《Just a Simple Guy》15 - Cooking with salvery


Stepping into the kitchen Salim stroad over to the magic fridge and turned around to face Vivyern.

The sad damn thing was looking at him with puppy dog eyes almost asking him what he wanted. Maybe in time he could consider it an actual person but at this moment in time Vivyern was more akin to a hyper intelligent dog than a person.

Asking her to open the fridge Vivyern made some sort of sign with her hand opening the door and turning to look at him. Suddenly Salim felt a flow of happiness and acceptance flow into him from somewhere.

Staring at Vivyern Salim realized it was coming from the bond. It must be the reason why he could will her to do things. This may actually be useful in dealing with her.

Awkwardly Salim put his hand on her head and pet simultaneously pushing some of his energy through the connection while he looked through the fridge.

Vivyern let out a sort of happy squeal clapping her hands. It was cute Salim guessed but going back to looking Salim realized this fridge was actually very limited in what it had. Vegetables and meat where pretty much the only thing this fridge held within it and while Salim liked that sort of stuff as much as the other guy WHY WAS THAT THE ONLY THINGS IN THERE.

Well, maybe he could make some stir fry or whatnot. Taking out a selection of vegetables and chicken Salim got to work cutting up something that looked like broccoli and carrots. There were some mushrooms in the fridge but Salim didn’t want to take his chances with that.

A distinct purple color layered them and Salim wasn’t sure how or if they could be cooked even though they were in the fridge. The chicken was annoying though. The blood had not been drained out of it properly so there were weird parts to it which made Salim unsure where to cut. Finally, Salim just took the plunge in the sink cutting the chicken up while washing the blood because he had no idea what to do with that.


Vivyern the whole time watched with rapt attention and begged him to let her join in. It was rather clear that she had never done something like this before even in her previous “life” as her cuts where sloppy and slow although she was rapidly improving.

Meanwhile Salim was wondering where the cooking oil was. If there was any… There had to be right?

Describing it to Vivyern was a bit tough as his request to “find the cooking oil” was only met with confusion and a downtrodden look of not being able to follow a command. However, with some clever thinking, Salim was able to send a mental image of cooking oil through the bond and her face lit up. Running off to a random side of the room Vivyern opened a cabinet and brought out an odd looking bottle of cooking oil.

Happy with herself Vivyern stared up at Salim awaiting praise. Huffing indignantly Salim gave it too her causing her to yet again let out a little yip as the energy flowed through her.

Looking at her while the energy traveled through her was rather interesting. Her body seemed to glow with dirty gray light as the spikes on her horns began to dull slightly. Was she… Becoming more like him?

That wasn’t good. Now there was undeniable proof that he had done something to her if suspicions where to arise which they surely would if he ran in with anyone remotely connected to Vivyern.

But those were worries for another time and as Salim lined the pans with oil he slipped away into a food making frenzy.

Getting Vivyern to provide the magic Salim began to fry the vegetables and chicken on pans making sure to slowly cook them to get that good stir fry taste out of the food.

Although it was a little awkward with Vivyern underneath his arms providing magic they both had a good time. Salim enjoyed cooking his own food and Vivyern seemed to enjoy watching him. Putting the food out onto the plates they both enjoyed the food with Vivyern sending emotions of happiness between the two of them which Salim silently enjoyed.


Maybe he could get used to this feeling of the soul bond… It was rather nice being able to feel another and know that your connected although Salim could definitely see how this could easily be abused and probably was based on what Vivyern had been planning for him.

Training Vivyern on how to clean dishes was an interesting task by itself. Being a princess she probably had people do all the menial chores while she trained or whatever she did as a princess he wasn’t quite sure.

Eventually they were scrubbing the dishes together with a silent glow of enjoyment from Salim and a full smile from Vivyern.

Finishing up the dishes Salim didn’t feel tired and Vivyern either wasn’t either or just didn’t want to fail him. So walking out of the kitchen together they took a right and headed to what Salim was now calling the dojo.

Inside the now named dojo Salim was looking to test some new skills as well as see if Vivyern could still fight.

Asking her to fight him he got an immediate reaction by getting utterly decimated by the giant black sword that she seemingly summoned out of her arm. He guessed it was some sort of magic bound weapon or there was just magic spacial storage in her arm. Even though he didn’t know if either two where possible one definitely sounded safer than having a portal on your arm that leads to a mythic place of storage.

Throwing off the thoughts for another time Salim decided to find a weapon he liked. He of course asked Vivyern if she could find a non training weapon for him to use and he was met with a feeling of disappointment just let it be.

Swords always seemed cool but never really where his style. Knives on the other hand mixed with punches and what not seemed like a lot more fun. Throwing himself around in a flurry of kicks and slashes seemed very ineffective in training though the only issue was not having a proper training partner.

Salim didn’t even consider Vivyern for a second due to how much she outclassed him and failed to understand the words “holding back.”

Who knows maybe he would meet a monster or bandit that he could wail on to try and see if it fit. He would sit with the knife until feeling the need otherwise. As well as being an agile weapon Salim had the ability to use Touch of Frost properly which had been his number one survival tool so far so why not continue to use it?

Vivyern sat next to one of the walls watching him avidly. It was… pretty creepy to say the least. The undeserved admiration and worship in her eyes just made him feel wrong.

Breathing evenly Salim concentrated calming down and wondering a question that had been bothering him ever since he had woken up.

How long had he been in this place?

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