《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 7 - Battlefield


Early in the morning, we were gathered on the training field by miss Claudia. When I looked around, I can see the face of my fellow classmate. They were paying attention at the class as the one who teach is Miss Claudia. The one who usually feels drowsy in the morning now focusing and trying not to yawn.

“Good morning everyone, today I will be your instructor, we will do close combat training. This morning will just be introductory and later in the afternoon, you will be divided based on what you excel in so try to show your abilities as much as you can, understand?”


Then we were asked about our combat experience wheter we train in particular weapons or style, etc. After that comes warming up by running around the field and other small exercises. As we finished the warm up, Miss Claudia brought us to the battle arena and told us to spar.

“Alright Cloud and Kane go to stage”


Kane is a servant from marquis family so he is trained in combat. Marquis family territory usually located at the border of the kingdom so when dangers approach the kingdom, they kinda like the first layer of defense of the kingdom. For this reason, every member of marquis household will usually be trained in combat so when danger situation happened at least they can fend it off and run away.

“Ah, I heard you beat up a senior from Knight preparation class, Cloud. Please have a mercy on me”

“Okay, please guide me”

“Guide me too”

Then we proceed to take our stance, because he said he trained using sword and shield, a set of weapon equipment was provided for him. Because it’s only a spar, no real weapon will be used so its relatively safe. But if you underestimate the power of weapon, then you are wrong. In the hand of an experienced person, even a wooden sword can be more dangerous than an iron one.

As he knew that I beat a senior the other day, he seems to warry of me and took defensive stance. I approached him while observing his behavior. Then when I entered his strike range, he went into action and swing his sword.

I evaded the sword and rush toward him, seeing this he raised his shield and took defensive position once more. Ah, this is irritating, while he is behind that shield I cannot attack him because my field of vision will be limited. I afraid that suddenly a sword will fell upon me if I’m not careful.

I retreat out of his strike range and he lowered his shield but he seems to observe what I will do. Let’s try it, I rushed at him once again. He swing his sword and I evade it once more, he then proceed to raise his shield but I side stepped and went around him.

He seems to be confused as I disappeared from his line of sight but then he realized what happen and turned around. But its too late since my fist already swinging toward his chin, but I stopped before it hits.

“Stop right there, the winner is Cloud. Good job you two”

“As expected from a person who can beat a senior student, I almost faint when your fist is heading towards my chin. Also what the hell with your movement, I just distracted for a second and then you vanish like a ghost”

“It’s just my luck is good, your defense is also solid. If you managed to block the attack with your shield back then, the situation will be awkward for me. As my attack failed, maybe you will be able to strike and win against me”


“Yeah yeah, thanks for the lesson Cloud. I guess i need more training to be able to protect my master”

“Yeah me too, I managed to find a certain area I lack thanks to you”

If it’s a real combat, I will surely win much faster. I can just kick the shield along with him when he take defensive position. But if I did that, people will know of my monstrous physique and I will be bothered with so many question as the result.

“Okay, that’s all for this morning. I have collected all your data, after lunch please gather here again once more. I will pick your class according to my data about your abilities, sparring like this will be held each month in order to assess wheter the class picked is suited for you or not. If there is no improvement, then I will consider to move you to another class. Okay class dismissed”

I rush towards Elizabeth’s class because the distance is quit far from the training ground. I mean its basically going to another part of the city. As I arrived, Elizabeth and her friends are chatting while sitting on their seats.

“Humph, you dare to be late. Tell me your excuse, if its good maybe ill consider forgiving you”

“Ah, its because we are having practical class on the training ground so I came a bit late. Kane and Jake will also be late so please understand it my lady”

“Practical class? What is it like?” Elizabeth asked/

“Uhm, we were asked for our combat experience and then sparring against each other. I faced Kane during the fights and it was fun. Our teacher said later we will be divided to each class according to our mastery”

“Oh, so what was the result of the spar? Did you win against Kane?” Sophia asked.

“Yes, I barely managed to win against him”

“What barely, more like you wrecked me. From the beginning I had no chance to win. Ah, sorry for my late my lady, we were delayed because we went to the training ground. I guess Cloud assume told you” Kane said.

