《Just a Simple Guy》13 - Into the darkness


Salim stirred his eyes fluttering trying to see what was beyond the black curtain of sleep. Blinking his eyes tried to focus on anything in front of him yet found nothing.

Sitting in a seemingly endless black Salim looked around finding nothing. Where was he? He remembered the betrayal of Vivyern as she stabbed her horn into his heart causing… Something to happen.

Why did everything he tried to do end up with something terrible happen? Even before he came to this world he dealt with multiple bad relationships and lost jobs not even to mention what a terrible place his childhood was.

He was tired. Incredibly so… Yet there was something rewarding about pushing on even after one was in despair. The feeling of being stronger than expected and coping hardened the mind and strengthened it beyond reason. Almost as if one was growing up from a mental state of childhood. Well, what did he know he was more of a mental child than many…

Salim felt around himself only to retract in disgust. A strange film had covered the area around him pulling all it was near under it. It felt wrong yet disgustingly familiar.

The feeling of the film caused something within him to stir. A deep disgust of realization born of years in captivity. Not physical captivity mind you but more along the lines of emotional manipulation combined with deceit and lies.

The film seemed to produce a feeling of longing almost trying to empathize with Salim so that he could feel it’s longingness for something.

And that's when he realized. Vivyern. The touch of the film made him remember her almost made him long for her. Emotional and mental manipulation at it’s finest.

Feelings of rage exploded deep inside of Salim fueling a burning sensation that consumed the film setting it ablaze in the emptiness of the dark space.

Skill: Unbreakable Will has 100% synchronized with user

Creating synchronized skill

-Skill: Unbreakable Will +Skill: Salim’s Will

Salim’s Will (U) Lv. N/A

A manifestation of the user Salim’s Will.


With a burst of pressure, the film was utterly annihilated flowing back to the depths it had come from. But that was nowhere near the end of Vivyern’s influence. No, the worse was nowhere near done.

The rage now burning inside of Salim was a familiar one. He had left home with it still burning heavily inside of him. That did not mean it had control over him. He was his will and it would serve him however he wanted it.

At least that's how he thought it worked. Meditation always helped him with this sort of thing and he wasn’t one of the types of people to get controlled by anger but that could just be a stereotype or something.

Maybe he thought too much about retarded things to hold single track anger. Maybe a more widespread anger needed to be applied to the whole situation.

Ehh. that wasn’t really his style. Anger wasn’t his thing as much as melodramatic humor was. He could see it now. Beating back his enemies with his comedy and sick skills.

A rumble sounded within the writhing mass of darkness breaking Salim away from his inner mumblings.

Looking around for the source of the noise Salim spun around and was face to face with an object.

It looked like a fat thorn… No, wait… It was a horn the piece of the horn that damn bitch Vivyern shoved inside of him. Now it was doing something but what exactly was it doing?

Salim observed the object floating around it and staring intensely at it. Moving closer he noticed a rather strange aura to it. No, it was actually rather familiar almost identical to the film he had destroyed before.

Salim gritted his teeth; this bitch was trying really hard to get on his nerves.

Surging forward Salim raised his fist to punch the damn thing as hard as he could but as soon as he did the morbidly obese thorn decided to fight back.

Falling backward from a large amount of force produced by the thorn Salim felt the foreign thing flowing into him doing multiple things all at once.


A sickly high seemed to overtake Salim’s mind making him feel like everything was okay and not to panic. It felt so slow and disgusting Salim was finding it hard to think. Attempting to deal with the influence on his mind Salim pushed back just as hard filling his head with cold and hard resolve.

But that wasn’t all the fatass thorn was doing during that quick struggle of emotions. No, it was doing something far more dangerous than tampering with Salim’s emotions and temperament.

You have earned the “Demon Thrall” achievement due to being chosen and converted by an upper demon.

+20 All Stats +Skill: Thrall’s Intoxication +Skill: Unequal Bond

WARNING: Skills: Thrall’s Intoxication and Unequal Bond are not working properly due to effect of unique skill Salim’s Will.

WARNING: Due to the increased influence of demon energy through Unequal Bond the body is undergoing rapid change into “Half Demon”

You have earned the “Half Demon” achievement due to transformation from corrupted human to half demon (corrupted). You're almost there why not go all the way?

WARNING: Further influence from UNKNOWN ENERGY SOURCE the body is accelerating change to “Dem-Upper Demon”

You have earned the “Upper Demon” achievement due to transformation from half demon (corrupted) to Upper Demon (corrupted).

+100 All Stats +Skill: Demon Rule +Skill: Full Transformation

WARNING: Demonic energies are being corrupted by UNKNOWN ENERGY SOURCE Skills: Demon Rule and Full Transformation have been altered slightly.

From the deep sea, an ancient god stirs in interest as his dreams have been filled with a new child to join his fold.

Salim’s mind was blank. There was simply no possible way that his mind could comprehend something like this. His senses simply overloaded causing him to pass out as the changes took hold.

The body of the said unconscious man was developing startling changes rather quickly. His skin tone gained a frightening shade of gray darkening his complexion.

Features elongating his already sharp ears began to sharpen and elongate along with horns seemingly sprouting from his forehead. The horns grew becoming sharp and pointy void of any smaller budding thorns that Vivyern had.

Salim’s body began to undergo the massive change in stats as his body began to compress all at once forming an incredibly dense slab of flesh with tight muscles and sharp features.

You have earned the “Godlike Ascension” achievement due to leveling up all stats past 100 in a single moment and having a human achievement.

+Skill: Stat Compression

Blood vessels widened as muscles compressed and pushed upwards into the body creating a solid foundation.

All in all, Salim looked like a rather terrifying individual with a large frame, completely white complexion, and sharp white horns.

In a scream of primal rage, Salim’s body out of instinct released a wave of energy crushing all around it including Vivyern’s horn which was already on its way to disintegrating having completed its job.

Slowly awakening Salim opened his eyes for the first time after the change and felt good. Better than he had ever felt in his life actually. His mind was completely clear and his body felt re-energized and ready to go like he had a perfect night's rest.

But he knew something was different about him and feeling about along with looking at the information panels the system provided Salim began to piece together what had happened.

So this bitch had turned him into a demon under the impression she could control him huh? Well, it was rather lucky that he had gotten that skill earlier or else he would have been fucked…

This wasn’t the time to be having those sort of thoughts so Salim left it off for a later discussion with his mind and went to work.

Feeling an increased connection with this space he now recognized as his mind or soul or whatever it was Salim began to form a more intimate grip over it.

And with all of his might, he willed himself to wake up.

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