《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 4 - Do you want to quit?


It’s the first day of school, I woke up at dusk and slowly walk outside afraid that I would awake the young miss. I always started the day by doing morning exercise like jogging and doing horse stand. I learned it from the martial arts memory by the way.

Actually there are several other things that I got from the memory but I haven’t tried it until today because of my job. I must accompany Elizabeth every day until night so I got no time to practice except in the morning and when I spare with her.

After doing my morning exercise, I woke Elizabeth up and help her to prepare herself for today. To us it’s important day because today we will meet our friends that will accompany us for the next four years in the Academy.

“This is your breakfast young miss”

“Thanks Cloud, have you eaten?”

“Yes I had eaten earlier”

Elizabeth ate the breakfast which consist of bread and jam. I also served her a tea as a usual, it has already becoming a habit for me to serve tea for each meal. Maybe because she was a noble, but she seems to enjoy drinking tea.

After the meal, we head straight to Elizabeth class. Although mostly we will be taught the same subjects, but apparently a noble student has more class than a commoner and servant. They add manner, chivalry, dance, and some noble subjects for the noble students.

As we arrived in the class room, many students with their servant also present inside the class room. They apparently start to introduce themselves to each other. This is not in order to make friends but to build a connection since they are noble.

“We have arrived young miss, then if there is nothing else I will go to my class”

“Un, good luck Cloud”

“You too miss Elizabeth”

After that I went to my class, the situation is not so different from the noble class but here they are making friends not building connection. Ah, maybe that’s not true either maybe there are some nobles who truly seeks friend and commoner who seeks to build connection with noble servants. But whatever it is we will know each other and work together for the next four years.

“Hello, my name is Kane, a servant of Miss Sophia Scarlet of Scarlet Family. May I know your name?”

“Ah, my name is Cloud, Miss Elizabeth Flaming of Flaming Families servant”

“Nice to meet you Cloud, hope for your cooperation for the next 4 years”

“Nice to meet you too, I hope for your cooperation as well”

“Ah Kane from Scarlet Family right?”

“Oh, if I am not wrong you are Jake, young master Catherine Burtons from Burton Families servant right?”

“Yes, glad that you remember me, and he is..”

“He is Cloud, Miss Elizabeth Flaming of Flaming families servant”

“Ah nice to meet you, I hope for your guidance for the next for years”

“Yes…yes… me too”

After we talk for a while, the bell rung and we got back to our seats. A lady holding a book entered the class room and went to the podium.

“Good morning class, I will be your teacher for this semester. My name is Claudia Northenberg, lets take attendance first. When I call your name, I want you to say your name and introduce yourself”

One by one, the student in the class including me, Kane, and Jake introduce ourself. The ratio between servant and commoners is leaning towards the servant side because the expensive tuition fee of the academy.



“My name is Aurelia I am from Borg. I went to the academy because I am interested in alchemy since my family own a potion store. I hope for your cooperation in the next four years”


“Sena from Grizola, that’s all”

“What’s with that cold attitude, who the fuck did you think you are, you are just a commoner not even a noble servant”


“Shut Up! If you ever dare to make a commotion on my class once more, I will kick you out from my class for a week, understand?”

“Yes I am understand, I am sorry miss Claudia”

“Okay let’s start our lesson”

I guess its not because she was looking at her classmate in disdain its just that this girl is the quiet type so she can only talk a few words. At least her tone doesn’t seems she look down on us.

But I heard something interesting, this teacher will ban me from study for a week if I make a commotion in class. One week, I guess I can study and learn the collection of knowledge from my soul memory during that time.

Also since I have comprehension and god of knowledge blessing, I don’t think I will be left behind in my study. Reading books on the library also an option, since I have to be with miss all the time beside class, I guess being banned from joining the class for some time is my only option to level up my skills. Else my comprehension talent will be wasted.

“As you all have already know, God’s blessing will be descending when someone reach the age of 10. The blessing that you gain is random and it usually comes with special unique skills. But God also fair, although not everyone can get good blessing, there is also many skills that you can get on your own.

The first type is job skills which gained by doing a certain job for a certain amount of time. It gave you several skills related to that particular job when you hit certain level. All kind of jobs can give you skills either it is farmer, cook, archer, swordsman, knight, merchant and the others.

Skill derived from main skill tree doesn’t have level but their power level is in accordance to the level of the main skill tree. For example, Sword Mastery from Swordman job can only increase your proficiency in training and using the sword.

If we compare two persons who have the same Sword Mastery but have different Swordsman skill level, then the person who have higher Swordsman skill will be gaining more advantage. It isn’t because he got the other skills that came with swordsman job because the proficiency is in accordance to your swordsman level too.

The second type is self-learned skill and self-created skill. Through hard training, human can also gain certain skill or make it their own. For example by training battle technique or a certain sword arts to a certain level, it can become a skill.

