《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 26: Quick thinking, kids!


One hundred frogs chased the kids, ninety nine returned back to the swamp.

Blop bloopp blop blooop blop bloop blop…

A weird and ... weird sound echoed through the air, so loud that it scared all the nearby birds and squirrels away.

Just imagine, when you place your ear onto someone’s belly after they just have had a big fat meal, what would you hear? And whatever you are hearing… amplify it by using a speaker to ten...

No! Twenty fold!



You now have the sound effect of a Giant Frog digesting seven little kids.

“EASY!!!” teacher Jessica screamed at teacher Easy while they were running at full speed towards the noise. Her beautiful face turned crimson red and there was flame in her eyes.

“I told you to go save them! I told you!”

But teacher Easy didn’t reply. He just ran and ran, with two arms behind his back for maximum speed.

And teacher Jessica kept on screaming.

“I can’t believe it! You left them to die!”


“Say something!”

“You bastard!”


Teacher Easy stopped.

“It’s fine,” he finally said back, but with a cold voice. “Why are you even panicking?”

“WHAT!?” Jessica clenched her fist. “How… how can you be so heartless!? They are your students!”

“Jessica,” replied Easy, “They are fully trained for this. If they die now, it means that they are just too weak for this kind of job.”


“You know it, don’t you? Adventurers die everyday. You’re already considered dead once you have chosen this path.”

“But…” That reply made Jessica froze. She couldn’t even think of anything else to say.

“Huh? But what?” said Easy. “Am I wrong?”

“No, but I… I just can’t believe you!”


The sad thing is, even though teacher Easy sounded so cold and cruel... it’s the truth.

The life of adventurers in Online were incredibly harsh. Although there were many training schools available like the Elemental Trees, statistically said, only fifty percent of the graduates could survive their first three years after graduation. And then ... after seven years? That number would be halved, and halved again after few more years.

And what would happen after that?

Well, no matter how good you are at fighting and staying alive, there will be a point when life or death ... doesn’t matter anymore. Only hell awaits. Facing monsters and demons, humans are just as fragile as glass.


Did the kids die? Just like that?




Of course not!


Using a knife, teacher Easy slashed the Giant Frog’s belly open with a single strike and by doing so, seven little kids fell out all together.

They were all warped in some kind of … blanket?

“Buhahhhh!” Blob_Blob gasped for air. “I’m saved!”

“Thank you OliseEE! … Blargh!... You saved us!” Riku shouted happily, but some slimes accidently got into her mouth when she opened it wide.

“Hehee” OliseEE replied.

“URrghhhh… Where am … Damn it! It won’t come off!” GeorgEy_168 tried to wipe off the slimes on his eyes, but his hands were also covered in slimes so it was pointless.

“Warm…” Ilsa blushed.

“Ewww…” that was Meetty.

And finally, “Blblblblblblbl…,” Yomundorudo got his face burried under the swamp water. When the kids fell out of the frog, he somehow became a nice landing pillow for Ilsa and OliseEE.

Poor guy...

But the most important thing was, all the kids were fine. Not even a single scratch. Upon seeing that, teacher Jessica’s eyes wide open.


“Ha.” teacher Easy suddenly blurted out half of a laugh. He must held back the other half, because he was a cool and badass teacher who never laugh. “Good job kids, you all passed the test,” Easy then said.

“Ehh!?” Hearing that, the kids looked at Easy with confused eyes.

And so did teacher Jessica. “What!? Test? Easy! What do you mean!?”

Easy turned his eyes towards Yomundorudo.

“Yellow, check your pocket.”

All eyes immediately on Yomundorudo. The boy then touched the side of his jean.

“Oh!?” he felt something. "A... pouch?"

“What? What is it Yoyo?” Blob_Blob got curious so he slid his head under Yomundorudo's arm and got close to the pouch.

Yomundorudo opened the pouch. A disgusting smell much worse than the smell of frog slimes hit the everyone's noses.

“Ewwww! The hell!?” Blob_Blob was the one who was peeking inside the pouch and placed his face right above it so he got punished badly.

“Bleeeehhh!” he vomited right on the spot.


“Aaaahh!” Someone shouted. “Frog Testicle balls of Luring!”

It was Riku! As a monster tamer, she instantly recognized that item.

“Exactly,” said teacher Easy, “this item releases a pheromone so strong that it can attracts all the Frogs nearby to come and attack the item holder. I was just planned to have you guys fight ten or twenty Frogs to test your teamwork, but with yellow running around like that ... we’ve got many more.”


