《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 8 - Lyon Rastrom


As soon as the teacher said that, I pull out an arrow from my quiver, load it onto the bow and take aim. My enemy also didn’t stand still like a fool, he probably thinks that I am an archer since I don’t have anything except a bow and arrows.

He drew his sword and rushed towards me, seeing this I unleash the arrow but he managed to evade it. Oh, it seems that my enemy has some skills, to be able to evade an arrow at that condition, but its not time to relax. In a second, I already in his range of attack, so he swings his sword while he scream

“Thanks for the easy win kid!”

Unfortunately for him, I easily dodged the sword and with a few back flip, I already out of his attack range. Seeing this, he seems to be shocked and look at the place where I was. I took out another arrow, and load it to my bow again, this time it will not miss.

Because he was still shocked that his attack missed, he didn’t see at the incoming arrow. Careless, although you are skilled but anything can happen in battle so don’t ever blank out of your mind even a 0.1 second. Swish! Tak! The arrow hit his armor and he magnificently flew out of the Arena.

“Winner 256!”

No cheer? Well there are so many battle like this in the other arena so the attention of the crowd is not only focusing on my Arena at this moment. Since the contest is just among student, the arrow I was using was not sharp, instead I was using a wide-surfaced arrow head to add knockback effect when it hits.

After a while, the students who flew out at the arena woke up and went to the teacher. He seems to be not satisfied with the result and debating with the teacher. But, his action is futile because he lost out of his own carelessness.

Now, let see the other arena shall we?

“Arena one 512 vs 598, Ready? Fight!”

Oh, that’s Elizabeth’s number, her opponent is a man using a sword, his body also protected by layers of equipment. Elizabeth’s rapier flew towards the man, and he seems to be overwhelmed by her swordsmanship.

I know how it feels when you face Elizabeth. Since joining the academy until now, aside from school we also keep training our ability by sparring with each other. I also use teaching during our private lesson so her growth is extraordinary.

Since I was allowed to test each class, I many of my soul memory got awoken. Swordsmanship is one of them, it’s just that my soul memory contains too many ways of using sword. I have memory of the way to train and use Broadsword, long sword, rapier, katana, etc. basically all type of sword.


So, I also taught that to Elizabeth, not only how to use it but how to counter when you meet a user of one. Ah, it seems it already over, Elizabeth keeps attacking her opponent in a weird angle that hard to defend. After a few bouts with each other, he ran out of stamina and gave up.

They both bow to each other and walk out of the Arena. As she walked out of the Arena, she seems to see me and then ran into my direction.

“Did you see that Cloud? This ladies power is so great that he gave up”

“You were too harsh to him miss, with your skill it isn’t hard to make him surrender within 10 moves. But you overwhelmed your opponent until he ran out of stamina to be satisfied, if the others know your real skill they will say you are ruthless”

“Isn’t it more fun this way? Also, he could learn from his mistakes during the battle this way”

“Sigh… okay, everything that you do is always correct. Forgive this lowly servant for not knowing your true reason of doing it”

“Humph, it’s good that you acknowledge it. You better learn more from this lady”

“Anyway, the reason I got here because I want to invite miss to see the others fight, do you want to watch their match miss?”

“Sure, let’s go”

On the other side of the Arena, I met Sophia Scarlet who was watching Kane who was on the Arena number 4. Her fight seems to end earlier than Kane. Looking at her attire, I guess she won because not even a scratch could be seen on her.

Kane moves blocked his opponent sword with his shield and then pushed him. As the opponent was out of the balance because the shield bash, Kane swing his swords toward his opponent neck stopping right before it went in.

“Winner 138”

They bow towards each other and left the Arena. Kane who saw us proceed to walk to our direction.

“Nice work Kane”

“Thank you miss, your fight ended earlier than me, how was it?” Sophia said.

“No problem, I win easily”

“As expected from my lady. Ah you are here too Cloud, miss Elizabeth”

“Well done bro, have you seen Jake and miss Catherine?” I said

“Nope, miss Catherine fight should be on arena 7, wanna go see together?”

