bunny girl to leave us and proceed to close the door. Without any words, she walked to a shelve on the side of the room and pull a book from there. A part of the wall then moved, revealing a secret door, she then gesture to follow her and we were led into the secret room.

“Okay, so welcome to the DCHQ, Jokai branch. My name is Selene, manager of this branch”

“Razz, proud warrior of Moon Embrace Clan”

“Ginz of Moon Embrace Clan, I am Razz’ little sister”

“Nevrel, Night Elves Clan”

“Kaelyn, North Sea Naga”

“Cloud, Luxen Kingdom’s Flaming Family servant”

When I said that, all people in the room turn their gaze towards me, what is it wrong that I am a servant?

“What an interesting background, a servant huh… well okay, the reason you were told to go here is because the administrative service on the whole continent is done by Vanguard and no one else. We don’t have anything like kingdom or nation here, we are one. Well although there is also a city of preferences for the races like dwarves tend to like volcano area, elves like to be around the forest, naga likes to lives near the sea and the others but we are not separated either by race or nationality.

So, you must get used to it because we are intolerant of racist person here in the DCHQ. The term DCHQ is not an organization headquarter but this continent or the world as a whole in case you couldn’t figure it out. Also, looking at your expression, you guys don’t even know each other but that’s not a problem since later on maybe you will even separate by the ranks even more. Well aside from administrative purpose, bringing you guys here also because it will be your home for the next 1 year.


So, the other world people like you guys have to work under Vanguard for at least a year before we can decide what role should you do in this world. We will pay your wages based on your specialty, and your accommodation will also be provided. For food, we only provide you with two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. If you are not satisfied then go buy your own food using your wages. Now any question before we proceed further?”

“Is it mandatory or we can choose not to do it?” Nevrel asked.

“Well, we insist that you do it or else you will be seen as a threat and we don’t like hidden danger so probably we will probably dispose you. Any other question?”

“What exactly are we doing on Vanguard?” I asked.

“Good question, next I will explain the jobs that are available here. Although I said that the Vanguard are responsible for the administrative business on the continent but we also do several other jobs for the society. We have general shop to control the market price of commodities so if you are talented in this particular subject then feel free to tell me. Next is production including alchemy, enchanting, and crafting for you guys that are interested feel free to tell me too. Lastly the administrative job, sorting mail, being courier, etc.

But seeing as the requirement to get here is to have battle potential, most of you guys are probably muscle headed people. For you guys, we have subjugation quest and miscellaneous request from the people around the city. All things I mentioned are available for you who have potential and interest in them so feel free to choose and let me know what you want. Okay, so that’s the explanation so let’s start from Razz, what is your choice”

“I am proud warrior of the Moon Embrace Clan so I will choose the subjugation line of work”

“Uhm, I am also with my brother since I don’t have any other specialties” Ginz said.

“I will also choose the subjugation line of work” Navrel said.

“Well I am interested in production line of work” said Kaelyn

“I choose the production line of work too” I said

“Interesting, okay then I have noted all your request. I want all of you to gather here the first thing in the morning to do the test. For now, I will tell one of my subordinates to bring you to your inn so let’s get out of this room”

After we left the room, the bunny girl led us to an inn named Dream. The inn is almost empty since it is in the afternoon. The people who can be seen around are customer who are here for the food or someone like us who are going to rent a room. The clerk is a man with bald head, his body is muscular like a body builder. Along with the man, is a girl who served the customer around the dining tables.

“Welcome to Dream, are you here to eat or rent a room?”

“5 room for these guys please, sent the bill to Vanguard”

“Oh, immigrants aren’t they?”

“Ah miss, make it a double room for us since we are siblings” Ginz said.

“Okay, Jack make it 3 single room with one double room with breakfast and dinner”

“Right away, please follow me”

“Okay guys, follow him and have a nice day”

I was led into the room at the end of the hallway on the second floor. As soon as the innkeeper leave, I straight went to bed because I haven’t slept since my departure from the Academy.

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