《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 11 - Final Round (END)


In the participant area, a bunch of guys suddenly head towards my direction. The one who lead them was a young man with a tall stature. Long hair which was ponytailed makes him looks so manly. He looks like older than me so did the others that follow him. As he stopped in front of me, he said

“Are you the one named Cloud?”


“I am Lyon Rastrom, I will get to the point. I am here because you beat up Grant and Theo”

“I did beat up Grant but who is this Theo?”

“Do you remember a senior who challenge you into a duel?”

“Ah that madman who charge like a bull?”

“Stop insulting my subordinate, listen kid, I came here to warn you not to touch my people or you-“

“Heh, so that kind of guys are your subordinate, I wonder how hot-headed the leader is. The first one is like a bull, charging towards the enemy without thinking. The second one also like a madman swinging his weapon over and over without paying attention to the burden that he put on his body. Then I wonder how will you fight in the Arena, like madman too?”

“How dare you to speak like that in front of Duke Rastrom son, you are only a fucking servant!”

“Oh, another hot headed person, so it is true that your group are bunch of hot-headed madman”

“Enough kid, I won’t tolerate any more insult coming from your mouth. Since you are my junior then I came here by a good will to warn you the situation you are in. But it seems that you won’t get it unless you are beaten to a pulp. I hope you survive until the moment when we met on the Arena kid. But let me warn you, when that day happen, I will show no mercy, Let’s go!”

After Lyon and his gang leaves, the other participant who watch as the event goes start to gossip around what happen between me and Lyon. Of course I paid no attention to their talks and focus on the Battlefield. Then people started to realize that Lyon and me is like fire and water. From that on, whenever I met someone who have close relationship with Lyon, I beat them up, shaming them in front of the audience.

For the other participant that have no relationship with Lyon, I only send them outside of the Arena with a kick towards their chest. After several battles, people who have relationship with Lyon started to get warry of me. Usually the would surrender even before the fight happen saving them some face of not getting beaten up on the Arena.

After several battle, Jake was unlucky to met several seniors on his fight, because of that he piled up some loses that he finished at rank 66. Kane and the others were lucky enough to face easier opponent but because it is only their first year, their momentum finally stopped and they finished between rank 40-50. But this result is already good since they are only first year, this means that they will certainly be top figures on the upcoming battlefields next year.


The most surprising result came from the girl who were entering the top 100 with us. Sena managed to beat 3rd even 4th year students on her own. But unfortunately her momentum stopped because she met Lyon. Because what happen between me and him, she got dragged in the problem and got beaten up severely by Lyon.

Although I don’t know her well, but she was beaten up because of me so I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. I swear that I will at least break a bone or two from that motherfucker Lyon. Although I faced so many of Lyon subordinate but I didn’t face him on the top 100 battle so we both got into the top 10 of the Battlefield.

“Oh, impressive kid, you are really waiting for me to beat you up right?”

“Heh, leader of madmans are getting too cocky because his wins against juniors, what a brag”

“You!! Just you wait until the moment we met, because that’s the moment where I will beat you up to a pulp”

“Oh, so scary, as expected from the leaders of madmans”


After that he left to the other area, but surprisingly the next moment, my name and Lyon was called to fight in the Arena. Finally, after waiting for so long, this time has finally come. Lyon Rastrom, we did not know each other prior to Elizabeth’s battle against you but you dare to hurt her. So be prepared for I, Cloud, Elizabeth Flaming’s servant will come to get revenge for my master.

I went up to the Arena where Lyon already waits for me there. He is wearing a full armor with a long sword seathed on his waist. The so called longsword is a double edged two-handed sword which is not too heavy to wields. It can slash, thrust and do everything a sword can do but the advantage is the range of attack, because of its size, long sword has a wide range of attacks. The cons of the longsword is that it must be held by two hands to stabilize it so the user can’t use a shield to protect themselves.

“Top 10 match of the Battlefield, first match will be the first year students, Cloud against third year student, Lyon Rastrom. Are you guys ready? Fight!”

For this match, I plan on using all my power to show him the gap between our strength. So I went up without wearing any armor nor weapons. I only use the standard student uniform from the Academy and that’s it. Since my best skill is in Martial Arts, then I will let him have a taste of it.

“[Steel Body] [Spirit Enhancement]”

Steel body is a skill that I learnt when my Martial Arts reached the level of 30. It reinforced my body defense so that it as though as steel. Because of that normal weapons won’t be able to hurt me. Coupled with Spirit Enhancement which multiply all of the aspect of my body, then for Lyon to win this fight is impossible.

