《A New Light In Interria》Chapter 22: Disguise


The knights, after capturing him, were about to draw their swords to finish him off when Sophia shouted.

"Stop! It is "A prayer from a capture". I didn't expect it to have started creeping towards Intenna village." Sophia stepped closer to the man and began to examine the man.

"What do you mean, lady Sophia?" The father spoke softly.

"Look closely." Sophia suddenly tore the man's shirt.

On the man's naked body was something disgusting like a small red tumor spreading all over the man. Sophia took out a knife, leather gloves, and a piece of paper from her pocket. She put on her gloves.

"This is the source of it all." Sophia makes a small cut on the tumor.

Then, she squeezed the tumor with her hand. Blood began to gush out. And from the wound, something came out, it was a green worm with a few yellow spots on it. Everything that happened made me feel nauseous.

"I saw this in several major cities two months ago. Some studies show that these worms only start to activate when receiving commands from the large worm. Fortunately, the worm was young, so it only caused the host to recite those words, otherwise, things could have gotten worse. If it's an adult worm, when it finishes praying, if we don't kill the host immediately, it will cause a massive explosion. Please give this to someone in higher authority." Sophia wrapped the worm inside the paper and gave it to the knight.

"How do you know his worm was still young?" I ask.

"Those marks earlier. I've come across a few marks since the first explosion in Stanford." Sophia replied.

"Stanford?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later." Sophia sighed.

"Now what should we do with this guy?" I ask.


"Of course we interrogate him. This must be the act of the Dark Society. I can't believe that they have branched out at this place." Sophia responded.

Dark Society. I should have told Sophia about this organization. I mess things up.

"Please, lady Sophia. Let us do the interrogation. Knights." He signaled the knights.

The man was brought into a room with a solid iron door behind the shrine by two knights. Some time after the iron door slowly closed, a loud scream was heard from inside that room. I think I would be really nauseous if I saw what was going on in that room. Maybe besides me, the other people in the cathedral looked rather emotionless at what was happening. Z, the world you brought me into is cruel.

"As the head of this sanctuary, I sincerely thank you, lady Sophia, for informing me about such behavior that lurks around the shadow of Intenna. By the gods' will, this shall not be left undone." The father said to cheer up the faithful.

His method works.

"Any way… You know what I am doing here right ?"

"Of course, my favorite elf." The father kindly replied.

"You didn't see any elf apart from me, did you ?" Sophia was surprised.

"No, I didn't. Even if I did, no one would be as lovely as you." The father smiled and winked.

"Sigh. Let's cut to the chase. I'm here to deliver your stuff. May my partner brings your stuff to the sanctuary."

"Well. About that…" the father smiled shyly.

"{About what?}" Sophia and I asked in unison.

"So... Recently, our sanctuary has been pretty fulled. There is nowhere else to put the stuff you sent except…"

"Except what." Sophia looked like she was holding back her anger.


"Sophia, are you okay?" I patted her shoulder.

"I'm "very" fine, Hades."

From the look on her face. It seems that things are very wrong.

"There is a heavily guarded storage of the sanctuary in the wood about half an hour ride from here." The father said while sweating continuously.

"Do I get some extra coin for that ?" Sophia gritted her teeth continuously.

"Yes, Five silver coins to be exact." The father sweats more continuously.

"Five?" Sophia asked while her left eye is twitching.

"How about ten to thank for your information about the doing of the Dark Society ?" The father spoke calmly.

"Sigh. Fine." Sophia sighed.

"Here is your bag of money." A faithful come near Sophia with a bag of coins.

Sophia looks into the bag and began to leave. I followed her. On the way out, I see the giant old man who cut Veene hair enter the sanctuary with a bouquet of roses.

"Mr. Hades, it's surprising to see you here." He comes close to talk to me.

"Sorry, I still don't know your name. And by the way, what do you do here?"

"It's Albert. I'm just paying a visit to my grandchild and praying to the gods for an hour." Then he turned to the large blackboard on the left side of the door.

"This is?" I looked up at the board

I had not noticed the presence of the blackboard before.

It is one of the memorials inside the sanctuary, the top of which reads "For those hominoids who have lost in the Great Holy War". Albert placed the bouquet on the ground and touched the inscription on the blackboard titled "Amber".

"I'm sorry…" I said to Albert.

"What? You have nothing to apologize for. You are neither the person who started this war nor the person who killed my grandchild." Tears began to flow from Albert's eyes.

I need to do something.

"I don't know if this is right to say but I hope she has a place on the land of Horizon."

Sophia and Albert look surprised at what I'm just saying.

"Yes, me too, Mr. Hades, me too." Tear stop flowing and with that, a warm smile begins to shine on Albert's face.

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