《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 20: Surgery.


It had been twenty minutes since the lion fell down unconscious.

I started to worry.

“Oh no! Could it be…. there’s still grass inside his stomach!?”

Thinking that, I came close to the lion and tapped his belly.

Bum bum!

It made the sound of a drum.

Hmmm, is this good? Or is this bad?

I was not a doctor, so I had no idea.

However, there was certain things I can do.

“I can do surgery! I just have to make a very small hole, get in, get the grass out, and then close it. Simple!”

And so, I decided to do a surgery to save the lion. I then went to a pool of rainwater just happened to be nearby to wash my knife.

“Don’t worry friend, I’m going to save you, hang in there!”

If it was the old me, I could just use my tongue to sterilize the knife. But as a bunny, … well, it’s not like the rainwater was free of bacteria, but I had no choice. This was an emergency.

Knowing that, I did my best to wash the knife clean.

I then returned.

“Okay! First, I have to shave the belly.”

The lion had long hair around his head, or more accurately, a mane. However, other body parts also had fur. Very short, but still fur, so shaving the belly fur off was still necessary.

And this guy’s fur was all white.


Anyways, using my knife, I shaved all of his white belly fur, exposing his belly button.

“Hmmm, you even have abs! Impressive! However…”

A few lumps of something on his belly caught my attention. They were pink, and round, and when I touched them, it felt quite wrong.



“Could it be…

“Belly CANCER?

“Oh no, friend! This is serious!”


I then counted.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 tumors!

Oh no!

Can you believe it!?

And thus, since I was planning to do a belly surgery, I might as well help him getting rid of those nasty tumors!

Thinking that, I went to the rainwater pool again. There was dirt on the belly fur, so I had to be careful and wash my knife once more. Since this was a forest environment, infection could be nasty.

I also used a leaf to wipe the belly clean.

And then…

“Yes! Perfect! Now let me begin the surgery!


There was nobody around to help me, so I just shouted like that for awesomeness, while reaching for my very clean knife on a very clean leaf tray.


Yes, fork. I had no idea what can a fork do in surgery, but just in case.

And then, I tried to remove the tumors first…

I made the first cut.



“AAAAAaaaaa!!! Melon rabbit! What are you doing with my nipples!?”

Before I could do anything, the lion opened his eyes and shouted at me!

He had just regained conscious. That means I didn’t need to do the surgery to get the grass out anymore!

But about the tumors…

You know, cancer is a very serious problem that usually doesn’t cause symptoms right away, but might become very dangerous if you do nothing about it!

And knowing that, I shouted back:

“What? Nipples!? No friend! They are tumors! We need to remove them!”

I then raised my knife.


The knife's blade reflected sunlight, and so my did my eyes.

“No! Sto-



Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note:


A second tier job.

Derived from: Gun user.

A musketeer is a person who uses muskets. The secondary weapon choice is often a small sword, or a rapier, because it looks awesome. The power of a musketeer doesn’t only depend on the person’s stats, but also greatly relies on the weapons.


In our story so far, Ilsa is the only one among the kids who unlocked a second tier job. However, we still don’t know why she is using pistols.

So, where’s her muskets?

Well, we will have to wait. It will be revealed in the future chapters.

Unlocking condition:

Be a gun user. Have gun mastery level 5. Own a musket.

Alternative unlocking conditions:

Use a musket to kill 100 monsters on the same or higher level.

Stats correction:

PATK + 30%; weapon range + 20%; +1*level to STR, + 1*level to AGI, + 1*level to INT + 50% damage when using muskets. - 50% muskets reloading time. + 25% secondary weapon damage. + 20% bad-ass.

Unique skill: Penetrating shot

Fire a bullet that deals 2x damage and ignore all kind of defense. After that, opponent suffers a -30% PDEF down. Cooldown: 20 seconds. MP cost: 5

Third-tier jobs derived from Musketeer:

Depends on the person other jobs and other factors, an unique third tier job can be formed. Must first be level 40 to unlock third-tier jobs.

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