“Okay, let’s go”

When we arrived on the Arena, we were already too late as the people on the arena already walked out of the ring. We saw both Catherine and Jake beside the ring talking to each other. After we greet and chatted for a while, we learn that we all won our first fight.


“But seriously Cloud, our opponent’s weakness can be easily identified not like when we sparred with you as our opponent. If we compare them, it’s like fighting with a 5 years old child who equips weapons and armors” Jake said.

“Hey hey, don’t get too cocky you guys, this is only the first battle not even the first round of elimination round has ended yet. Stay focus, I am sure that later, you will find someone who can fight at your level or maybe they can fight better than you. At that time, don’t even let your guard down even for a second”

“Yes, teach! We will surely remember your words and keep it inside our heart”

“What teach, I am your friend and about the last word, I don’t have that kind of preference you know”

“Damn Cloud, it’s not like that. I like woman too!” Jake said.

We laughed together and then went to get food for lunch. After that, I fight two more opponents and win against them easily like the first one. Kane, Jake, Catherine, Sophia, and Elizabeth also won their match. And that’s marked the first round of the Battlefield.

“I congratulate all the students who passed the first round of the Battlefield, for those who got eliminated try your best to learn from the fights and I hope that you will be able to win in the next Battlefield.

Rest well tonight for tomorrow the battlefield will continue. Tomorrow, the second round will be held and only 100 students will be left to enter the final round robin stage to determine the school top 100 battle ranks”

After the closing speech we went to the Academy Canteen and had a nice diner. After that, we straight go to bed to refill our energy for the next day.

“Good morning miss, today is the second round of the elimination round. Better go prepare yourself and do some warming up before going on stage. You don’t want to ruin your image don’t you?”

“Of course I know, thanks for the remainder Cloud. Today, this lady will show everyone that no one can beat me muhahaha”

“Yes yes, just go ahead and clean your droll first miss”

“Ah, this is not my droll, its uhm… it’s a dew, yes, it’s a morning dew not my droll”

Noon, at Arena number 5, my first opponent was a second year student academy. He was from combat class and specialized in lance and shield. Totally my worst opponent because I only brought a bow with me. He also wore an armor which makes things worst.

I tried to shoot him with several arrows, but he always managed to hide behind that ridiculous big shield. Also by using that shield, he can move and enter within my range with no worries. Because the duration of the fight takes too long, my arrow ammunition depleted rapidly. Now I only got 5 arrows left, I have tried using archery as best as I can but it’s not working so let’s fight the other way.

I sling the bow behind my back, I take a few deep breaths and then taking a stance. My enemy didn’t lower his defend either, he watched every move and when I start rushing at him, he raised his shield immediately. Not this time bro, as soon as he hid behind that fuckin shield, I send a flying kick right towards the shield.

My enemy was magnificently fly out of the Arena, after the judge call it, cheers broke from the spectators. I rise my hand and then bow towards the spectator, after that I walk out of the Arena. While I was walking out of the Arena, I saw Elizabeth with tattered armor and ran towards her.

“What happen miss, who did this to you?”

“Sob… Cloud, I lost my match… and he… and he… mock this lady……. waaaaaa!!”

“Miss, calm down, it’s okay it’s just a match, we can try it again next year”

“I don’t care Cloud, you must get revenge for me, this lady won’t be satisfied unless you defeat him”

“I get it… I get it, tell me who did this to you, ill beat him until his parents won’t recognize him”

“Really ? Can you really beat him?”

“Oh, are you questioning my skill? Questioning I, Cloud, the servant of the great Elizabeth Fleming?”

“That’s right, just you wait Lyon Rastrom, my faithful servant will take revenge for this shameful act of yours”

Lyon Rastrom huh, the first ranker among third year students, but really miss really unlucky to be faced against a third year during his fight moreover it’s the top of the third year students. But no matter who you are, even if your skill is higher than Elizabeth, no one is allowed to bully my lady of luck. Just you wait Lyon Rastrom.

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