《Just a Simple Guy》12 - Taking a sword up the ass


Salim still felt incredibly woozy from the whole exchange.

Waking up and being immediately thrown into what seemed like a life or death battle was not something his body was used to and it damn well told him.

Hunching over Salim grabbed his head as the floor seemed to move beneath him. Vivyern looked down on him and with her free hand picked him up by the back of his shirt and threw him across the room.

Now, this was a familiar feeling to Salim as he hit the floor with a full bodied thunk. He couldn’t really see anything as his vision was clouded with pain. Trying to get up Salim saw Vivyern approaching slowly from across the room dressed in what seemed to be travelers clothes.

Trying to do anything to get out of this Salim began to try and use Energy Creation to help him recover. Imagining himself recovering into prime fighting condition whatever that was he could feel the skill working.

Finding respite as his vision returned back to normal and the sleepiness faded away from his body a chipper feeling flowed through him pumping his body and his mind to fighting state.

Not that he really thought he could win this battle but he could probably survive longer than otherwise. Vivyern watched him recover and began quickening her pace to him.

Salim being on the more panicked side of things grabbed whatever he could off the wall. Reaching for and grasping what appeared to be a mace like ball and chain he flung it at her swinging downward to catch her full body with it.

The mace made contact but didn’t have nearly enough force to cause any damage merely flying off of Vivyern as she advanced halting her for a small moment.

Taking her sword Vivyern swung it rather slowly at Salim causing him to duck rather easily and seeing the opportunity jumped on her attempting to grab her head and throw her away or something.


Grasping his hands around her horns he pulled upwards and swept his legs downwards attempting to get her off her feet.

Vivyern realizing what he was doing simply pulled back harder and yanked his hand that was still on her horn grabbing his body and slamming it into the ground.

Salim felt nothing. His brain just seemed to not receive the pain as the air flew out of his body. Falling into the ground like that his head made contact first and he probably had a concussion from that. He couldn’t see anything as his vision had blacked out and his body felt like it was shivering.

Guess he would take a break for a little bit…

Regaining consciousness was one of the worst things Salim could have done. His whole body ached with an indescribable pain. He wanted to scream but couldn’t. It was an utterly hellish experience.

Finally after what felt like days of torturous full body pain Salim was able to open his eyes.

Salim was resting in glowing water which was held in what was essentially an over glorified bath tub. The water sparkled and helped sooth the pain he was in. It let him gather thought and figure out what had happened.

He remembered getting utterly tossed by Vivyern. He didn’t know why she did it but I guess she had put him here after realizing he passed out.

Attempting to stand up Salim was met with only pain. His lower body seemed to refuse his commands to move only giving back pain signals. So apparently something important had been broken and needed to be healed.

There really wasn’t the concern that what was messed up couldn’t be healed as this was a physical wound because who are you to argue that magic you have no idea how it works can heal you or not. There was more concern on how much time had passed and how long it would take for him to get back into good condition.


The room he was in was very bright and calming with plants strewn about him. He seemed to be in a tub that fit into the floor of a room with a bed on one end of the room and ohhh. He was in her room, wasn’t he?

Not much of a question considering it was the only room he had never seen. It really just brought up more questions on why the styles of every room were so different.

Hearing the door open behind him Salim tried to crane his neck to see Vivyern. Hearing shoes clap on the tile of the room Salim just waited for her to come to him. He also began concentrating Energy Creation on his recovery with a general thought of healing “whatever” was wrong with him.

Vivyern still in the travellers clothes that she had been in when she decimated came into Salim's sight and turned to address him.

“I assume you have no idea what is going on?” Vivyern said with a calculating look.

Nodding Salim urged her on with whatever else she had planned to say. He was wondering why she woke him up only to beat the living shit out of him.

“As someone who is of nobility, I need someone to protect me. If not now then later once they gain enough power.” What she had said didn’t really connect with Salim in his mind. Yes, she was a princess but he was far weaker than she could even dream being so where did he fit into this?

Vivyern continued “What I did earlier was a test to see if you were worthy of being my guard. You may not be powerful now but those skills look delicious.”

Salim didn’t like where this was going. She had utterly confused him with all of this business but if anything he knew he didn’t want to be “worthy.” It was as if she was looking at him for his potential and had utterly played him earlier with the excuse of saving him as well as all the other personality quirks.

Salim decided to speak up “And what if I don’t agree to be your guard?”

Vivyern’s face lit up with a grin that only enhanced her demonic appearance. “I don’t think your going to say no.” She spoke with even tones barely hiding the grin in her voice. She was enjoying playing with him.

This world of wonder was just the fucking worst wasn’t it? Maybe he did want to go home not deal with all this shit.

Vivyern began walking closer. Moving at an indescribable slow pace she moved closer and closer. The whole time Salim was attempting to heal himself faster and faster so he could get away from whatever was happening.

Vivyern leaned over him looking down at his form licking her lips.

Bad touch bad touch! STRANGER DANGER.

Reaching up to one of her horns she broke of a piece wincing slightly. Gripping the piece she straightened up over top of him.

Holding the piece in one hand she smiled an almost genuine smile before resoundly saying “Don’t worry! The pain will be over soon.”

Pulling her arm back she jabbed downward slamming the thorn into Salim’s heart.

As more pain began to fill his body and the system’s notifications began to ping Vivyern stepped away from his body before cooly walking over to the bed.

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