《Lucky SP》Chapter 13 - Marian's Victory


The mood was ruined. And the atmosphere became depressing. "They are arrogant fuckers." Marian mumbled with food in his mouth. 77 was clenching her fist under the table quietly. "Well... " Lucky sucked in a breath. The conversation entered an awkward depression. He didn't really know how to continue the conversation. Kidnapping orphans? They are just children! Where is basic human dignity? "Let's finish up and head back." ... The 5 of them finished their meal and walked back to the campus dorms. They chatted casually along the way, but not too deeply. Lucky opened the door to his dorm and laid on his bed. They had long since moved back into their dorms on campus from the motel. The Bodie incident had passed. Lucky laid on his bed thinking over everything. There were so many complicated things happening in this world. He kept trying to recover more of his memories before his death, but he didn't have any success. *Knock knock A knock came from his door. Lucky rolled off his bed and opened it. 77 was standing there quietly. She handed Lucky a note. Lucky was puzzled as he unfolded the note and read it. 'Come to my room - Tonya' Lucky raised his eyebrows. "Now?" 77 nodded. She then turned and walked down the hall towards Tonya's room. Lucky wasn't very tired in the first place, so he decided to go and have a look. He closed the door to his dorm and locked it. He walked down the hall to Tonya's dorm. The door was already open. Inside there was a small coffee table and stools. Tonya and 77 were siting on two stools and drinking some hot chocolate inside a coffee mug. "Lucky, do you like hot chocolate?" Tonya asked as she saw Lucky arrive at the door. Lucky shrugged. "I don't remember." 77 laid a mug of hot chocolate out for him. Lucky sat down at the coffee table and sipped from the mug. "Pftss pftss" Lucky spat out the hot chocolate. His tongue burned. "It's hot!" 77 giggled but then quickly resumed her cold expression. Tonya smiled. "Well, yeah. Hot Chocolate. Its name mentions its hot." Lucky placed the mug back down. He would wait for it to cool off. "So, what did you want?" Lucky looked at Tonya. Tonya looked a little awkward. "Well, 77 and I were thinking about the metusors topic the Marian brought up on the way back." "What about it?" Lucky asked. "Well, I feel a little regretful I couldn't participate in Mr. Devlit's short training and teaching." She smiled awkwardly. "Would it be possible to help 77 and I learn what we missed from Mr. Devlit?" Tonya and 77 had an awkward look on their faces. They had felt Mr. Devlit was a Vanguard agent talking nonsense to lure children away. They thought, the Bodie they met was just an alpha experiment. And now, Mr Devlit had simply left without any kind of plots happening to Lucky, Zero, and Marian. They had realized they were wrong. Not only wrong, but they used Lucky, Marian, and Zero as test pieces. They hadn't told them any of their thoughts and now they felt especially awkward asking Lucky for help. Lucky didn't think much in to it. "I don't mind, but why ask me?" Tonya and 77 glanced at each other. "Well, we did ask Zero." 'And he laughed at us for daring to make use of him to probe Mr. Devlit.' Tonya said in her heart. "He refused?" Lucky asked. Tonya smiled awkwardly in agreement. "Well, I don't see a problem teaching you both. But it won't be the same as what Mr. Devlit taught." With the matter decided, Tonya and 77 agreed to learn from Lucky after each day of classes. ... 3 weeks passed busily. Tonya and 77 grasped their first feeling of meta-force. And Lucky taught them the Spirit Technique: Isolation Field. But he couldn't give them the Ghost Knife spirit tattoo he had. He didn't have the ink and tattoo machine of Mr. Devlit. Marian, Zero, and Lucky had all successfully integrated the Ghost Knife spirit circuit into their bodies. The meta-force smoothly flowed through the tattoo circuit and it could successfully form an illusionary black-red butcher knife. Marian and Lucky faced off a few times as practice. They learned the knife passed through everything like a ghost. It could only cut into meta-force or spirit substances. Marian's total meta-force was growing much faster than Lucky and Zeros rate. This was a natural growth rate, and it couldn't be increased with any kind of meditation or technique. ... Montgomery High School Wrestling room next to the gym. Marian and Lucky faced off each other for the 19th match. Zero lazily stood on the side with Tonya and 77. His hair was still messily tied into a bun and he looked like he wanted to sleep. Lucky wore his "Resist" shirt and gym shorts. Tonya and 77 were wearing simple blue and pink t-shirts and school gym shorts. Marian wore a white tank-top and gym shorts. There was an Isolation Field surrounding the room. It was formed from Tonya's meta-force a few seconds earlier. "I got a surprise this time, loser." Marian hopped around with an ugly sneer. "Ooh? Who's the real loser here, Marian?" Lucky raised an eyebrow and smirked. '"It's Marian."' Tonya and Zero answered the rhetorical question at the same time. "HEY HEY, no comments from the fucking peanut gallery." Marian retorted. He grinned and cracked his knuckles. Zero raised his hand and waved it. "Begin." He said lazily. Marian and Lucky both raised their right hands at the same time and shouted. ""Spirit Technique: Ghost Knife"" Two red-black meat-clever looking butcher knifes spawned in their right hands. Marian grinned widely. "Spirit Technique: Ghost Knife" Marian transferred the first Ghost Knife into is left hand and another spawned in his right hand. He now held two meat-cleavers in both hands and leaped at Lucky madly. Lucky's eyes widened. "Two?!" His gaze hardened. Two ghost knives were no joke. When it cut into his skin, it felt like his soul was cut with a hot knife. "AHAHA Lucky, it's my win today!" He clashed madly with Lucky's single cleaver. Lucky was on the defensive constantly. Marian's Ghost knives assault pushed luck out of the ring and he fell flat on his back. Marian breathed heavily and he smiled as he let the two ghost knives dissolve into red-black particles. Marian won the match.

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