《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 24.5: Uncles.


“Uncle, I’ve found daddy.” Pingy said while sitting on a tree, looking down at Thunder_xXx_Thunder as he was being carried by Leon.

“Very good. Now give me sight,” a deep dark voice echoed inside Pingy’s head.

“Yes,” Pingy replied. Only she could hear the voice. Who was she talking to?

“It’s gonna hurt a little bit. I’ll be connecting with your left eye and Blue the other.”

“Okay, I’m ready. Anytime.”

“Good. Then Three. Two. One.”


On one, Pingy gave a yelp and hugged her head. She almost fell off the tree but quickly regained balance by grabbing a branch.

“That hurt much more than I thought,” said Pingy, grinding her teeth. Her eyes now changed their color, with left eye bright red and right eye dark blue.

“My dear niece, are you okay?” another person spoke. His voice was much softer than the first one. “Is this too much?”

“No no, I’m fine, uncle Bluelelelele the Greater numbered Thirty-six point Four,” Pingy replied. “I’m just a little bit dizzy…”

“That’s good. Phew~... Anyways, just call me Blue. We are in the same family now.”

“Yes, uncle Bleeeeweewewewee~”

Pingy suddenly lost her balance as her vision was zooming in and out continuously.

“Stay still. I’m adjusting.” Kakakakuykaka spoke.


Pingy left pupil changed shape rapidly. Blood dripped down from her eye.

“Disconnect,” Bluelelelele said, “Don’t push yourself. This is unnecessary so I’ll be sharing vision with brother.”

“Thank you, uncle Blue.” Pingy replied. She was sweating all over.

“Hmm. It’s kinda blurry, and not very stable at times. Hmm.”

Pingy’s pupil was now shaped like an amoeba. “Aaa~...” she cried.

“Brother, that’s good enough!” Bluelelelele said to Kakakakuykaka, “You are stressing her! And I don’t think we need ultra resolution either.”

“Oh, you’re right. Sorry.” Kakakakuykaka apologized.

“It-it’s okay..., I’m fine.” Pingy said.

“Pingy, close your right eye,” said Bluelelelele, “You will get motion sickness if you see with both eyes open, and furthermore, try not to move suddenly, okay?”

“Thank you uncle, I understood,” Pingy replied.

And after that, as the rabbit and the lion moved towards the mountain range, Pingy followed them by jumping from trees to trees.


A few moments later, Pingy finally got used to her left eye so she moved freely without any dizziness.

“Oooo! A Demon Princess!? Haha! That’s my niece! To think our brother could have an awesome daughter like this!” Bluelelelele complimented Pingy, “Big brother, I’m glad! I’m tearing up!”

“Eh? Yes yes, awesome.” Kakakakuykaka was paying no attention at all. He was busy watching his little brother. “What ... the ... hell…”

“Stop it uncle Blue!” Pingy slightly blushed. “Please don’t tease Pingy!”

“Haha. And you said that bastard threw you out of the window? Damn!” Bluelelelele laughed.

“It- It’s not daddy’s fault! He probably didn’t know…” Pingy replied with a sad voice.

“Pingy. Left. A little bit,” said Kakakakuykaka.

“Yes.” Pingy moved to the left. It was a leaf that blocked Kakakakuykaka’s vision.

“But it’s good that he didn’t eat you, right? Otherwise you would be gone by now.” said Bluelelelele.

“Yeah… I guess so… But I was a cecotrope back then, it was like my sole purpose of existence was to become daddy’s food.” Pingy explained.

“Oh! And the cecotrope thing. How did that happen? I’m still confused.” said Bluelelelele.

“Well, I was first just a concept living inside the Necronomicon --”

“Yeah yeah, that part I understand. You were the will of the Necronomicon when we sent you over, then Gruraga ate you, but how did you acquired a real consciousness?” Bluelelelele asked again.

“That… I don’t…”

“A will to live, a body vessel, massive amount of soul-level energy and the blood of two high ranked demons.” Kakakakuykaka suddenly spoke. “That’s how new a demon is born to the physical realm.”

“Heh? Brother?”

“Ah, I’m bored watching. What the hell is he doing? Why hasn’t he eaten the fucking bunny yet!?”

“Heh?” Pingy.

“NO! He IS the bunny!” Bluelelelele shouted. “Are you our real brother!?”

“What do you say!?” Kakakakuykaka shouted in surprise, “He is ... the DAMN BUNNY?”

“Oh - my - lord! Brother!”



