《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 13 - Meeting the Headmaster


After the Battlefield, I began my day with my training regime. But today, I am going to do something different from as my Martial Arts finally reached Rank 2. At first I was shocked by what happened when I checked my stats. My Martial Arts skill became level 1 again, who would not be shocked when all his training gone in a blink of an eye like that.

But fortunately, it’s just a rank up of the skill, the so-called rank up happen when one skill reached level 100. By ranking up a skill, you are not getting any additional active and passive skills instead your existing skill will be fortified as your rank rises. For example, previously I can only use my finger thrust to seal my enemy acupoints but now as it leveled up, I can make a dent on a piece of wood.

Although it seems pretty much the same, but if you test it on another person, maybe instead of sealing the acupoints, you will permanently sever the meridians making them a cripple. Also, since I ranked up, I began to unlock another part of the martial arts memory. When I investigate upon the content, I couldn’t help but shocked once more.

In the realms of martial arts, there several steps which someone must step if you want to be a real martial artist. The one that I have been training until now is the first step which is body training. People of this stage learn how to use their body and train them until they max out their body capabilities. The next step is the beginning of cultivation, energy sensing stage.

Although I had spirit enhancement skill, but it is only an automatic skill which I don’t know the principle behind. If I were to say it in other terms it would be like when someone fired a gun, you don’t know what happen inside the gun when you pull the trigger, you only know that a bullet will be shot from the gun. So, using a skill that you gained from leveling up main skills is the same as you pull the trigger without realizing what happen behind it.

But my unlocked memory told me how to sense the energy so that I can store and circulate it on my body. Doing this will allow me to learn the principal behind the spirit enhancement skill so that I can use it more effective and efficient. Not only that, as I train, I will be able to temper my body so that it can exceed the boundary limit of a human body.

Surprisingly the technique to sense the energy is almost the same as magic training. The only difference Magic will only make you able to use the energy called mana to create a phenomenon out of your imagination. But cultivating energy will makes you be able to strengthen your body by refining each organs and parts so that it can exceed the human limit boundary.


Since I had been training mana for a whole year, then sensing energy became easy for me. With only a few minutes, I am able to sense and circulate them into this part of my body called dantian. Basically, it where the energy will be stored. When I managed to sense the energy, and circulate it, I entered the stage 1 of Energy Sensing stage.

After that, I began to circulate it throughout my body beginning on the first step of the refining, skin refining. The energy focusing on my skin, breaking down its cells to the very basic and then fortify it with energy making a new kind of cells that build up my skin. The new skin looks like a new-born baby skin, white and smooth without any crude.

Then I tested the result using a sharp rock, I tried to make a cut on my skin but to no avail. Only when I put strength on it did it managed to slice through it. Although it looks like not a big of a difference but it is only the beginning of the refinement. Later on, even a sharp sword cannot put a mark on my skin, but for now, this result already satisfies me. I refined my skin for 2 hours then went towards the Canteen as per usual to get Elizabeth’s breakfast.

As I arrived in the room, Elizabeth was still sleeping, I prepare the table and put the food I brought on it then woke her up. I helped her to prepare for the day and then had a breakfast with her. During the meal, she couldn’t stop talking about how I should break Lyon’s leg too or the official truly blind that they kicked me out and so on. I could only listen to what he said with a smile because none of it is important to me, the most important thing is my master safety and happiness first.

“Cloud, it’s almost been a year since we met, right?”

“Ah, now that I think about it, one year ago, was when my blessing ceremony held. It’s also the time when I got kicked out of the orphanage and went rogue”

“Can’t you please not talk about bad things? Isn’t remembering our meeting more important than that?”

“Ah, yes, yes, of course it’s more important hehe”

“Humph just forget it!”

Ah now I have really done it, once Elizabeth mad, it’s so hard to calm her down. But it has been a year isn’t it, a year from when I met the God and got Comprehension as my unique skill. My progress so far is beyond what a normal person can do and it’s still growing. So many memories to unlock, so many skills to learn and so many new experience waiting for me.


