《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 5 - Training


“Student over there wake up!!”

“Uh… Ah… Sorry Miss Claudia”

“I have warned you twice but it seems that you treat it as empty threat. Even when standing on the back of the class room you dare to fall asleep. Fine from tomorrow you are banned from joining the class for a week!”

“No miss I’m sorry it won’t happen again”

“Get out!”

“Yes, [low voice]: Thank you”

“What did you say?”

I ran out of the classroom before she managed to catch me. I finally succeed gaining 1 week training time. I tried to pretend to be sleeping the very next day after getting permission from Elizabeth but then she just yelling about me and punish me to stand on the back of the class room.

But fortunately the second time I did that again, I hit the mark and she banned me from joining the class. Now let’s plan what to do with my 1 weeks of time. Weapon training will be taught in the academy so there is no reason to waste more time in it.

Reading books in library? Sounds boring, although maybe I can get some skill from there but there will be enough time in the future to visit the library. Ah, I did get some training method from my soul memory after I got martial arts skill didn’t I?

Okay, let’s train it for now, I ran full speed into the academy training ground. The academy facilitate whatever the students need including training ground where students can test their skills. They provide training dummies, magic formation, duel ring, etc.

When I arrived at the training ground, there were already many seniors who trained there. These people were from specialized class. Every student in the academy must attend 1 general class for 1 year before they will be registered in specialized class they choose.

Although you can choose your own specialized class but the academy will also consider your mark. If you have no talent or good mark on the class that you choose then you won’t be able to enter it. For example if someone has no talent in magic they won’t be able to choose the magician class.

I plan on taking the magician class in the future but I am not sure of my aptitude. The reason for choosing that specialized class is because books about magic and its instructor is rare to be found. Magic tends to be a national level secret because of their destructive power.

Although magician itself is not that rare but magic that can devastate a country within second are hard to be found. This is because every kingdom and the academy tried to guard them so that it cant be used for some individual purpose.


There was a time where a kingdom where the academy stood today was devastated by a powerful magic. The land turned into a desert where no one could live. It needed several years and the cooperation of the Academies founder to restore the land to what it is now.

I recall the knowledge that I got when I trained in Martial Arts. It seems that for each level of progression on my Martial Arts skill, it will reveal something better and better. At first it only teach me the basic technique of bare-handed fighting like locking your opponent, and basic punch and kick technique.

But then it escalates into the behavior analysist of the enemy, through subtle movement made from the enemy what can you gain and what is your response. Upon learning this, I learn how to strike on the right time and doing feint.

I tried using it with Elizabeth during our sparring and she got tricked by it. It made her mad at me and I was forced to teach her the behavior analysist. At first she seems to be confused of what it had to do with fighting but then when she realized the effect when she fought me.

After that, she tried so hard and learn it, after that she kept bragging about how she is invincible now and no one can beat her. Well at least that’s until I beat her in her own game, as I had the knowledge from my soul memory, of course my behavior analysist mastery will be better than her.

For now, let’s train my body and leveling up my martial arts with the body enhancement I got from the soul memory. The first thing to train is flexibility of the muscle, with enough flexibility I can move in many different ways to execute various martial arts technique. I trained on it until the end of the class and went to pick up Elizabeth.

The next day, I started to train with my muscle strength because sometimes to execute complex technique you need to put burden on your body. With enough muscle strength, you can lessen the burden put on your body thus lowering the chance of injuries during execution of the technique and battle.

I put all my effort in training because I only got one week of time before I have to go back and doing class again. Third day I started doing stamina, then agility and concentration. My regime keeps stacking up day by day and I can feel the result.

My body flexibility would beat a gymnastic athlete by now, I can even bend the strange way like those martial arts heroes in film on my previous life. My strength is also decent, at least it’s above the average of a normal adult. As for speed, I can probably outrun most of the student in the Academy.


“Hey, what’s that kid doing?”

“I don’t know man, he started doing it several days ago but I don’t see the point of the training”

“His sets of practice are weird, but he does keep improving day by day”

“What improvement, its just a child’s play, he is running around, doing push up, and the other weird things. It is better to train by swinging weapon and sparring, not playing like that child. After all he is only a child”

“Hey, want to bet who is gonna win if you fight with him ?”

“Of course I would win, the hell you talking about, I can beat him less than five minutes. Sure lets bet then, easy money here I come”

Although they seems to be far away about 20 meters from where I was, I could hear their conversation because of sensitive ear. With this I can to conversation on the other side of a wall if I wanted to. Hearing they mocking me I didn’t feel angry or anything because they don’t know. But then when he said he would beat me in 5 minutes, a smirk drew upon my face. Fine, bring it on!

“Kid, what are you doing these days with those shitty activities?”

“It’s my training regime”

“The hell its training regime, it looks like a childs play to me. Prove it to me by sparring with me then maybe I will have another look on your “training regime” thing”

“Why should I, I don’t fucking know you anyway, fuck off!”

“What a cocky bastard, let me teach you a lesson”

With that said, he tried to grab me but I evade his hands. Seeing that his hands grab into thin air, the students seems to be mad and rush at me.

“Damn you fucking maggot, I will beat you until your family doesn’t recognize you. Raaagh”

Oh here he comes, the berserker mode of a morron. At least that’s how I describe it, without knowing your opponent, you just rush at them like you are superman or something. I look at the rushing “berserker” heading my way and then doing side-step while keeping one of my leg in his path.

He magnificently fall on to the ground face first. There is a joke from a country on my previous life calling this a man that has high nationalism that he kissed his homeland. The “berserker” woke up with his face swollen, seeing this I restrain myself from laughing.

“Stop evading you maggots, face me like a man”



He rushes at me again, I readied myself and then launch forwards meeting him. Before we collide to each other, I launched a punch straight onto his chin. He magnificently fly several meters before dropping again onto the ground fainting. Seeing this, his friend rushes to where we are and checked the condition of the “berserker”

“Dude, you are too tyrannical”

“Well, he asked for it, who asked him to rush like a madman”

“Cough… but at least have a mercy on him. Look at this face, even a pig is more handsome that this swollen face. Alright it’s your win, I will bring him to get treated by the teachers”

After they left, I go back to my training again until the bell rang. As per usual I went and pickup Elizabeth from her class. When I arrived, Elizabeth was talking to her friends and their servant were waiting behind them.

“El, I heard your servant managed to beat a senior from knight class”

“Really? I haven’t heard about that”

“Oh, talking about your servant, there he is”

“I have come to pick you up young miss”

“Un, Cloud do you really manage to beat a senior from knight class today?”

“Knight Class? Well I don’t know about that but I did spare with someone this afternoon”

“Are okay, any injuries?”

“It’s fine miss, I am unscratched”

“Wow, your servant is truly great El, he managed to spar with a senior and left unscratched. I wonder where you find him, I would like to find a servant like him”

“Eh… my father picked him for me so I don’t know, its getting late lets go back Cloud”

After that we left the classroom and went to our dormitory. On the way, she didn’t even talk a thing to me, is she mad at me? But why does she mad at me, I don’t think I did something wrong. Well, whatever just follow her for now.

As we arrived in our room, she finally talked to me,

“Now I know why do you want to train for a week”


“You must be trying hard to get ahead of me so you can keep your job right?”


“Un, I understand your passion, good job Cloud. I am tired, go prepare the water for me to wash, I want to wash myself and then go to sleep”

“Yes, my lady”

What the hell is she talking about, training so that I can keep my job? Well its certainly better for me to get stronger so that I can protect her. But what is it have to do with my passion. I don’t know what she is thinking but well I will let it pass. And thus my one week of training ends.

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