《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 24: I have... a daughter !?


At the critical moment, the lion jumped high and avoided death.

How can he do that!?

At point blank range!?


I jumped back and retreated as far as I could, away from the lion.

I’m screwed!


The lion landed.

“Holy shit! Rabbit, what was that!?”

“How could you do that!?”


“It’s my skill!”

“Grrrr… What a dangerous skill. To think that my [Instinct-Death] could be activated just like that.”

Instinct… death!?

“And I see that you are not a Domesticated. Hmmm”


“I told you! I’m not!”

“Yes, Domesticated are all pathetic weaklings. There’s no way one can fight like you did. Congratulation, you just proved yourself innocent.”

“Haha! Then --”

“But I cannot forgive you of insulting my w****. Prepare to die.”

“What! Eyy! Come on!”

The lion slowly walked towards me, brandishing his claws.

“W-wait! Wait!”

I kicked the ground and jumped back further.

Shit! I’m too slow now!

“You ran out of MP didn’t you? Your feet does not glow rainbow anymore.”

The lion approached.

Everything turned grim dark.


What is this!?

What the hell is this feeling!?

My body’s shaking!

There’s no point trying to escape now…

I know that...

But why are my legs keep moving and thrashing on its own!?

“Stop! Stop! Don’t come close! Please! Don’t!”

I have no idea why I shouted and begged like that. It was really pathetic.

And I also experienced a weird reaction.

I can’t breathe!


Something is squeezing my heart!

“Haha! DIE!”

The lion dashed!

My body moved on its own.

Another tree was cut in half.


What the hell am I doing!?

“Huweeee! … Cough! Cough!”

The nauseous feeling in my chest made me cough my lungs out.

“Rabbit, give up. I’ll make your death painless.”



I threw a rock at him.

Didn’t do anything.


Another rock.


“Haha! It’s futile! Any last words?”



I threw many rocks.

The lion just stood there staring at me while doing nothing.


Why are you doing this?

It’s so uncomfortable!


I’m being toyed with!


“Just attack me already! End this ALREADY!” I shouted.

“Why? I’m enjoying this. The more my prey struggles, the more delicious it becomes you know?.”






“Muhahahaha! You’re amusing!” the lion laughed.


I’m out of rocks!

“You’re out of rock!”

Fuck this!


“What?” the lion raised his hand to protect his face.

Bep bep bep bep bepbepbepbep!

I hurled my blueberries at full speed.

“Stay away!”

“Kak! What’s the fuck are you throwing? Stop! Kuah!”

“Stay away from me!”

“Ka! Fuck! Mmrgh! Oh shit! Delicious!”

“Stay awaaaayy!”

“Haha! Throw more! Throw more!”

Bep bep bep bep bep bep bep bep!

Nom nom nom nom.


The lion ate all the blueberries!

“Muahahahahaha! You’re so interesting! Interesting!”

“Fuck you!”

“Throw more!”

“Then eat this!”


“Mmrg -- Kak! WHAAAAT!?”

Pep pep pep pep pep!

“Bleh! Bleh! Ptoey! Ptoey!”


“Kak! Stop! Stop!”


Pep pep pep pep pep peppeppeppeppeppep!

“Rawwwr!!! I was thinking of letting you go! But you made me mad again!”


Fuck you!



The lion jumped!

I equipped another shit.

I threw it.


Like a cannon ball, a random ball of shit exploded and sent the lion flying upon impact!

I was speechless.

What the fuck?


The lion vomited blood.

“Blargh… What the hell was that!?”

“Haha! I see. Come, lion!”


Lion charged!

“Oh my god shit equip!” I shouted.

Haha! Who could have thought that rare shits were THAT powerful!?


I raised my arm prepared to throw the shit at him.

But then...

Can you believe it?

Out of stamina right at the fucking moment!

The lion arrived and he raised his claws.


I can’t move!

I helplessly watched the attack, unable to move a single muscle.

This can't be!

Time slowed down a million fold.

I closed my eyes. The images of my short life in Online flashed inside my head.


"Haha, so this is the moment of death.

“Goodbye world. Goodbye kids. Good bye chicken. It’s been fun”

I whispered to myself.

“This is the end.”

Or so I thought.


All of the sudden, a high pitch voice called out for me from the sky.

A girl?


I heard explosion and along with it, the sound of breaking bones.


The lion… is wailing?

Someone then lifted me up, and a squishy sensation was felt all over my body.

Warm..... ahhh~

But wait!

What the hell is this?

I opened my eyes.

What!? B-b-boobs!?

Even my thoughts stuttered.

“Daddy! Are you okay!?"

A girl asked worriedly while squeezing me between her MASSIVE balloons. She then tried to remove all the dirt that was on my fur, carefully.

I looked up and saw a beautiful face.

“Who... are you?”

My eyes opened wild as millions of questions emerged inside my head.

“I’m your daughter. Teehee!”


Since when I have a daughter!?

This doesn’t make any sense!

“Please wait a minute, daddy!" The mysterious girl put me down then turned around "I’ll skin the lion alive as you wished. Wink!”

Her curvaceous booty jiggled.

I also noticed...


Is that... pig tail?


The lion was lying flat on a pool of blood.

“Lion, pay for your sin.”

The girl raised her foot.


Oh no! She is going to smash his head!

“Wait! Stop!”


“Stop! I need him alive! And please tell me what the hell is going on here!?”

“Come on daddy! You shouldn’t show mercy to the enemy!”

The girl pouted.



She clicked her tongue and slightly kicked the lion’s forehead with her toe.

Lion fainted and more blood flowed out of his nostrils.


Just like that?

And then...

“Daddy, stay still. I’m going to tend your wounds okay?”

“Y-yes please!”

I suddenly got nervous.

And as the girl walked back to me, my eyes...


Her body...



She then picked me up and stroked my head.


“Heh? What’s wrong?”


For some reason, an electric shock just ran down my spine!

“Grrrrrrrr --”


Why am I purring?

I’m not a cat!

“Hehe, daddy, you’re so cute. Your feet are kicking!”


I looked down.

Holy shit my feet!

“E-ey! Who exactly are you? I don’t remember having any daughter!?”

I asked while still purring.

“Oh no! How cruel! I’m your Cecotrope!”

“What do you say!?”

“And Pingy!”


“And your brother’s spy”


[Kawaii_Story_Bot's note]


A second tier job.

Derived from: Thief

An assassin is a professional killer. He/she is very fast, stealthy and deadly.

The Assassin job stats correction provides huge bonuses to speed and critical damage. However, it greatly reduces many other stats. This makes Assassin a very risky job to have, and difficult to master.

As an Assassin, you become very fragile but also deal so little damage when fighting normally. As a result, assassins don't fight head on, but rely heavily on a particular skill [Assassinate].

This skill is the job's biggest strength, but also at the same time, its deadly weakness.

Thunder_xXx_Thunder unlocked this job when he defeated the level 20 frog. He also put all his stats to STR, but little did he know, only idiots do that.

Unlocking condition:

Be a Thief. Kill 100 people.

Alternative unlocking condition:

Defeating a full HP opponent at least ten times your level with just one surprise hit, without any support from other people.

Stats correction:

PATK -20%, MATK -50%, MDEF -50%, PDEF - 50%, +100% speed, +100% critical damage.

Unique skill: [Assassinate]

Passive skill. Cooldown: Three minutes. Automatically activate when successfully delivered a surprise melee attack. That attack will deal 10x damage, with sure crit and ignore defense.

Third-tier jobs derived from Assassin:

Depends on the person other jobs and other factors, an unique third tier job can be formed. Must first be level 40 to unlock third-tier jobs.

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