《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 9 - Final Round (1)


“So, have you got the information about that person Jake?”

“Un, according to our family intelligent, Lyon Rastrom is the son of a Duke of Sarazark Kingdom. He is a sword user and managed to enter the top 100 from the first year of his study at the Academy. Apparently during the match, he played and mock Elizabeth during the fight. Although his skills are higher than Elizabeth by a lot but he didn’t end it fast, instead he seems to drag out the match.

He mocked and taunted her until she madly rushed at him. After lady Elizabeth exhausted her stamina, he began his attack. Because her stubbornness lady Elizabeth didn’t surrender until the end but it makes him strike her more and more.

Hearing this, I was so mad and report it to miss Catherine and Sophia, Kane also there when I reported so they knew about it too. They were so mad that they almost rushed towards his place but I somehow managed to stop them because I know he is not our match. So after that I began to ask around to find the reason why he did that to Elizabeth. What shocked me that the reason he did that is because of you Cloud”

“Me? I don’t even know him; how did he have a grudge to me?”

“Remember the senior you beat up on the training ground at the start of our first year?”

“Yeah, what of it?”

“He is Lyon subordinate after he told him how you defeated him. Because of the rumor of that senior defeat, Lyon began to be mocked among his peer. But of course, being the strongest among the third year students, no one would straightly mock Lyon in front of him. So everyone just talk behind his back, but Lyon somehow got this information and I heard that the senior you beat was sent back to Sarazark

It seems that he played with the match is kind of revenge of what you did to his subordinate. I think he wanted to say don’t mess with him or he will come to get them. Unfortunately, lady Elizabeth met this person first before you, after he heard that you are her servant, he did that to her. I think he would do the same if he met you first”

“Dammit, so she was hurt because of me?! This Lyon or whoever is it seems to be cocky, he overestimated himself to much! Where is his room, I will show him what is the consequences of messing with my master!”

“Calm down Cloud! Do you want to get yourself dropped out of the academy?”

“If that will make for what he did to her I will do that!”

“But then who will protect her if something like this happen again?! Moreover, are you sure that she will agree if you did something like that?”


“Sigh… sorry for losing my self, I’m blinded by rage. I’ll go first. Thank you once more Jake”

“No problem Cloud, if you need my help again just say it”

God dammit why did this kind of thing happen to her, it’s my fault so why direct it towards her. No this is not the time to think about it, I must apologize to her. I tried to cool my head first before entering our dorm.

“Oh, you are back Cloud”

“Yes, I am back my lady”

“Cloud! What happen, why are you suddenly kneeling on the floor like this”

“Miss I am really sorry, you are humiliated because of me. I don’t know what to do miss, you and your family are so good towards me but I made this kind of thing happen to you. I deserve to be punished miss, I am really sorry”

“What are you talking about, Cloud?! Explain it to me first don’t kneel in front of me all of sudden without a reason”

After that I explained what Jake told me to her. She seems to be surprised that she got bullied because of me. After the stories end, she became silent for a moment. She approached me, and bend her knees to me who was still kneeling on the ground.

“My…my lady you don’t have to bend your knees, just tell me my punish- “

“It’s not your fault, Cloud. I know that you must feel guilty because of this. But I am not gonna blame you, ever. I know you better than anyone else, you would never do something that harm me. So stop blaming yourself Cloud, standup”

“But I, as your servant, endangered your safety my lady and it’s a heavy crime for me”

“Okay, I punish you to get revenge for me, if you can’t do it then… ill punish you even more. Punish him even more than what he did to me, in the Arena. I know you would rush to him as soon as you heard that I want you to punish him but I don’t want to lose my servant in the Academy. I still have four years and I only got 1 servant, you. So don’t ever get dropped out before me, understand?”

“But, that is not punishment, it is my duty to get revenge on him because in the first place I am the reason why he harmed you. Please reconsider my lady”

“Stop it Cloud, just do as I say, this is an order”

“Yes, as you command”

I need to be serious from now on, I plan to finish at around rank 100 on the Battlefield but because of this I cannot lose before I punish that guy. I have limited resource in terms of equipment so I need something else to coup with him. Fortunately, I have been training my martial arts all this time.