“Yeah, from the beginning Kane stand no chance against him, I don’t know if it will be like that in real combat but Cloud skill is terrifying” Jake said.

“Once again we were impressed by your servant El, so will you tell us where can we recruit someone like him?”

“You guys already have good servants, why do you wants to find a new one?”

“We were only tease you El, it’s true that we got our own servant and they are irreplaceable because we grow together with them. And you know, there are certain secret that we share between master and servant so its not like we can replace them”

“Well you are right, lets go grab food for lunch” Elizabeth said.

After lunch break, we head back to the training ground after we drop our master in their class. As we walked into the training ground, we could see that the students were already gathered there.

“Okay, so lets begin the combat class assignment, Kane you are assigned to knight class, Jake spear class…” name after name were called but my name hasn’t been called yet. Is there some kind of mistake, all my classmate had already been called but not me.

“Okay, that’s all, you can go to your assigned combat class now”

After they have dispersed and no one left, I asked the teacher.

“Uhm, what about me, why didn’t I get called?”

“You are special Cloud, I think you had many battle experience right?”


“Nope, I just fight 3 times in my life so its cannot be called many”

“What?! The how did… that response, speed and flexibility, all of them were so good that if you told me you are C rank adventurer or a new B rank adventurer I would believe it. Yet you say that you barely fight before? Okay, let me test it once more, lets spar for a bit” Miss Claudia said.

As I have no way of declining her, we entered the arena. Each of us take our stance and observe each other. It’s my first time sparring against a teacher, I guess if she is a teacher then her skills are top notch. But should I go all out or not that’s the real question.

“Ready when you are Cloud, you can begin anytime”

“Okay, watch out here I come!”

I rush forward while observing her behavior, she seems to observe how my attack will go too without letting her defense down. I throw a few punch out towards her trying to feel the water first. She read my moves and block it all without any problem.

I retreat back a couple of steps while maintaining my awareness. Yup, she is a teacher indeed all her moves are top notch without wasting too much energy. Then lets raise the difficulty should we, I lung forward again and now I launch a few fancy technique not just a normal punch. She seems to be surprised by my move but then she fended all of it again.

I step back again and take a deep breath. Taking her down will be much difficult than I thought, will I have to use my skill? I mean with finger thrust maybe I can hurt her but it will not make her lose just make a scratch. When I still thinking about what to do, she begin to move.

She rush toward me and throw out a few punch combined with kicks. I read it all and try to block it, fortunately I managed to block it all but as the result my arms and leg goes numb. The hell with this strength, it was like I was hit by a car.

“Oh, I think that’s enough. You are holding back aren’t you? I can see you restraint your strength while attacking me but then when you took my strike you cannot restraint it any longer. But seriously Cloud I hit you with my all and you still standing like nothing happen”

“That’s not true, my arms and leg are numb. I don’t think it will go off soon”

“Well whatever you say, I know that your combat experience is not normal. You can choose your class for now because we don’t have class that specially dealt with bare-handed fighting”

“Can I try each class on my own because I haven’t wield any weapons in my life so I want to try it first”

“Okay, I will notify the teachers about your special condition, you free to enter whatever class you want”

“Thank you miss Claudia”

Several months passed since and now it’s the end of our first year at the Academy. The academy will held Assessment Trial for the students of each year to mark their progress. This also be a show off for the geniuses within the academy.

Each students will be tested by several subjects like alchemy, history, arithmetic, language, etc. Later the ranking for each subjects will be announced and the one at the top will be rewarded by the academy. The most anticipated test is called Battlefield. Basically its battle stage that allow anyone to fight with everything they have.

This event will last for a week and many top brass from each kingdoms around the world will be attending the occasion. Aside from seeing how the talents from their respective kingdom progress, they also search for new talents that can be recruited.

“Cloud, how is your preparation for the Assessment Trial?”

“Its goes well miss, how about you?”

