《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 14 - Gift


“Hello Cloud, how is your life?”

“God? Well thanks to your gift, I met a great person that changed my life. So I am happy with my life”

“Then that’s good, I call you here because my gift that I promised to you back then is ready”

“What gift? Isn’t Comprehension is the gift you gave me?”

“No, the comprehension skill came with your evolved soul, it makes you able to grow faster compared to a normal person. But my gift had yet been received by you Cloud because I have only finished it just now”

Hearing the explanation, I am truly shocked. The cheat skill that I thought I received from the God is from my evolved Soul? Then what else do you want to give me? Another cheat? Well, whatever it is since it came from the God itself then I am sure that it’s good for me.

“Thank you for the thoughts Cloud, now receive my final gift to you, I hope that you can use it to your interest”

With that said, my vision went dark and as I open my eyes to look in the surrounding area, I am still on my bed in the dormitory. To my surprise, I see the gift that God gave me right away, Isn’t this… Game Interface? There is minimap, health bar, mana bar, experience bar, clock, log message, and a row of icons on the bottom of my field of vision. I read the log and find this notice

[Initializing System]

[Registering Player]

[Player Cloud has successfully logged into the System]

[Welcome to the System, Cloud, have a nice day]

What the hell is this, isn’t this a game interface, how can it suddenly appear in my field of vision, isn’t this too weird? Then, what would I do with this interface, there is not even a manual or a tutorial on the System, how am I supposed to use it. When I thought about it, then suddenly an icon is blinking from the row of icons on the bottom of my field of vision. I tried to touch it and then another screen popped out in front of me nearly startling me to death.

The screen that popped out is like an in-game help or faq screen where the basic of the game is explained. From what I learn, I can hide and access everything on the interface on my mind or I just can touch it like how one use a touchscreen gadget. The icon on the bottom of my vision is consist of inventory, status, party, chat, and the help screen.


First inventory, let me access inventory, duh. Then status, let me see my status without appraisal, previously if I want to see my status I would have to use the appraisal skill and the status screen would show up, but now it became easier with the icon. The next one is party, according to the help screen explanation, I can create a party with non-player that will let us distribute exp and show each other status so this is really useful. The last one chats, it’s kind of a way to communicate within a party.

This kind of features, if I don’t test it then I cannot calm my heart. So, let’s test it right away, at least that’s what I think but unfortunately, it’s still dark outside and Elizabeth is still sleeping. Without anything to do, I can only train outside until morning. My skin refinement this time is more bountiful than the last time as a few impurities finally scrapped out of my skins. It’s kinda like taking off your old clothes and then wearing a new branded one. I feel very comfortable and my confidence raised to next level. When the sun finally come out, I ran towards the canteen after washing myself because I was stink like hell. First, let see how the inventory works, after getting the food I went outside and when no one was around I put the food into my inventory.

[Academy Breakfast Set x2 stored]

Oh, the notification finally shows up on the log screen, now let see the inventory. It was there, I can see the Academy Breakfast Set on the top of the list in the inventory. Then I tried to take it out and in several times until I satisfied, but then I feel a chill on my spine. Oh crap, I am too focused on this thing, Elizabeth must be up now and I am nowhere near her so she must be mad right now. This feeling of mine, I wonder when I got it but then something amazing were written on the log.

[Elizabeth’s rage feeling is transferred to player Cloud]

What the hell is this log, I mean isn’t it too precise, can it read someone thought as well? I wish it could do because sometimes I messed up about guessing what Elizabeth got in mind. But that’s for later, I ran as fast as possible into Elizabeth room, where she stood there crossing her arms with an ugly expression on her face.


“Oh, you are finally here, close the door please”

“Yes miss” I answered and then close the door, but before I can turn again, she already throws a tantrum towards me.

“Good, where the hell did you go at night?! Did you find a girlfriend and plan to abandon me?!”

“No miss, I would have neve-“

“You would never what? You left me alone in my room all night, what if a thief broke in or even worse an assassin? Would you be able to defend me then? Answer me!”


“Good, now tell me what you did last night”

“I was training on the training ground”

“Like I would believe at that excuse, you must be meeting someone right?”

“No miss, I got a gift from God last night, so I cannot rest and wait to test it out”

“Like hell would God gave you a birthday present, make a more logical excuse, what the hell is this?”

Without waiting any longer, I stopped her by inviting her to my party. I can see that a screen was popped out the second I invited her to my party. Seeing this, Elizabeth must be really shocked and confused be. She went silent for a while and I stay silent too because if I were to talk now, she probably would throw a tantrum at me again for not listening to her.

“What is this, Cloud Party? And why are you keep silent Cloud?”

“Because I don’t want to interrupt you, miss”

“Okay, I permit you to explain this thing on my vision”

“It is an invitation to my group, with this even when I am away, you can still contact me”

“Really? Then I accept”

[Elizabeth Flaming has joined your party]

“Eh, what is this, HP, MP, EXP, level, isn’t this your stats Cloud?”

“Yeah miss, and I can see yours too. This thing let us know what the other status is and we can also communicate with each other using the party chat or individual chat”

“Okay, let's try it”

After that, she went silent and tap on the private chat option. A link was made and then Elizabeth sent her message towards me. It seems that this time she tried to use the typing message one so I read it using the log.

[Elizabeth: Cloud can you see this?]

[Cloud: Yes miss, I can see your message. You can also communicate with voice directly instead using message]

“Ah ah, Cloud can my thought be heard by you?”

“Yes miss, as long as you open this channel, we can talk to each other even if we are apart”

“Then that’s great”

After that, Elizabeth says that she want to test if it really works as long as she wants so we talked about various things while eating the food I took out from my inventory. If other person entered the room at this moment, they would be confused because I and Elizabeth were staring at each other for a long time without talking. Also, our expression changed from time to time while we are eating our food. The conclusion of our conversation is Elizabeth is satisfied with the party and then thus I was forgiven. Then the problem is, is it really okay for me to get all of this advantage?

Okay, let’s calm down a bit and think about what really happen here…. Did I just receive another cheat? What the fuck, this is so crazy, with my comprehension, I can already be called a cheat, and now with the System then what else there to describe my situation. I mean, a person need at least 10 years to rank up a skill but I only need a fuckin year to do it. Now with the system added, It became more unreasonable, unlimited inventory, party system including experience sharing and chat, log, and lastly mini map for my mind map skill. I mean with this kind of advantages, isn’t being Godlike is just a matter of time?

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