Because of that my Martial Arts reached level 70 a month ago. As the level goes up, I can feel that even with my comprehension, it’s getting harder to level a skill. At level 50, Martial arts skills gave me an active skill called Spirit Enhancement with this I can fortify my body with internal energy thus raising my fighting capabilities.

It also came with a passive called Sense Presence which can detect the presence of living things nearby. I tested this skill and was shocked because the radius of area of the detection is 100 meters around me. It means that no ambush will ever succeed against me unless they teleported right behind me.

Then at level 70 it gave me a toggled active skills called rampage, it multiplies my fighting capabilities in sacrifice of losing stamina and health every second. I tried to test this skill too and my limit when I use this skill a month ago is 30 seconds. The after effect of using this skill, I will feel sore all over my body because the strain to my muscle when using this skill is really harsh.

Then the last passive ability called Kinetic View, with this I can see the movement of my enemy in slow motion during a fight. It makes me able to analyze and predict every enemy attacks and thus blocking or evading it. With these skills I can rest assured of my victory against my enemies.

“Arena number 3 256 vs 311, Ready? Fight!”

As soon as the teacher said the last word, I dashed towards my opponent. He seems to be surprised because of that but quickly came to his mind. He readied his spear, taking a defensive stance, when I was in his range of attack, he swiftly swiped his spear towards my direction.

My response is to jump forward and kick him on the chest. Because he used a spear, it takes too long to retract it when it already swiped forward like that. Thus he became a sitting duck and that’s where my flying kick came into play. Like my previous opponents, he straightly goes out of the Arena because of my attack.

“Wow, he beat third year senior and in one hit like his other matches”

“I guess this year Battlefield will be more interesting because of him”

“It’s because the opponent is too weak, later when he goes up against those students from the top 100 ranks, let see if he still capable of doing that”

“Top 100? You are overestimating that newbie, he is only a servant. Oh, I heard that his master was hurt yesterday by Lyon from third year. I cannot wait to see what will happen when they met”

“Seriously? Lyon hurt a girl, dude that’s low”

“Sssshhh don’t say it out loud, if Lyon heard what you said, then you are over dude”

The crowds seem to talking about me after my win in last fight. But really top 100 huh? they estimated that it will be harder for me when it reached the top 100 ranks, but is that really so? From what I heard that Lyon is among the top 50 of the ranker last year so maybe I can test myself against someone in the top 50 before I fight with him.

“With this, the Elimination stage of the Battlefield for this year has finally ended. I congratulate the one who managed to survive this far. For those who were eliminated, there will always be next year. Well unless you are in the fourth year.

The name list of students who managed to enter the next round will be displayed outside the training ground so make sure to check it out. The next round, the final rank which will decide your rank in the tournament will be held tomorrow so rest well for today and I hope to see a good fight tomorrow”

After that, I fight another 2 fights before the Battlefields finally entered the top 100 ranks battle stage. Students who were qualified to enter the top 100 ranks were displayed on a board outside the training ground. Most of the list still dominated by 4th years students and then 3th year students.

But then something that makes everyone shocked happen this year. There are 6 students among the first year who managed to enter the top 100 ranks. Normally you would think that people make such a big fuzz on such a small number of people.

But normally only 1 or 2 genius that can enter the top 100 ranks during their first year. And these guys tend to soar high year after year, for example Lyon. Although he is my enemy, there is no doubt that he Is a genius, entering the top 100 ranks in his first year alone.

Among the 6 first year student who are qualified to join the next round are me, Catherine, Sophia, Jake, Kane and a person from my class. If I’m not wrong her name is Sena from Borg Kingdom. I heard that she brought two swords during the fight but never drew more than one sword during the fight. I guess no one is capable of forcing her to draw her second sword during the elimination round.

After the announcement, I went straight to the Academy Canteen and eat with the gangs as usual and then went to sleep. I wonder how will the top 100 ranks students will perform. It is also a stage where I can test my limit and how powerful I am right now. Then there is also Lyon, just you wait for I will crush you on the Battlefield!

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