“Of course this lady is prepared, who do you think this lady is. Since you are my training partner all this time, don’t you know how strong I am? Maybe I can beat you now”

“Don’t go too far miss, I know you are strong but if the situation turned worse, just give up and try again next year. We have another 3 years to compete and see who is stronger so it’s not necessary to win the first Assessment Trial.

“Un, I know you are worried to lose your job. It’s not like everyone have the chance to work under a great lady like me”

It doesn’t get better, its getting worse. That narcissist side of her, I have gotten used to it but really it turned much worse than when I first met her.

A few days later, all student of the Academy were gathered for the Trial.

“…Without futher ado, let the Assessment Trial this year begin!”

An old man with white hair and long white beard declare as he finished with the opening speech. This is the first day of Assessment Trial, today they will test us on each subject after that the preliminary stage of Battleground will be commenced at noon until dusk.

The first thing that tested is Arithmetic, it kinda like math quiz so its easy for a person from earth like me. The second was History and Language, I suck at this at first but then I holed my self in the library for a week. Now, even a librarian knowledge would be under me. Then come the last test

“Okay, you guys try to create the best type of concoction, powder, pill, medicine, elixir whatever you want. We will assess the process, type of product and the quality. So don’t try to make something you doesn’t even have a confidence on it or you will fail. Let the test begin!”

Ah, I remembered how frustrated I was when I began the alchemy class. All the ingredients were not the same as the one on Earth. I even unlocked my soul memory about Alchemy but the name of ingredients were also different. If I don’t have Eidetic Memory, maybe my head will explode because I have to memorize the name of the ingredients, its characteristic, function and how to get them.

But that’s all in the past, now I could do an advanced concoction with ease. But I don’t think I should show off too much in the competition. I’ll make an intermediate healing potion, just slightly above average quality so I can barely pass the test. I even have to restraint my producing speed in order to not get the plus mark for production speed.

“That’s enough, step back from the table and wait for your turn to be assessed”

The teachers were walking towards each student table and ask them about their product. The question that were asked including what type of ingredients used, the process of making it and the final product effect. Sometimes they will also ask about miscellaneous question test the student comprehension on alchemy.

Then its finally my turn, the teacher who came to my table is a senior teacher which teach specialized Alchemy class. He observed my work table and then look at the potion I made. After observing the potion for a while, he asked me.

“What’s your name?”

“First year student, Cloud is the name, sir”

“So explain the process of making this potion”

“Yes so I use the spring grass as the base of the concoction and mash them until they became pulp, add spring water……and after cooling it down for 15 minute, it is done”

“Good, now why do you use spring grass instead of blue grass which usually used on potion?”

“Because spring grass characteristic which rejuvenate your body even after the consumption so it makes this potion have another effect which is slight regeneration for 5 minutes after consumption. It makes the potion healing effect higher than the other potion”

“Are you from an Alchemist family? How long have you trained Alchemy?”

“I was raised in an orphanage and then hired by Flaming family so im not from an Alchemist family. For how long have I trained Alchemy, it should be about 6 months since the lesson about alchemy started 6 months ago”

“Oh, is that so? Wonderful, then register for Alchemy specialization class for the next year”

“I can’t do that sir, I have already been registered by Mr.Riley on Mage specialization class”

“What?! Just how talented are you boy… well if its Mage specialization class then there is nothing that I can do. But if you want to learn more about alchemy, feel free to join the Alchemy specialization class”

“I will consider it if I have the time”

After that we talked for a while and then he left my table. Huff…. Its only an intermediate healing potion not a God Elixir, yet he invited me to the Alchemy specialization class. Fortunately I didn’t show him the advanced one, else he will straight register me like what Mr.Riley did.

I head to the canteen because Elizabeth and me decided to meet there since we didn’t know where the test will be held. As I arrived at the Canteen, I look around but it seems that she hasn’t finished her Assessment yet, so I ordered food for her first.

I brought the food and found a table and picked a table on the second floor since the first floor already filled with students. After a quarter hour of waiting, she finally arrived and took a seat on the table. She brought with her friends, Sophia Scarlet and Catherine Burton.

“Have you waited long Cloud?”

“No, I just waited for a few minutes before you arrived my lady”

“Good then, are these foods for me?”