The sound of a Demon Lord table being smashed.

“Argh!” Pingy’s eye shot out blood.

“Calm down brother! You’re hurting Pingy!”

“Right. Disconnect!”

Pingy’s eye returned to normal. Hu-hah~, she breathed in and out heavily.


And then, “Blue, you’re up,” Kakakakuykaka said.

“Please let the kid rest a bit, brother. We can just talk for now,” said Bluelelelele.

“Hmm... Okay.”

“Yes yes. Now wait for the table and chair to regenerate then sit down please. Our little brother might be just a mere bunny, but it’s not that bad!”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t his wish to become weak? That means he got what he wanted. And beside, he will be less likely to cause any serious trouble until we come over to get him, right?” Bluelelelele explained.

“Hmmm, make sense.” Kakakakuykaka agreed. “Pingy!”

“Yes, uncle.”

“Grrr… Keep an eye on that kid, don’t let him be eaten.” Kakakakuykaka was growling.

“Of course, uncle. I will watch over daddy. Please leave everything to me!” Pingy replied.

The bunny and the lion continued moving North.

“Hmm,” Bluelelelele thought out loud, “The book had a will to live. The cecotrope as a body vessel. And then... somehow his power got sealed inside that empty world and Pingy absorbed it… However…”

Bluelelelele couldn’t figure out the last piece of the puzzle.

“Brother, what do you mean by blood of two demons?” he decided to ask.

“Ha? You don’t know about the process?” Kakakakuykaka asked back.

“No, I know that. But... I mean... two demons? Who could the other one be?”

“No idea.”


“Hey! I’m not Gruraga! How the hell do I know?”

“It’s the Demon King of this world.” Pingy suddenly spoke.

“WHAT!?” the two Demon Lord shouted in unison.

“Yes, my other daddy is the Demon King,” said Pingy, “Or mommy… I don’t know...”

“Oh I see!” Bluelelelele gasped, “So that’s why you are a Demon Princess!”

“Hey hey hey! Tell me about it!” Kakakakuykaka suddenly got excited.

“Y-yes! I don’t know how… but daddy ingested the Demon King blood and it ended up mixing into the cecotropes...”


“I don’t know! I will have to ask daddy,” Pingy answered, “But it’s weird… my other half also has traces of Demon King blood inside her system.”

“What? Brother, you have any idea about this?” Bluelelelele asked.

“Hmmm… Demon King blood inside a mortal body? It might be an accident, or coincidence… hmmm… or... not…” Kakakakuykaka thought out loud.

“Brother! Could it be!” Bluelelelele seemed to have picked up something.

“No Blue, it can’t be him. We have already taken care of him”


Hearing that, Pingy worried. “U-uncle? What are you talking about?”

“Ah, nothing, please don’t worry. However, we still need to investigate this. Please report back to us often,” Bluelelelele said.


“Pingy. The less you know, the better.” said Kakakakuykaka.

“Y-yes, uncle. Pingy understood.”

And right after that…

“Uncle! Daddy is fighting!”

Coincidentally, it was at this moment the fight started.

“Pingy! Vision connect!” Bluelelelele said.

“Oh no! He is up against a big lion! I will -- Argh!”



“Pingy, stay still,” said Kakakakuykaka.

“But… but…”

“Don’t worry, he will be fine. He is an amazing fighter you know?” said Bluelelelele.

“But daddy is weak now. At this rate, daddy will … what!? Daddy’s winning! So cool!”

“Told you!”

“Woah! This is so awesome! The lion can’t even attack!”


“Good! Now we can see clearly,” said Bluelelelele. “Haha! Slash! That’s our Gruraga!”

“Did you see that? The way he moves? Oh my god daddy!” Pingy kept shouting in excitement.

“Hmmm…” Kakakakuykaka was also watching, “Fighting head on right away without knowing anything about the opponent. What an idiot.”

“Heh? Uncle, what are you talking about? Daddy is winning!”

“No he is not.”

“Oh, if you say so… Then...”

“Stop. Don’t move.”

“Heh? But you say he’s not?”

“Yes, he is not winning. But his life is not in danger right now. Besides, this might be a good opportunity for him to learn a thing or two and grow up. You know, there are still many things that I didn’t, or couldn’t teach him back in the days.”

“Brother…” said Bluelelelele.

“Woaaah… Thank you Uncle, I understood,” Pingy said, “But daddy’s awesome, I don’t think he is gonna lose to a mere lion!”

“Good. Then let’s see how this turns out.”

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