《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 21: I'm Schizophrenic!



I was about to cut the tumors off.

But then...

“[Body hardening - Nipples]!”



The lion used a weird skill and his tumors became harder than rocks. My knife hit it, but only left a scratch.

“Aaaaaa!!! Regeneration! Regeneration!”

The tumor healed back to normal.

I frowned.

“Come on friend, stop resisting! We must get the tumors out or you will die!”

“These are not tumors! These are nipples! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“No! Wrong! How can nipples be on belly? They are on the boobs!”

“These ARE my boobs!”

“No, this - area - here!,” I pointed at the shaved area “is the belly, NOT boobs!”

“I’m a male!”

“So what?”

“Check yours! Where're your nipples?”


I then touched myself…

and …

…oh boy, it was so wrong...


“Told you!”

“Wait wait wait wait wait… nipples … nipples… nipples…”

I freaked out.



At that moment, my mind got destroyed.

Fuck the world.

Can you believe it?

Nipples! On belly!

What a joke!

In the end, I checked everything again, both mine and the lion’s. It turned out that those lumps were indeed nipples, not tumors

Oh my...

What a shame, to not realized the feeling of nipples touching in the first place.

On the bright side, the lion didn’t have cancer, and I was wrong, so I admitted my mistake and apologized to the lion.

“Sorry, for cutting your nipples.”

“Grrrrr.... They are still intact, so it’s fine. But how can you not know the basic like this? You have nipples as well!” the Lion asked me.

Then, of course, I told him the truth!

“I was a Demon Lord from another world and just got reincarnated here a few weeks ago. I didn’t know that this world lack common sense about nipples like this! This's crazy!”

The lion’s brows furrowed.

He then scratched his chin.

“Demon Lord?” he asked, squinted his eyes, and moved his face close to me.

“Yes, Demon Lord!” I puffed my chest out, and proudly informed him about my past.

“Reincarnated?” his face got closer and closer.

“Yes, I came here from another world”

I said and moved my face closer as well, to let him know that I was serious.

“Hmmmm” the lion then moved around, looking at me at many different angles.

I guessed he wanted to inspect me some more.


He seemed to be thinking really hard.

“Alien? Beep Beep. Beep beep beep. Beep Beeeep. ”

“What? Alien?"

“You come in peace?"

“No! Just Demon Lord! From another world! And aliens do not speak like that!”


Seriously? How could he think that I was an alien?

But then, he got another wrong idea.

“I see, I understand. It must be tough…”

“Yes! It's very tough! I’m now just a small bunny and-”

“- to have schizophrenia at such a young age.”


He didn’t understand anything at all!

“That explained the melon hat and the crazy wild eyes, and the fact that you are not scared of a lion.”

“Noo! No! You got it wrong!”

Arrgghh! I got frustrated and pulled my ears again, as I had no idea how to explain things to him.

“So, Demon LOooooooooord! What is the shape of the world?”

Heh? Easy!


“I see…”

Oh crap!

I didn’t think carefully and used common sense in the old world!

Online is, in fact...

“Wrong! It’s ring shape. Only crazy people think it’s round!”

Yes, the world of Online is flat, and shaped like a ring with the sun in the middle.


“No doubt about it! Crazy rabbit, you must seek medical care asap! I know a very good Beast Doctor!”

“No! I'm not crazy!”

“That's what crazy people say."


“Let’s go, whether you like it or not! Doctor WEIRD is very good!”

The lion then grabbed the hood part of my bunny costume and lifted me up.

“Nooo! Put me down! I’m not going to any WEIRD doctor!”


“Ararararararara! Put! Me! Down!”

I used all my strength trying to escape from him, but it was impossible with the way he grabbed me.

“Grrr... We’re going to climb a mountain! So stop thrashing around!” the lion spoke with his mouth still holding me.

“No! No! No! No! Let! Me! Gooooo!”

“Quiet! Or I’ll throw you off the cliff later!”


Hearing that, I shut up.

There was no way I could change the lion’s mind, or escape from him. And on top of that, I didn’t want to be throw off the cliff either.

We then headed somewhere deep into the forest.

I had totally lost track of where I was. But the lion mentioned a mountain, so I thought it must be the somewhere inside the Green Mountains Range, located north of the Greentrees Forest. The Don’t Swim river was originated from there, and the Dungeons were also around that area.

Knowing that, I stay quiet and let the lion be my carrier.

I’ll wait until he let his guard down, then escape!

That was my plan.

Now, I'll use conversation to distract him!

“So… can I ask a question, mister white lion?”

“What is it? Melon crazy alien rabbit ?”


“Why were you eating grass? They are poisonous you know?”

“Heh? A rabbit thinking grass is poisonous? Man, your condition is serious.”