Yomundorudo was the one who went luring frogs according to Blob_Blob’s plan…

“But still… how can you all escape the situation?” teacher Jessica was still dumbfounded.

“Because we’ve got ... this!” Riku raised the blanket which was covering all of the kids. “When the frogs were chasing us, we couldn’t find any place to hide so we decided to … hide inside the frog’s belly! And thank God it worked!”

And a Giant Frog couldn't move when they were digesting, so the teacher could easily find the right one.

“Isn’t this…” teacher Jessica touched the blanket. “Hey!”

“Kahahahaha!” teacher Easy laughed out loud as he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He then whispered something into Jessica’s ears.

The teacher face became redder than a ripen cherry.


Used condom of Giants.>

“It’s awesome!” Riku eyes sparked stars. “You see, it gives protection from all kinds of things! Water, fire, thunder, poison! Wow, nearly indestructible, so the acid inside that frog couldn't hurt us even a single bit!”

Well, it was the item that OliseEE brought from the second hand market from a shady man. She always carried it inside her supporter backpack in case of emergency.

“Awesome…” Ilsa also gave a smug look.

“Good!” teacher Easy returned back to his cold self after a long laugh. “Now you all passed the test, so I will give you permission to enter the forest dungeon. But remember, it will be much more dangerous than this, so…”

“Yes!” All the kids raised their hands up high. “Hooray! Dungeon finally!!!”

“What do you think, Jessica? Are they good enough?” teacher Easy then turned and asked teacher Jessica, who for some reason, was spacing out.

“Oh... I? …Y-yes! Ok!” Jessica answered. “I think we should rest for thirty minutes, then head East towards the dungeon.”

“East?” teacher Easy surprised. “Isn’t the dungeon to the North?”

“It’s a new dungeon. The monsters are at a little bit higher level than usual, but the loots are much better. The kids are actually better than I thought, so I think they are going to be fine.”

“Hmmm…” Easy thought for a while. “Well, if you say so….”

“But Easy…”


“What if the kids couldn’t come up with that plan? I mean… will they...”

“Ah, that …” teacher Easy paused a bit, “do you know when, or how, that pouch ended up inside yellow’s pocket?”

“Heh?” Yomundorudo suddenly realized something. “Oh god! That thing wasn’t there when I started fight--”

But he was interrupted by teacher Easy patting his head.

Easy then walked closer to Jessica.

Closer and closer.

Staring into her deep blue eyes...

“Eh? Eh? Easy!? Easy!? What are you do--”

Surprised by teacher Easy’s suddenly approaching her, teacher Jessica took a few step back, but stopped by a hand placed onto her shoulder ... from behind.


Cold sweats broke out from Jessica’s forehead as the Easy in front of her vanished into thin air.

A cold voice whispered into Jessica’s ears.

“Oh Jessica... are you sure ... that the dungeon is to East?”

“Y-yes?” Jessica replied.


“Y-yes... gulp…”

Things went silence, the kids totally had no idea what was going on.

But then…

“Goood!” teacher Easy tapped Jessica’s shoulder and then spoke with a cheerful voice. “I just wanted to mess with you a bit. Sorry if that scared you.”

“Whaaaa…” teacher Jeassica heaved a sigh of relief. “Easy!” she even pouted.

“Well, you heard your teacher, kids. Rest up, then head east. We’ve got a new dungeon to clear.”

“Yaayyy!” the kids shouted in unison.

And so, the teachers and little students rested at a nearby camping spot, ate a bunch of Frog Nuggets (common item dropped from Giant Frog), before heading towards the new dungeon.

Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note

~Monster Tamer~

A first tier job.

A person who has this job tames and trains monsters.

There are two kinds of monsters:

- Dungeon monsters: Monsters created by dungeons (mostly inside Red zones)

- Non-dungeon monsters: Basically, animals.

Dungeon monsters can be captured and contained inside a magic cube, while non dungeon monsters cannot. Dungeon monsters are also much more easier to tame because they don't have a soul and thus, have no freewill. In case of animals, a few can be tamed easily, while there are many others (like Leon the White Lion), are almost impossible to tame because of their deep hatred for humans. They call the tamed monster Domesticated.

Pingy was a tamed monster, who first belonged to Riku but then she transfered the ownership to Meetty.

Riku wanted to tame our protagonist but failed. Might try again with a huge bribe though.

Unlocking condition:

Have two years experience of having a pet.

Stats correction:

PDEF + 10%; MDEF + 10%, max HP + 10%; + 1*level to all stats.

Second-tier jobs derived from Monster Tamer:

Master Monster Tamer.

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