《Just a Simple Guy》14 - Out of the darkness


A rather strange thing was happening with Salim’s body. At the same time as him waking up, a large wave of discharge energy flew outward rupturing and breaking tiles around him.

The water of the tub turned a sickly green as it absorbed all of the immediately released energy.

Vivyern looked at Salim with piercing eyes full of expectation. He was better far better than she could have ever hoped for. She could feel the power flowing through the bond they shared. It was so pure and powerful she had never felt anything like it.

As his body began to transition Vivyern got up off of her bed and walked closer to him looking him over and observing Salim’s whole being.

He was cute the perfect looking servant for her and she was glad that had converted him. He would make a wonderful accessory.

When she returned to the kingdom all of her sisters would be so jealous. She could imagine their faces now as Salim strode through behind her as they entered the castle. She would loan Salim of course but at a hefty price. He was her possession after all and even though some may call her evil and insane she was nothing if not protective of her possessions.

Vivyern out of excitement decided to share some more of her energy to speed up the process. She just couldn’t wait to meet this new creation!

But something was off… no something went wrong. She felt pushed out of the link as a something no someone pushed forward a will of excruciating strength moved out to her sending shocks through her body.

In a contest of wills she had utterly lost and falling to the ground in front of Salim she found herself watching as he transformed unable to move.

He was becoming a thrall but something was off. That feeling that he was still becoming something lingered through the link as Salim began to transit past the body of a thrall. The pale skin and small lumps on his head soon became pale white skin and beautiful long white horns that reeked of a regal aura.


He had become a demon?! No, an Upper Demon?! How? From what Vivyern knew this was utterly impossible for any being to achieve from a simple thrall soul bond transformation.

This was bad she needed to close the bond immediately before a battle of wills began due to their equal standing.

But it was already too late as the regal aura began moving its way back up the bond. Slowly pressing against her defenses attempting to break them down so it could succeed in overthrowing her.

She had to fight back. The one who lost this battle of will was subjected to the thrall side of the bond and all that entails and Vivyern was not going to lose to a newly transformed demon.

Pushing will all her willpower Vivyern attempted to push back through the aura to establish that connection of dominance but found herself not able to do anything.

The regal aura seemed almost impenetrable as it formed a vice grip around Vivyern’s own will showing its dominance by crushing it and throwing it aside. Quickly rushing inwards the regal aura destroyed any and all resistance. Corroding her mind Vivyern was only left with a moment of respite as she screamed out in fear as a soft blanket of comfort overwhelmed her mind.

You have earned the “Soul Slave” achievement due to losing a battle of willpower with another soul bonded individual through an unequal soul link.

All unequal thrall skills will be given to the user.

+Skill: Thrall’s Intoxication +Skill: Unequal Bond

Due to both parties having the same bond skills the bond has been realized as a Dominance Bond.

Dominance Bond: A bond in which the ruling will control the other’s will.

Due to being the weaker

-Skill: Unequal Bond

+Skill: Submissive Bond

Vivyern’s screams died away as she giggled at the funny notifications that had popped up in front of her. Her mind had been completely shattered and rebuilt although a little shabbily under the pretense of her owner. He was much stronger than her and she should listen to him and him alone.


Opening his eyes Salim was greeted to a rather odd sight.

Vivyern was on the floor panting as she looked into his eyes. She mewled.

You have earned the “Soul Master” achievement due to winning a battle of willpower with another soul bonded individual through an unequal soul link.

+Skill: Impose Will

Due to both parties having the same bond skills the bond has been realized as a Dominance Bond.

Dominance Bond: A bond in which the ruling will control the other’s will.

-Skill: Unequal Bond

+Skill: Dominant Bond

What the hell was this?!

Looking over at Vivyern all of the intelligence and cunning she had shown before was stripped away as her eyes showed a need for something.

And although Salim didn’t like this he had a pretty good idea what it was. She wanted him. But there was no way in hell that was going to happen.

Honestly, Salim began to feel disgusted with himself for what had just happened. He had taken over another person utterly enslaving them to his will. To be fair she was a massive bitch who was trying to do that to him but the point still stood.

Looking over at his stat page he saw a new tab labeled Bond.

Bond: Dominance Bond

Type: Dominant Bond

Name: Vivyern of Domenui

Level: 152

Status: Withdrawal

Hmm. So she was going through withdrawal? From what...

Deciding to test out his new skill dominant bond Salim began to activate it. Almost immediately he felt something leave him and go over to Vivyern.

A small gasp was heard from the pitiful creature on the floor.

So she was addicted to him… This was extremely problematic. He didn’t want to be anywhere near her for a matter of fact but if she was going through withdrawal from not receiving energy from him… She would probably die if left alone.

There was also the fact that she was a fucking princess and Salim didn’t think the demon community would take too well to having their princess enslaved no matter if he was a demon now or not.

Oh, yea… he was a demon now wasn’t he? Damn so many things happening at once his mind had just blocked things out. Well, he would deal with that problem when he got to it.

Standing up Salim soon realized he didn’t have any clothes and wondering where he was Vivyern got up off the floor and walked out of the room.

Waiting to see what she had gone off to do the door soon opened and Vivyern returned with his clothes.

So that's how this bond worked? He just willed her to do things and she did them? That may be fine for some people but he really just felt uncomfortable with this.

Salim wanted someone who could actually make decisions for themselves and as of the moment, it seemed that Vivyern had lost the ability to speak. Willing her to speak Vivyern just tilted her head and stared at him questioningly.

Having Vivyern turn away while he changed Salim looked around her room some more.

There really wasn’t much just some tables with assorted flowers, the bigass bed he had seen earlier, and a door that lead to the main hall. All in all a very basic room.

Salim’s stomach rumbled, apparently evolving into a demon and enslaving the demon that did it was very taxing on the energy reserves. Plus he really didn’t know how much time passed and Vivyern didn’t seem to be able to tell him at the moment.

Willing her to follow him Salim stepped out into the main hall and into the kitchen.

It was motherfucking chef time.

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