《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 12 - Aftermath


After the battle, I went to the audience seat to find Elizabeth and the others. I found them sitting on the front row while discussing about the match. Jake and Kane were the first one that notice my arrival and they nod to me. I wait until the girls finished what they have been discussing before they saw me.

“Ah Cloud, when did you arrive?” Elizabeth said.

“Here he comes, the most loyal servant on the Academy that will turn into a brutal person if someone dare to hurt his master” Sophia said.

“But miss, I will do so if you were the one that was hurt” Kane retorted

“Alright, sit down first Cloud, you must be tired after the battle” Catherine said.

“Thank you”

“But really, they disqualify you because that fucking bastard was hurt, it’s not like he became a cripple, right?” Elizabeth said

“Miss, your language” I said

“Ahem, sorry. But it’s not fair Cloud, you could have been the winner of this year Battlefield or at least enter top 5 no top 3” Elizabeth said.

“I don’t mind miss, my purpose to go this far has been achieved so it’s okay”

“Ahem, you guys, we are also here so don’t ignore our presence. But I do agree to what Elizabeth said, if you were not disqualified maybe you can be the winner of this year Battlefield” Sophia said.

“None of it matters to me, at first I am only targeting to finish around the rank of 50 but because of my promise to my lady then I am forced to go this far” I said

“Do you love her Cloud? You know that it’s hard for you guys to get into a relationship with your status, right?” Catherine said.

“Wha…what are you saying Cath, My rel-..relationship with Cloud isn’t like that” Elizabeth retorted

“But he seems to follow whatever you said, even sacrificing his future for your sake. If you were able to get first in the Battlefield, even becoming a noble of a kingdom is not impossible. But instead you let the chance go and decide to stay by her side” Catherine explained.

“The current me is the result of my lady, without her maybe I was already dead on the street either bullied by thugs or executed by a noble. Because of her I can get this safe job with a good pay, my daily needs also fulfilled moreover I can study at the Academy. She also not restricting my freedom and I can live like a normal student.

For this, how could I be selfish and only think about myself, in the first place the present me cannot exist without her help. So, my future also cannot exist without her help, then it is normal that I sacrifice something that I got from her for her sake, right? Because without her help, none of that will exist in the present nor the future”


“Brother, you are the best servant I have ever met. If only I can be like you even only 10 percent of it, then I am already satisfied” Kane said

“That’s right Cloud, I really admire your way of doing as a servant and as a friend” Jake said

“Where the hell did you find this kind of servant Elizabeth? We also want one like Cloud!” Sophia and Catherine said at the same time.

Hearing what these guys said, I can only thank the God from the bottom of my heart. They are really good people, they see me as a friend without minding my status as a servant. As for Elizabeth, she remains silent at first, her cheek reddens maybe because she is shy. But it’s not for long, she suddenly stood up and said.

“That’s natural, this lady here have a great skill of identifying people, so its normal that the one I choose will be a great person. For you guys, its 100 years too early to be able to do as this lady does muhahahaha”

There she goes again like usual, but I am glad that she able to go back to her prior self. When he got beaten by Lyon, she had been down and only thought of revenge towards him. But now since I got her revenge, she seems to go back to her usual self so I am glad. As the others, they can only remain silent and sigh because of what Elizabeth said. Luckily, they know how she is, if the other person heard what she said, they will probably be offended by what she said.

After my disqualification, the tournament continued on with the schedule. But because my disqualification and Lyon that was not able to fight again because his hands were broken by me, the rooster were only containing of 8 participants. All of them were fourth year students, because their experience on the previous Battlefield couple with the Academy lesson that they gained for 4 years they have been in the Academy, they all pretty powerful. If I were to compare it to Lyon, they can probably win against him under 10 moves.

Watching the fight, I also gained some insight from it. The first match is a lance user against a battle axe user. Although the range of a lance is better than a battle axe but in terms of variety of the attack, a battle axe has superiority. But is it not deniable that a person who use lance usually have a shield with them because once the lance is launched, it cannot be easily retracted as normal weapon.


At first, the battle axe user dominated the fight, but as he couldn’t win the fight because the lance user defensive moves, the situation changed. Although he was attacking using a variety of attacks but it cannot penetrate the defense of the lance user. Coupled with the attacks of the lance which he must evade or block, his ruins slowly approaching.

He became exhausted because of the long fight, seeing this the lance user grab the chance and went to attack. But the match not ended just like that, as a student who have been through 3 battlefields during his years in the Academy, the battle axe user not easily gave up. He kept dodging the attack and find a chance to attack. But alas due to his extreme exhaustion, he finally caught by the lance user attack and the battle finally ends.

Cheers began to raise from the audience, after the match, they shake hand with each other and bow towards the audience graciously. As expected from a noble, I am sure that the battle axe user dissatisfied with the result but he could maintain his image in public. Although he lose but I felt no bad intent from him, so I guess he accepted his defeat.

Battle after battle passed by after that, and then the top 3 was chosen among the 8 remaining participant. The first contestant who managed to enter the top 3 was the lance user, his name is Garret Humphrey. He is from a knight family from Borg. The next one was a rapier user, surprisingly she is a woman named Laura Farren from the same kingdom as me and Elizabeth, Luxen. The final contestant was a magic user named Lucian Rowell.

First top 3 battle is Laura against Garret, the fight progressed like how it went when Garret fights with the battle axe user. Garret took the defensive position from the start while Laura keep attacking Garret while also evading his lance. Although the defensive position of Garret was solid but Laura’s attack was fierce so the fight became thrilling.

After several minutes passed, sweat could be seen on both Laura and Garret. Although he is taking defensive position but because Laura fast paced attacks, Garret was forced to use his heavy shield over and over again. That coupled with heavy lance makes his stamina drained faster than Laura. In the end, Laura attacks managed to get pass his defense and injured him.

Because of the injury, Garret movement became slower and Laura used this chance to attack the other parts of Garret bodies. Feeling that he had no chance to win, finally Garret forced to surrender the fight against Laura. Cheers once more broke up from the audience side as the final result of the fight. After that the tournament was put on hold for 15 minutes and Garret were brought to the healers.

The next fight is between Garret and Lucian, because he received healing magic from the healers, Garret body came back to his prime once again. But the fight truly became a one-sided fight, because Lucian keep barraging Garret with fire magic from the beginning until the end of the fight. Because Garret not used to move during a fight, he became a sitting duck roasted by Lucian magic.

Because the fight took no longer than 3 minutes, and Lucian also not wasting too much mana from the fight, the tournament grand final finally proceed. Seeing how the battle against Garret went, Laura took the initiative to attack Lucian as soon as the fight starts. Although Lucian can use magic but the incantation would be too long against a speed type fighter like Laura.

Surprisingly, Lucian not cast offensive magic this time but supportive magic, Accel. With this, he moved at a high speed matching Laura. Because of that, it became a tag game where Laura tried to stop Lucian from casting magic while Lucian tried to evade Laura’s attack while he kept chanting offensive spells over and over again. But in the end, after Lucian’s Accel buffs end, Laura managed to caught up with Lucian and end the fight.

With the final battle finally comes to an end, the Battlefield of this year was finally over. The winner were granted bountiful reward by the Academy. As for Lyon, he finished at rank 9th while I was on the 100th rank because of the disqualification. The first year student who managed to enter the top 100 got a special privilege of entering the Student Council which consist of geniuses from the Academy. Although I am in the last position but it still within top 100 so I also given the privilege to enter the Student Council.

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