《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 6 - Magic


“Oh, you really do attend the class again exactly after a week. Didn’t you find my class boring and decided to sleep back then? What’s the use attending the class if you are not even interested in learning?”

“You misunderstood teach, I am excited in attending classes and learning new things. I admit it that it’s my fault for falling asleep on class. I promise I will try to not fall asleep again”

“Try to not fall asleep again, not promise you will never fall asleep again? Nice wording young man, whatever then let’s start todays lesson”

This teacher really hates when someone not paying attention to her lesson, I am glad that she not ban me permanently from attending class. I look around and the class is silent as usual, there are some empty seats inside the class are they sick?

Wait, don’t tell me those guys got kicked out of the class like me. Sweats dripping on my forehead, this teacher so vicious. I better not try to challenge her in the future, else I will be permanently banned from her class and she won’t be hesitated to do it.

“Okay, I think that the previous introduction on the basic is enough from the previous week. Student who just came back from exile please catch up and ask from your friend. From now on, the class will be divided into some subjects from specialized class.

This will help’s you identify your potential thus making you be able to choose what specialized class you will be in later. A tip from me, don’t slack while doing these lesson because you will be assessed starting from today. If your mark is not good, then don’t even hope from getting into any special class in the future.

Okay, so I will introduce you to your magic teacher, Mr.Riley”

With that, a man came into the classroom and takes the podium. He is wearing a robe and bearing a book, as for his age maybe around 30 to 35. As the man entered the room, miss Claudia excuse herself and went out of the room.

“Thank you miss Claudia, Good morning class, my name is Riley Owen will be teaching you introductory of magic training. So without further ado lets get ahead into magic, can someone tell me what is magic?”

“Spell to blast people apart?”

“Way to wreck a country in a second”

“That’s enough, well yes magic can blast people apart and wreck a country but that’s not what I am asking you. So magic is way to use energy we call mana to project something we desire. It can be something to blast a people to pieces like that student say, or power to erase a country. Basically you can do whatever you want if you know how to use that energy”


“So, every mage can be a threat to any nation since they can destroy a nation in a second?”

“Nice question, if any mage can use their imagination to destroy a country then aren’t they dangerous? The answer of that question is yes if they have the ability to do so. Basically human have difficulty when it came to manipulate mana so we create spell to assist us in projecting our imagination.

These spells require incantation to be able to work, usually more complex the spell, the longer the incantation will be. But there is also some people who can cast any magic without any chant, why? Because they are talented and born to be a magician, not only that but they worked hard to achieve the peak.

Of course if you work hard, you will achieve what they can but it needs effort and long time to be able it. Although the destination is the same, it depends on your aptitude wheter you reach it in short amount of time or long amount of time. In the end both genius and normal aptitude have the same possibility of reaching that stage.

Ah, what are we talking about again? Oh yeah, destruction of a country, as you know that magic require spells to be able to be projected into the reality. So in order to prevent world destruction, all kingdoms make a pact to seal the high ranking spell and never use it to another country. If they fail to do so, they will be the world’s enemy and will be taken down by the cooperation of the kingdoms around the world”

After the explanation, he took us to the training ground and told us the way to sense mana. As I tried sensing mana around me, it finally came. Soul memory about magician finally unlocked, hmm? The way to train mana is different from what the teacher say, lets try it.

Oh, I can sense it, fuck its better doing it this way than what the teacher told us. Opps, better keep it secret less the people will interrogate me and its annoying. After sensing the mana, I try to manipulate it as the memory told me.

So this is what they mean by the difference of genius and a normal aptitude huh. After I tried to manipulate the mana, its as smooth as ordering my limb to move. I can do whatever I want with it and met with no obstruction.

While the other still haven’t managed to sense mana yet, I already able to manipulate them. The next thing is imagining what I want and chant the spell. But I’m not gonna do it here because its risky, too many people are watching. I don’t want to be the main attention of people, its not my style.


“All right that’s enough for today, lets continue it next time. You can also practice it yourself when you have free time. For you who aspire to be a mage, you must work hard, even if you have the talent its useless without effort to improve. That’s all, class dismissed”

“Thank you, teacher”

“Yes, ah Cloud please stay and follow me to the office”

Hmm? Why did he call me, what did I do? I just know you today so I don’t think I have made any mistake. He also didn’t know me before, so what else is there? Is he able to sense the mana movement from before?

“Do you know why do I call you here, Cloud?”

“No sir, I don’t think I know you before so I don’t know why I am here”

“Didn’t you manipulate mana when we are on the training field today?”

“I don’t know what you-“

“Don’t try to lie to me, I can sense the mana movement. You don’t think I as a teacher isn’t sensitive to the movement of mana do you?”

“No sir, you are right, I am able to manipulate mana”

“Are you familiar with magic? Have you got your training before?”

“No sir, I am only a servant so let alone got a teacher to teach me magic, even I just know about magic”

The teacher went silent, crap did I say anything wrong?

“So you are that type huh? Genius!”

“Uhm, I don’t know what you are talking about sir, but I am just manipulating mana”

“Exactly, do you want to enter the mage specialization class, Cloud?”

“Well I am not disagreeing on the idea but-“

“That’s enough, from now on you will be registered on the mage specialization class, thus after a year you will officially enter the mage specialization class, that’s all for now you can go”

Isn’t this a scam, you don’t even ask if I am willing or not? Although I do want to enter the mage specialization class but I don’t think I will be able to join it this way. And what the hell with this teacher, he kicked me out after his curiosity is fulfilled. Ah fuck, I have to tell this to Elizabeth less she will be angry if she knew I went to register without her permission.

Later, on the canteen when Elizabeth was about to eat I decided to bring out the matter.

“Miss I have something to tell you”

“Again?! Isn’t your one week training just ended, how can you ask for more”

“It’s not about that miss, it’s different thing”

“You want to quit? Keep dreaming you will be my servant for life”

“No, it’s not about that miss, I was selected to enter the mage specialization class”

“Eh not quiting, good. What did you just say?!”

The others turn their gaze into our direction. Crap, you don’t have to shout it out loud don’t you? Fortunately you didn’t mention about the mage specialization class, less the whole school will know about it.

“Keep it down, miss don’t tell the others. I am too not comfortable with it”

“But its mage specialization class you know, unless you are have the aptitude, you will not be able to enter it. Our kingdom even have a policy to give away a title of nobility to someone who manage to be a mage”

“I want to talk about it to you first when he asked me wheter I want to join the class or not. But not letting me finishing what I say, he just registered me there so what can I do now?”

“Are you stupid Cloud, people even begging to be a mage, yet you want to decline the offer to enter the specialized class?”

“It’s not like that, im worried about what you think of that. Since I am your servant, I cannot decide before consulting to you”

Elizabeth went silent for a second there looking stunned. When she got back to her mind, said,

“That’s right, as this lady faithful servant you indeed have to report first before making any decision. Although its regrettable that the teacher doesn’t let you inform me first before making the decision, its alright. This lady will allow you to enter the mage specialization class, be thankful”

“Yes, thank you for your permission my lady”

I wonder where this lady switch is, I hope I know when it goes on so that I can prepare for it. Often I caught off guard by this narcissist mode switch and bewildered by what she said. I wish I could turn it off forever but nah, it’s her special trait it’s what make my master interesting.

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