“Yes, I ordered it earlier since I thought that it will be crowded later”

“Good job Cloud”

“Ah, what a nice servant, and we didn’t even know where our servant went” Sophia said.

“Yeah, haven’t you seen Kane and Jake, Cloud?” Catherine asked.

“Ah my assessment test is different from them so I haven’t meet them since this morning. Oh, there they are” I said while pointing at both of the guys who arrived on the second floor while bringing food within their hands.

“Oh, you have arrived earlier my lady. I am sorry to make you wait, we are getting food for you because Jake thought it will be crowded with people”

“Oh, so you guys have the same thought as Cloud. Well done guys, we also just have arrived too so its okay. Thank you for thinking about us”

“Its our duty my lady”

“Since Cloud arrived here earlier than all of us then the test must be too easy for him, right Cloud?”

“Ah its not like that miss Sophia, its just that the examiner got to my table first on the Alchemy trial so I could come here earlier than all of you. How about your examination Jake, Kane?”

“Ah it sucks, why do we have to learn all that subjects, isn’t it enough to be good at sword?” Kane said

“Yeah, for me it was hard because I cannot memorize too many things at once, maybe these subjects are really not my thing so I will only focus to hone my spear” Jake said

“Well for retainer like you us, its not too important to learn those things. Just a general knowledge is enough but its better if you master it because by doing so you can help your master doing their job in the future”

“I know that your aspiration is to be my faithful servant for life Cloud, but you don’t have to work that hard for me. This lady is quite capable so just stay beside this lady, that’s enough for this lady”


The others went silent, as usual Elizabeth’s narcissist attitude can sometimes make me wants to bang my head on the wall or dig a hole and hide in it. How can you say such thing in front of the others, sometimes Sophia and Catherine also ashamed by her way of thinking. But because we know that how she was, we can only be silent and keep it in our heart.

After we ate the food, we continue to discuss about the test and how we did in it. We also talked about the Battlefield preparation, since all of them have spared with me so I know the extend of their talents. They are quite skillful if compared to the other classmate but not that good to get them into the top leaderboards.

“Ah, it’s time for the Battlefield, lets go to the training ground”


The training ground was modified into an arena with several ring where students will be competing against each other. We head to the registration area on the corner of the arena to get our number. Later the number will be called when our turn is up.

“I got number 512, what number are you Cloud?” said Elizabeth

“Number 256”

“I hope that you don’t get defeated too early Cloud. Don’t bring shame to this lady face”

“Ah, yes…yes I will try my best ahahahaa…”

Then Sophia, Catherine, Jake, Kane told us their number one by one. It seems that the Battleground is like a tournament which use elimination system until they found 100 people. Then the ranking will be decided by points gained from the match against all people who passed the elimination stage.

The top 10 list will be student representative for the Academy. I don’t know what benefit will a student representative got but I’m not interested in it since it will cut my training time. In the first place, I participate the Battlefield because I want to compare how my skill compared to the other students in the Academy. It also let me gain combat experience against different type of people so its like hitting 2 birds with one stone.

“Participant number 256 vs 189 on Arena 9”

“Ah, that’s your number Cloud, don’t you dare to lose on the first match”

I went up to the Arena, there wait a student with a sword on his hand. He also wore a set of leather equipment, looks like he made his preparation for the battlefield. I on the other hand went on stage with only a bow and quiver filled with some arrows.

It’s not because I am confident that I can win without having any armor but It’s because I don’t have one. Luckily armor made of metal was banned since it won’t be fair for the poor student like me if they allow it. Looking at me that had no weapon he seems to be dissatisfied with me as his opponent.

“Where is this guy from, even a commoner would at least wore a leather armor. Yet this bumpkin only brought a bow and some arrows”

“Nice too meet you, my name is Cloud. Lets have a good fight”

“What good fight can I expect from a bumpkin like you, better surrender before I beat you kid”

“Thanks for the recommendation but I am okay with it”

“Overestimating your ability, let see if you dare to say that again after I beat you up”

“Arena number 9, participant number 256 versus participant 189, are you guys ready?”



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