《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 25: Kids versus frogs


“Georgy!” Blob_Blob shouted. “Death lightning combo!”

“Understood!” GeorgEy_168 shouted back.

“Good! Then here I go... [Lightning - spark] !”

However, this [Lightning - spark] needed a long charging time as Blob_Blob was still inexperienced. So, standing firmly on the ground with swamp water high up to knees, Blob_Blob swung his cutlass at random directions. He just swung it rapidly around without hitting anything, and while he was doing that, his brows furrowed, making him looked like an angry raccoon with a blue mohawk.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuu~” Blob_Blob made this weird sound with his mouth while charging, which was totally unnecessary.

“Hurry up!” GeorgEy_168 urged Blob_Blob. “Your charging is too slo-- Argh!”


A giant frog attacked GeorgEy_168 with its tongue! GeorgEy_168, however, blocked that with his tiny mirror shield, which had already lost the ability to reflect things after so many frog's tongue attacks. That shield was meant to be used against magic users, not frogs, but it was a cool looking shield anyway.

“Huuuuuu… Finish!” Blob_Blob finally finished charging. Zrrr zrr! , yellow sparks of electricity appeared one by one, warped around his cutlass and made it shine dangerously.

“Georgy!” he then pointed the weapon towards GeorgEy_168 and shouted. “Receive!”


A lightning bolt shot out of the sword so powerful that Blob_Blob was knocked far back. He fell onto swamp ground and had to drink some smelly gooey swamp water that was full of frog's slime.

The lightning bolt suddenly changed its trajectory.

“Thank you very much!” GeorgEy_168 said and received the lightning bolt with his… lightning rod! The electric current then traveled down his raincoat and into the small sword in his left hand.

Yes, the outer layer of the raincoat was made of highly conductive magic plastic, and Georgey_168 was left-handed.

“[Very hot Flame]!” GeorgEy_168 yelled.

The sword was instantly swallowed by red hot fire and with both fire and lightning, it looked dangerously deadly!


“Haha! Taste this!”

Armed with a blazing and sparking magic sword, GeorgEy_168 ran straight towards a giant frog and was about to thrust the sword into its belly.

But his action was stopped.

“IDIOT!” Ilsa kicked the sword out of GeorgEy_168’s hand. She even punched his head.


“Ouch! Ilsa!?” GeorgEy_168 cried out loud, "Whyy!?"

But Ilsa didn’t answer him. She was busy paying attention to the magic sword. There were no trees on this swamp land, so the sword flew high above.

Zrr Zrrr… the lightning fire sword was spinning high in the air.

Ilsa then took GeorgEy_168 anti-magic glove and dashed, leaving him behind in confusion. She ran. The sword was still flying. One giant frog shot out its tongue. Ilsa dodged.

Two more frogs blocked her way.

“[Knock back bullet]” Ilsa pulled out her pistols.

Pew Pew!

She sent the two frogs flying! Even though they were giant frogs bigger than a house, they were still knocked back due to the magic bullets' special effect.

Yes, that’s how physics in Online works.

The Frogs were stunned for 1 seconds, but took no damage.

Ilsa then stepped on a frog belly.

BoinG! She jumped!

Ilsa jumped very high! Caught the sword! And then, “HeyyyyaaaA!” she shouted and threw the sword with all her might!

The sword flew outside of the swamp land, thrust itself into the grassy ground.


Huge explosion!

“Hu-hah” Ilsa breathed heavily. But despite of that, Pew-pew-pew-pew!, she finished the two frogs.

Blob_Blob and GeorgEy_168’s faces turned pale as they watched the whole scene.


“T-thanks” Blob_Blob said to Ilsa. She was now back and regrouped with the two boys.

And then...

Twinkle Twinkle… that was OliseEE, now a level 16 supporter, sprinkling rainbow MP recovering dust over the boys’ heads. All of the girls had gained two or three more levels, but the boys had gained none.



“Good grief! Why do you have to use flashy magics to deal with those frogs!?” Ilsa scolded the boys.

That was the reason. Blob_Blob and GeorgEy_168 had been wasting so much time casting flashy spells just to kill one single frog at a time, while at the same time interval, Ilsa could have destroyed many.

“T-that’s just for practice! Practicing our spells is much more important than leveling up!” Blob_Blob defended himself.

“Y-yes! Blob_Blob is right! All for magic!” said GeorgEy_168.

Ilsa face-palmed, “You guys… are helpless…”

“B-but you’ll see! We will be leveling up in no time!” GeorgEy_168 suddenly said.

“Yes! You’ll see!” Blob_Blob.

“Heh? How so?” Ilsa asked, “Are you guys daydreaming?”

“Hahahaha! Of course not!” Blob_Blob puffed his chest out.

And then, Brrrrrrrrr!

Right at that moment, the ground shook.


That was Yomundorudo screaming!

“Earthquake!!!” OliseEE immediately sat down and hugged her head. “Earthquakeeee!!!!”

“Wawawawaaaaaaa,” Ilsa lost balance for a second. “What’s going on?”

But Blob_Blob and GeorgEy_168 didn’t flinch. For some unknown reasons, they laughed.

“Haha! He’s here! He’s here!”

“Everything is all going according to plan!”

The ground shook vigorously.

“Hang in there Yoyo! I’m coming!” Blob_Blob then shouted his lungs out, excited. “Come, Georgey!” he pulled GeorgEy_168's coat. They then immediately ran towards the direction of Yomundorudo’s voice.

Ilsa ran after them and OliseEE was still hugging her head.

And then, they all ran back.

Because Blob_Blob’s plan was bullshit!


“Holy shittt!”

“No way no way no way no wayyyyy!”

“Come on OliseEE, run faster!”

“I don’t want to dieeee!!!”

The seven kids ran and screamed! Even Meetty and Riku, who were hunting in a different area, were caught up in this mess!

Boom boom boom boom!

The ground shook like thunder!

What happened?

Well, it was the boys' fault. At first, Blob_Blob told Yomundorudo to go lure the giant frogs from other areas so he could destroy them with one single AOE spell, and with the quickness of a Rogue, Yomundorudo was best suited for the job. It was not a bad plan at all, if...

...he had not lured over a hundred frogs!


“Easy! This is bad! We need to interfere!”

Watching the scene unfold on top of a nearby watchtower, teacher Jessica worried. She continuously pulled Easy’s coat, telling him that the kids were in grave danger and they needed to help them. However, Easy just stood there. His face showed no emotions.

“Jessica, no need,” he said.

“What? Easy? Seriously!? That’s a horde of giant frogs! That's too many!”

“I said no need. The kids can handle it.”

“What!? Are you insane? Are you even a teach--”

Suddenly, things quiet down.

The frogs stopped and returned to their dungeon area one by one.

The kids were now nowhere to be seen.

Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note


A first tier job.

The world of Online is a fairly technologically advanced game world, and thus, machines and steampunk stuffs exists.

A tinker is like a combating machine engineer. They have knowledge about engineering and can apply it in battle or in daily life. They can make/ invent new weapons and gears; make and set traps; fine-tune or repair stuffs or even build war machines.

Meetty was the one who made Ilsa's Knock Back Bullets and fine-tuned her pistols.

Unlocking condition:

Have one year experience of fixing machines.

Stats correction:

PATK + 5%; PDEF + 10%; max MP + 20%; + 1*level to INT; +0.5*level to STR; +0.5* level to VIT.

Second-tier jobs derived from Tinker:

Magic Tinker, Master Tinker, Trap Master, Airship Pilot, Golem Maker, Inventor, ...etc...

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