“What? Arrrgghh! I’m done talking with you!”

“Don’t worry, doctor WEIRD will fix you.”


Like I said, I was done talking!

“Anyways, I was trying to become a herbivore.”


“With the new world update coming, food source for us wild animal will become scarce.”

Heh? World update?


But I’m still not talking!

“Can you believe it? The grass bunnies and the grass deer are wanting to become Domesticated.”

Not talking!

“And so the boars, and even the giraffes”


What is he talking about?

Very interesting.

“All the grass eaters will become Domesticated, and with the food gone, we have no choice but to become herbivores ourselves to survive.”

Woahh, so that’s why!

I see!

I see!

“Life will be very tough for us, you know?”

“Yes, I -..”


I forgot!

Not talking!

“But there is still hope, melon rabbit, if the demons can win the war.”



“They promised to help us take back the lands from humans. I don’t know if we can trust them, but it’s the only way. Don't you think so?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ah, finally talk. Don’t you listen to the morning news from the birds?”

“What? What bird?”

“The Morning News birds! Oh, I forgot, you have mental problems. Anyways, in short, the Beast King has agreed to form an alliance with the demons. We will have to sacrifice some warriors for demon vessels, but in return, they will destroy the humans for us.”

“Ehhh… is that… serious?”

“Yes! It’s damn serious! In fact, as we are talking right now, the demons are getting ready to attack Cauconorth! They are swarming the Dungeon area you know?”


“Muahaha! They will emerge from deepest of the dungeons! Hundreds of terrifying demons! And we will get our yellow area back!”

“Wait! Wait a second! You said, the dungeons, right? There are demons in the Dungeon area?”

“Of course! Where else could they be?”

“And when?”

“In a few days, I guess.”

Oh no!

There will be many demons inside the dungeons!

The kids!

“Lion! Please let me go! My friends are going to the dungeon today. I have to warn them!”

“Ah, don’t worry, they have no reason to harm us beasts. We formed an alliance!”

“No! My friends are not beast!”


Right after I said that, the lion stopped.

“Ey, melon rabbit, don’t tell me…”

“They are humans!”

“Damn it!”


The lion suddenly tossed me high up in the air.

And then...


He tried to bite me! But I quickly kicked his face and got to a safe distance.

“You are no crazy rabbit! You are a DOMESTICATED! I was a fool!”

“No I’m n-”


He leaped at me!

The lion was fast!

I barely dodged!

Shit! He gives me no chance to explain!

I went into my usual battle stance and readied my weapons.

I have no other choice!

“Rawwwr! Your reflexes are very fast. Impressive! For a Domesticated SPY!”

He said and leaped at me again, and I barely escaped death by crouching down low.

But another attack came right after that!


He was so fast! I couldn’t dodge his slap and was sent flying, crashed into a tree.

I was lucky that it was not a slap with full power, given the lion's body position.

But it was still hell of a slap!

My Watermelon helmet broke.


I only had around 23 HP left, because I hadn’t fully recovered from that cliff accident.

My mind started to feel hazy.

"No! Don't pass out! Arrrrrrrrrgghhh!!!"

I then screamed, and got up.

My blood started to boil.

I saw two lions standing in front of me.


“Very good… That hurt... Kuhahaha”

I laughed, not to ease the pain, but because...

Adrenaline RUSH!

It had been such a looong time since I last had this feeling!

The felling of a TRUE battle!

“Grrr, what’s so funny? What are you laughing about?” the lion said and growled.

Isn’t it obvious?


“Come! Lion! I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!!”


“[Quick feet] ACTIVATE!”


[Kawaii_Story_Bot's Note]


Name: Leon

Race: White Lion

Level: 23

Job: Bodybuilder (+20% STR, + 20% VIT, +10% PATK, + 20% PDEF, -10% Speed).

Side job: Claw-user.



HP: 3457/4304 MP: 1130/1130 Stamina: 5347/7283 Hunger: 46/100 PATK: 1658 PDEF: 636 MATK: 565 MDEF: 565 Critical damage: 200% STR: 265 (+5 PATK +2 PDEF +5HP +5 Stamina / point) AGI: 117 (+1 Speed + 1 PATK / point) INT: 113 (+10 MP +5 MATK +5 MDEF / point) VIT: 128 (+10 HP + 20 Stamina / point) LUK: 69



Stun Roar. Instinct. Anthropomorphize. Body hardening (Part). Claw Arts level 4. Sword Arts level 2. Steroid overload. Regeneration.



Bodybuilding addict (+5% STR + 5% VIT - 5% AGI - 20% Speed) Attempted vegan (+5 VIT.) Dangerous monster (+5% PATK) Beautiful hair (+20% love meter filling speed) Loner (+20% VIT, +20 LUK, -50% love meter filling speed)

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