《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 21 - Goblins


“From this test, I concluded that you guys are all talented enough to be in subjugation line of work. But some of you choose to be in another line of work instead. But because Vanguard needed as many people as possible in the subjugation line of work, I made a decision to put you all in the subjugation line of work as your main job. But you can also choose another line of work during your free time. Any objection?”

“What? Then why do you ask us for our line of work preference in the first place?”

“Uhm… formalities, but anyway congratulation and welcome to Vanguard, your first mission will be in a week. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want whether it’s a tour around the city or try the other line of works. But I have to remind you, don’t ever leave the city or we will consider you a runaway fugitive. Okay, dismissed”

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One week later, in a forest just outside the city, my group along with Steven went to the forest 1-hour walk distance from the city. Our first mission is to hunt for goblins that have been attacking people on the highway to the city. The minimum requirement is to kill 10 goblins and bring the proof of subjugation which is its left ear back to Vanguard. Because this is our first mission, Steven is here to observe and guide us on what to do.

I activated my game interface which can be turned on and off whenever I wanted to. As we entered the forest, red dots appeared on my map. A group of 5 goblins is wandering around not far from our place. I signaled the team to stop and give a few gestures. Before we went for the mission, Steven taught us few basic gestures used to communicate on the mission. The information I transferred to them was that there are 5 goblins ahead, be prepared to ambush them. I also mentioned the approximate distance and direction between us.

They gave me a nod showing that they are understood to what I convey to them. After the preparation completed, which is only consist of drawing our weapon from its sheath, Steven gave us the command. Razz and Ginz are our melee fighter so they began to approach the goblin group carefully without attracting their attention. After they were close enough, I unleash an arrow followed by Nevrel’s arrow. They both hit the mark, and as the goblin still recovering from the dead of their group member, Razz and Ginz already chopped of the rest of them. Oh, and about our naga, although I know that there was only one group but Steven insist that we must stay alerted all the time so she was tasked on the rear.


“Nice team work, now slice of their ears and collect them”

Razz and Ginz directly sliced the goblins left ears and put them in a sack. This left ears will be the proof of our subjugation mission. Without it, even if we kill a village of goblin, the guild will not consider the mission finished. The rank of the mission this time is the lowest rank, F. Although a goblin has no threat level but if they are in a pack, depending on the size, the threat level could be increased to F or D rank. The threat level is how you rate the difficulties of beating a monster, although it’s mostly based on the strength but there are also different factors which can change the threat level like numbers, environment, special treat, abilities etc. It started from F, E,D,C,B, and A, according to the monster threat level, subjugation mission will be rated by a grade equals or above the monster threat level.

“We are lucky to meet a group of 5 goblins at once this time, if we manage to encounter another one then the mission will be completed”

“Then what are you waiting for, lets search for another group, shall we?”

We then proceed deeper into the forest, it is not long until the radar showed a group of red dots again. But then I saw another one in the different direction than the group. Seeing this, I convey the information again to them. By the way, they assumed that I have high-level awareness and tracking skill that I could catch the enemy presence from far away. After receiving the information of the other group, we decided to go face them one by one so that no goblin can escape.

Using the same tactic, we managed to kill both goblin groups and then collected the ears. But this time we rotate the position for each goblin groups. The one who suggested it was Steven, he said that everyone has to experience each position in order to be ready in case something wrong happened. Now that we have 15 goblins left ears, we have accomplished our objective. But Steven's face seems to be sour about it.

“What’s up to Steven, is something wrong?” Razz said

“No, you guys did a great job, but it’s strange to find these many goblins in a short-range area”


“Maybe they just wander around and coincidentally we found them in the same area” I said.

“No, goblins community, even If they have a village nearby doesn’t have the quantity to leash this many goblin groups into a short-ranged area. They usually spread out individually because they lack in numbers, and the attack on highway too is weird because they usually only hunt inside the forest and stay away from our civilization”

“Then, should we report it back to the Van- “

Without finishing the sentence, I paused the sentence because I saw dozens of red dots on my minimap. Not only a group but a lot of them, and they came toward this direction at fast speed. I hastily convey the information to my group and we took our stance. Less in a minute, we finally see a group of armed goblins circling around us. Without any pause, they suddenly rushed towards us at full speed. The battle proceed quite a while because they have significant amounts of goblins inside the group.

The weird thing is that they are attacking like a group instead of one by one. I myself were facing more than 10 goblins which attack in a group, so it’s a little bothersome but manageable. As we have learned many things from the battle before, added by our experience before coming to this world, the battle is not too hard for us. After 10 minutes of a fight, the last goblin finally slain and we catch our breath.

“This is weird, they are beginning to attack in a group as if they have a leader among them. The goblin groups we were slain first must be their scout, we better move or their reinforcement will catch up to us. Although it is easy to fight even against some groups but we are not invincible so it’s better to report this to the Vanguard first”

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About an hour later, we already reached the city and without any pause, we directly went to the Vanguard building. We split into two group, Steven went upstairs to report to the manager and we are to submit our proof of subjugation. After we submitted the goblin ears and received our reward for the mission, we head to the second floor. Steven greeted us and brought us into the manager room. We went to the secret passage again and met with the guild branch manager, Selene.

“I heard about what happened from Steven but I had to confirm it again with you guys just to make sure, so is it true that you met with three goblin groups scout and an army of armed goblins inside the forest?”

“Yes mam, we indeed met with those goblins and managed to beat them, if you are still doubting our words then check it from the clerk on the first floor, we had just submitted the 50 or so goblins ears to her”

“Okay, I will check it out later, but you guys sigh…. I know that you guys are the best in each your origin world but to think that you can beat groups of armed goblin by yourself… It seems that the one-month probation isn’t needed right, Steven?”

“Yes, I think so too but this isn’t the time to mention that. The goblins movement this time is not normal, is it possible that it already broke once more?”

“I am not sure of that but we have to take precaution in case it did. If he really managed to broke it then we cannot do anything about it, so the only action we can take now is to prepare for his future action. Geez, the nightmare of never ending war, even imagining it from hearing what happened in the past already makes me shudder in fear. I hope that the goblins accident this time is only a rare occurrence not the beginning of the nightmare”

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