《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 10 - Final Round (2)


Today as I wake up, I straight went to the field and do my morning regime. After that I went to have breakfast while Elizabeth kept nagging at me that I must beat Lyon. I kept reassuring her that I would do so but she just won’t stop to remind me again and again.

As I arrived at the Arena, the principal as per usual is standing on the podium reading his speech. But really isn’t it enough already, I mean it’s not necessary to read his speech everyday right? I went to the contestant area after the speech and met Jake, Sophia, Catherine and Kane there.

“Cloud, yesterday I managed to find Lyon’s list of subordinate, friends and people who are close to him. Surprisingly, half of the contestant were in close relationship with him so I suggest you keep your defense up okay?”

“Un, thanks for the warning, I will not let my guard down until I beat the one who hurt my master”

“Ah, here is the list of the people you need to pay attention if you met them in the Arena. The people which written in red ink in this list are the one who got to the top 50 last year, so they were strong and probably stronger this year”

“You even go this far to collect information for me, you really are a good friend aren’t you, Jake?”

“What are you talking about Cloud, the one that’s hurt was my master friend, and also my best friends master so its normal that I have to go this far to teach them a lesson not to mess with my friends or their acquaintances”

“Well, let’s get ready, it’s about to start, the final round of Battlefield”

“Jake you are up” said Kane.

“Good luck to you guys”

After that he left for his match. A while later, my name was called and I went to the Arena. My opponent was using a morning star and a shield. He is also wearing full body armor looking like a proper warrior ready for battle.

“Match 5, first year student Cloud against third year student Grant. Are you guys ready? Begin!”

I’m not sure if this is a coincidence or not but my opponent was on the list Jake mentioned, and it’s a red name too. When the match began, he straightly taking defensive position while swinging his morning star ready to strike whenever I enter his attack range.


Morning star is a short ranged weapon in shape of a spiked ball that chained to a handle. The problem is you have to swing it for it to deal serious damage to your opponent. So the attack speed is not so good, usually the user of this kind of weapon either very agile or like Grant, very defensive. Now how do I settle this problem.

I start by walking casually towards his direction while maintaining my awareness. Then as I entered his range of attack, he directly swings his weapon at me. I evaded his attack and rushed towards his direction but then he retracted his weapon as fast as possible and then swings it again at me. Seeing this, I was surprised at first but then I came back to my right mind and evade it again.

“Oh, you managed to evade it again”

“To use something heavy like that recklessly, I really appreciate your talent”

“Well that is obvious since-“

“It was like a fucking barbarian with no brain”

“What did you say?! I dare you to say that again you fucking child!”

“No brain, looks like a pig, reckless, what a combination”

“Let see if you can talk like that again when I smash you to a pulp, Gaaah!”

After my provocation, he swings his weapon over and over again like a madman. I was surprised once again by his stamina and durability, attacking like that moreover its already 5 minutes and he can still swing it again and again. Did no one told him that it will put too much burden towards his wrist?

“Gasp…Gasp…Gasp… Stop evading you fucking monkey!”

He swings it again towards my direction but this time, he didn’t retract it like he would usually do. No, rather than saying he didn’t retract it, the truth is he couldn’t retract it. Since he is attacking like a madman for a long time, the burden he put on his wrist was keep piling up until his wrist couldn’t withstand it anymore.

The result is, he couldn’t even move his hand for a while. This is my chance, since he was still shocked that his arms couldn’t move, I rushed at him and slap his face. He then awoken by my slap and tried to raise his shield to defend himself for the time being. But how can I allow him to do such a thing. I directly kicked his body making him drop to the ground.


Then I proceed to hold him on the ground using my body and slap him over and over again. Since Lyon hurt Elizabeth, an acquaintance of mine, I will make sure his acquaintance will get the same treatment as what he did to her. Now let’s begin the show shall we.

“I- ”*Slap* “Sur-“ *Slap* “Sto-“ *Slap* “I’m so-“ *slap*

More and more slap happening, the audience turned silence while watching Grant under me trying to surrender but he couldn’t because I always slap him when he tried to do so. The teacher watching this also seems to be shocked as well. The rules said unless you surrender, faint, or death, the match will still continue.

But no one seems to be realized how terrifying this rules can be until today. The teacher wants to stop the match but the rules states that the match isn’t officially over yet. He couldn’t just get in and interfere the fight as it will raise the objection from me saying that he is not fair because I didn’t break any rules. Finally, without anyone helping him, Grant could only takes the hit until he faint.

“The… the…. The winner of this match is… is the first year student, Cloud”

Hearing this, the audience that was silent until now finally came back to their mind. But they could only smile weirdly since they are trying to process what was happened before. It supposed to be a fight between apprentice warrior, they expect both party to show their skill from what they learnt at the Academy.

But what they saw was a student swinging his weapon madly and was exhausted until he couldn’t lift his weapon nor shield. Then he was hold by his weapon and slapped again and again without being able to surrender. Then finally he faints in agony and pain, seeing this all of the audience began to discuss about what happened.

“What did I just see? Was that a fight between student of the Academy? But it looks like 2 kid fighting with each other without any skill, tactic or strategy. Moreover, that fatty swing his weapon again and again without thinking what will happen to his body after he was provoked by the other kid. Geez”

“That boy is so ruthless to his opponent, that fat kid must be ashamed to death right now”

“He should be, who the fuck swings a weapon recklessly like that. What the other kid said was right, he looks like a fucking no brain barbarian”

“But isn’t Cloud gone too far with the fight? He can just end it with when Grant couldn’t lift his weapon anymore but he..”

“I guess there must be some kind of grudge between them for he to go that far to humiliate him”

“Yeah I think so too”

Discussion like this could be heard on the audience seats, but none of that affects me. This is just beginning, let see if those bastards friends dare to go against me on stage. If they dare to do so, I will just beat them again and again like Grant. I who just finished the fight directly went to the participant area.

“Cloud, that was amazing, never would I thought that doing that kind of thing on the Arena is allowed”

“Then pay more attention to the rules Jake, how was your match?”

“It’s as easy like taking a candy from a baby. After sparring with you all this year, these match are kinda like fighting with a five old childs”

“Don’t let your guard down, Grant have decent skill to begin with but he doesn’t have the brain to match it so he lost to me. But if he at least thinks more calmly about the situation and not swinging his weapon like a madman, it will be harder for me to win”

“Harder right, not impossible, I don’t think any kid here will be your opponent Cloud. But I will keep your advice in mind”

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