At noon, Elizabeth and her friends, Sophia and Catherine are having lunch together on the canteen as usual. As their servant, me, Kane, and Jake also presents there. We are talking about the Battlefield and what to do from now on when suddenly a teacher is approaching us.

“Sorry to interrupt you, but is there someone named Cloud here?”

“Yes, my name is Cloud, is there something I can help you with?”

“Can you come with me right now? The Headmaster asked you to come to his office”

“Okay, miss I will leave first, can you manage without me?”

“Just leave, I don’t care” Elizabeth who are still mad at me said.

“Then let’s go teach”

After that I was lead into the administrative building, at first I am confused since the headmaster called me why would the teacher brought me to the administrative building. But now that I think about it, I never see the headmaster office around the Academy. So maybe it is located at administrative building, so I just follow the teacher to the building.

As we entered the administrative building, there are already many people doing their business there. We walked straight to the corner of the building where a massive circle with runic symbol can be seen. This is kind of circle called magic formation, this particular magic formation was put here to serve as a lift for the people but its use is restricted for teacher only. So, if you want to use it, you must be accompanied by a teacher.

As we step on the formation, the teacher began a slight incantation and the formation then slightly glows. The next thing that I know is my vision was blinded by the light and when I opened my eyes again, the scenery has changed. It’s a long corridor with some doors on the way, the teacher then led me to one of the door and knock on it.

“Headmaster, I brought Cloud here with me”

“You may go in” said a voice from the room

“There you go Cloud, you can enter now. If there is nothing else, then I will excuse myself”

“Ah, yes” I can only nod and enter the room.

First think when I entered is a desk with a middle-aged man sitting behind it. Then I look around and it looks like a big boss office during my previous life. At least that is what the tv showed me, table with sofa, wall decorated with pictures and the room also decorated by antiques. While I am lost in thought, it seems that I forgot that this room’s owner is right in front of me.

“Ah, sorry about that, head master I presume, I am amazed by your office”

“Glad that you like it, So Cloud do you know why I called you here?”

Straight forward type huh, “I am not sure either, probably it has to do with something I did on the Battlefield, right?”

“Yes, it is regarding of the Battlefield, I watched the fight between you and Lyon Rastrom during the Battlefield and I am impressed by it”

“Ah if you are talking about what I did to Lyon I am not going to apolo- sorry?”

“Your battle technique, uses of skills, although it was an overkill but I do admire your talent. You are eleven years old this year, right? Yet you already acquire the Spirit Enhancement of Martial Arts, its impressive considering your age young man. I already investigate on your result from when you enter the academy and I was shocked by your progress young man. In less than a year you managed to level up Martial Arts skill until level 50, that’s a great accomplishment.

But that’s not what I called you here for. The reason that I summoned you this time is to offer you a chance of going with the top 10 students from the Battlefield to go to a place to learn. How is it, are you interested in this offer young man?”

“I am sorry but I have to decline that offer”

“What?! I don’t think there is a good reason for you to decline this offer”

“There is one, my master, my place is beside her so I will follow her wherever she goes, that means if she isn’t included, then I am sorry but I can only decline your offer, headmaster”

“Are you sure about this? With your talent, even a king would grant you a noble rank so why would you still insist of being a servant. You just have to say that you want to quit and probably Flaming family cannot do anything to you. What else is the problem?!”

“Isn’t it obvious? Without her, the present me would not exist so my life will be dedicated for her sake”

“You! I get it, get out!”

“Then please excuse me”

Shit I think he is mad at me for declining his offer, but I don’t think he can do anything to me. At least for now I am free to do what I want. After the headmaster summon, I went to class like usual and ate dinner together with Elizabeth. Finally at night, I went to sleep just to find myself in a nostalgic environment I was summoned about a year ago.

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