Lyon who saw me stand in position began to smirks as he draws his long sword and then rushed on my direction. He swings his sword towards me but I evade it easily making his body staggers forward. I’m not planning on attacking him yet since I want him to taste what a humiliation is really like. But as expected from a person who can enter the top 10 of Battlefields, he quickly regain his body balance and then swipe the weapon toward me.


The objective of this attack is to slash me and because of the range of the attack was wide, majority of people is not capable of evading it. But it is different for me, I jump to the air to evade his strike. He seems to be shocked that his surprise attack missed the target. With a loud shout, he tried to attack me again, this time I didn’t evade it, I caught the blade with my hand before it hits me.

“Got you kiddo”

“Oh, is that so?”

He who thought that I fail to evade it and barely managed to caught the blade start to put pressure on the blade while I easily defends against it. After a couple second putting the pressure on his sword, he seems to realize that it won’t budge even an inch. But then he keeps putting pressure to the sword to the point where normal people would be split in half if they were in my position.

“Oh, did you do something Madman Leader?”

“Shut up you asshole, I will split your body in half”

“Too cocky until the end huh, as expected from the madman leader. I think this is enough, let me teach you what despair means”

I put a little strength on the sword and it broke into two. Seeing this Lyon was dazed and before he managed to came to his right mind, I use Finger Thrust towards several of his accupoints rendering him unable to speak. Now, lets begin shall we?

I punch his nose and slap him a few times. He tried to evade my attacks but to no avail. Then I punch his face more and more until his face is covered with blue marks. Not only that, I proceed to bend his right hand towards his back making him wanted to scream, but it didn’t come out. Maybe the audience would think that he bear the pain and hold his scream like a man, but I can only sneer when his hand broke.

“These hands were used to hurt my master, since it has done a great sin, I will punish them”

I took the other hand and break it too, because he cannot let his voice out, he started to cry and kneel to the ground. His hands are magnificently dangling on his side, seeing this, I hold his face and stared at his eyes directly.

“It’s hurt isn’t it? Then you can always surrender anytime you want”

Because he still couldn’t speak, he obviously couldn’t surrender either. Now what to do with this retard, since the battle still going on, I can’t possibly say he lost to the judge can’t I? Well let’s go back to the previous way of forcing the battle to end. I raise my hand and slap his cheeks so hard that he falls to the ground. Maybe because his agony and shame, he finally fainted and then the battle ends.

The venue came to a long silence once more, they thought that Lyon is a tough warrior that he can bear the pain of having his arms broken. Yet he suddenly lie on the ground, fainted upon receiving the thunder loud slap from Cloud. The people then remembered an occasion where the audience was silence like this, right it was the time when Cloud defeated Grant.

“Student, you… you… have done it again. *Cough, the winner of this match is first year student Cloud”

After the announcement, the crowds finally came back to their mind. Just like that, the battle ends? This is the top 10 not the top 100 and he can win just like that? How mighty is this student actually is, to win with a slap not only on the top 100 but also on the top 10 fight? Will we see the same thing again until he became the champion? Question like this started to appear on the audience mind, but for Lyon’s acquaintance, they worried about another matter.

“Isn’t that student too vicious? He even broke his opponents arms and then raise a big slap upon his face, he should be disqualified right. I mean for a student, he is too ruthless”

“Yeah, I agree with his opinion, Cloud should be disqualified from the Battlefield. Not only he broke his arms, he is not letting the opponent to surrender. Moreover he has done such a thing twice”

“Right, disqualify him!”


Finally a senior figure of the academy spoke up and they can only shut their mouth while waiting for the decision. The teachers seems to discuss this problem after the fight against Grant on the top 100 round, but because Cloud didn’t repeat the same thing, they just let it go. But today, the same thing happens again. Not only that but Lyon’s hand were broken and from what the doctor told them, it at least need 3 months before he can move his hands again and another 3 month for the total recovery.

“The Academy hereby announce that Cloud will be disqualified and his achievement until now will be annulled. Also regarding the rule of the Battlefield, we will review it once more and make a judgment wheter we should change it or not”

With the final decision of the Academy, the crowds began to discuss about what happen again. But that’s all have nothing to do with me, my purpose was fulfilled and I don’t plan to enter the top ranks of the academy either so it’s not a problem for me. Aside from that, I finally have the confidence of my strength, although I never fought with another person from the top 10 list, but at least me beating Lyon so easily means that I won’t even have a problem if I were to fight again those guys, beside I haven’t use Berserk yet.

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