The second type will not derive any other skill but it will give you significant buff. These type of skills cannot be leveled up by skill points and can only be leveled up by hard training. Because of that, people rarely got these type of skills.

The third type is skill that gained with skill points, although you can increase the skill level of skill you have with skill point but you can also use it to gain another skill. If you focus on your skill point, you can see a list of skills and the how many points needed to learn it.


Raising skills is not that easy and you need a large amount of time to master a skill. So people usually only focusing on a certain amount of skills through his life. But there is also another way of raising it, you can use skill points that can be gained each time you level up.

As how you level up is by gaining experience through killing monsters. Although it is dangerous, it is the fastest way to level up skills. Although there is a maximum cap on skill level, there is no one who ever reach the max cap on level through the history of the world.

The highest record is 1305 which mean 13 max level skills, but it was already more than 10,000 years ago. As of now, Sword Saint has the highest level of 612. Any question?”

Listening to the teacher explanation, I was shocked to the core. I thought that I have already understood about the status screen and the skill system of this world. But my guess was totally wrong, I didn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg yet.

But after listening to the teacher explanation, I learned the significant impact of my soul memory and comprehension. With soul memory I can get second type of skills easily, added with comprehension which can make me master the skill in short amount of time, I can’t even imagine how many skills will I have in the future.

There is also the third skill, As I got comprehension I will be able to max all my skills easily so the remaining skill points can be used to gain another skill which I can’t learn from my soul memory. I had known that comprehension is an overpowered skill but I hadn’t realized it was to this extend.

I’m really excited to try and see what will my comprehension and soul memory bring me in the future. As for now, I cannot wait to learn from my memory and train on it. But there is also young miss that I need to take care.

Although learning skills is important but I really owe her too much. I cannot let her down for my selfish reason. She is the reason I can get to this academy and learn about the skills too. Without her, don’t even talk about training, I would still be risking my life robbing noble or merchant in the city right now.

After the class ended, I went to Elizabeth’s class. There I met Kane and Jake again because apparently their master is Elizabeth’s friend.

“El, is this your servant?”

“Yes, This is Cloud, Cloud this is Sophia Scarlet of Scarlet family and Catherine Burton of Burton Family”

“Nice too meet you miss Sophia, miss Catherine, my name is Cloud, Miss Elizabeth’s servant”

“Ah, what a nice servant you got here El, oh right this is my servant Kane and that one Catherine’s servant Jake”

“Yes, we have already know each other as we are in the same class”

“That’s right young miss”

“Oh my, our servants are friends, then that’s good”

After accompanying them for a while and having lunch, we back to our class to continue with our lesson.

After all the class finished for the day, I went to miss class and together with her we back to our room.

“Miss can I request something?”

“What is it Cloud?”

“I know that it is impudent for me to say this, but can you manage yourself without me?”

“What is the meaning of that question Cloud ?! Do you want to quit being my servant?”

“No my lady, I would have never do that. You got me a job, salary, place to stay, and education. Even I cannot repay all of it. But I want to become a better servant for you, so I ask permission for miss to skip the class to train myself”

“What are you talking about Cloud ? Do you realize how many people who wants to get to the academy but cannot afford to do so ? But you actually wanted to skip class and train yourself? I thought you were happy back then when you heard that my father would pay for the academy tuition”

“It’s not like that my lady but I have special circumstances on my own”

Sigh, its really hard to get excuse from her. It’s also not within my position to ask for something like this but I also cannot delay my training. If it’s her maybe I can trust her with my secret.

“Miss, I have secret that I had hid from you and all people around me”

“You… speak what lies have you told me”

I opened the status screen and give her permission to see it. I learned that the spell Reveal wont show all of my skills so I tried to show her my status screen and see if she can see it.

“Can you see it miss?”

“What is this?! I… you… its not like what shown when the academy revealed our status, how is this possible?!”

“This is my secret and only you, me, and the god who know it”

“So this is why your skills are that high, really, who are you Cloud, how can… sigh…”

“I am what I am miss, I am your personal servant and will always be by your side whatever happen. As your servant, no, you are the only person I can fully trust to share my secret with”

“Since its already like this then what else I can do, alright I permit it. But how can you skip class?”

“Ah, the teacher said that if someone disturb her in class, she will ban them from joining class for a week. With comprehension, I will be able to catch with the lesson easily when I am done with training”

“Okay, just don’t do that too often less you will be dropped out from the academy. AND, you must remember, when I need you, anytime and anywhere you must come”

“Certainly miss”

I don’t know why and how but I feel that I can trust her. Maybe it’s because she is my lady of luck, maybe it is because she helped me to this stage. Well whatever it is, I have already got permission for my training. But now that Elizabeth know my secret, I cannot go from her side and it’s like a rope that bound me together with her.

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