《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 17.5: Two older brothers


Very soon after our Bunny’s arrival at the world of Online, in the world of Offline, Castle of the Dark Black Demons…

“This is bad, big brother! This is bad!”

A Demon Lord said to another Demon Lord in panic. His name was Bluelelelele the Greater numbered Thirty-six point Four.

“What is it, Blue?”

The other Demon Lord’s name was Kakakakuykaka the Greatest numbered One plus only Five.

“T-the Dragons! They have sided with the Slime!!!”

“WHAT!? Isn’t the Slime DEAD!?” Kakakakuykaka slammed the table, thus smashed it into tiny pieces.

“No! Another Slime! It’s a bad Slime!”


“Yes! Big brother! A-a very bad slime!”

Hearing that, the older Demon Lord’s face turned redder than its original very red color.

“Bad… slime… not just bad… but… ”


“....very … bad… slime… Grrrrrrr….”

Kakakakuykaka was not happy.

He then clenched his fist, releasing an unimaginable aura of multiple deaths.

Sunlight suddenly vanished all over the world.

“Oh no! Brother, please stay ca-”

“Blue, Duck!”


Bluelelelele immediately got down onto the floor as he knew what was about to happen.



The older Demon Lord screamed and unleashed waves of darkness energy that cut the dimension into many halfs, slicing every atoms thus created six more types of subatomic particles!

But the God of the Universe couldn’t stand this bullshit so he fixed the particles back to normal soon afterwards.

“Grrrr… Grrr…” The older Demon Lord still growled like an angry wolf.

“S-stay cool! Brother!”

Bluelelelele’s face was still blue. He was scared shitless, but still tried to calm his brother down.

“Ahh, yes ... I’m sorry Blue. Stay cool… stay coo- DESTROYYYY!!!”


Then, after a few hours of absolute madness had passed...

“Blue.” Kakakakuykaka had finally calmed down.

“Y-yes, big brother?” Bluelelelele came out of his hiding spot under the rug.

“Isn’t Slime extermination our little Gruraga’s job? What the hell is he doing?”

“T-this… this is…”

“Huh!?? Answer me! What the hell is he doing!?”

“H-he said that he needed to go somewhere to play! … B-but he hasn’t been home for a week now…”

“NANI !?”


The table was smashed again!

But the table was also a Demon Lord so it regenerated in an instant.


“BROTHERRR!!! Please no more death waves! You will exhaust yourself! You still haven’t fully recovered yet!”


But despite the younger brother warning, the older Demon Lord still unleashed his uncontrollable wrath.


The castle was disintegrated but it was also a Demon Lord so it regenerated in an instant!

The dimension was safe this time, so the Gods sighed in relief.

Pant- pant…

“Y-yeah… You’re right… I’m exhausted… I can’t no longer get angry…”

“Yes, please stay cool. The most important thing now is to find our little brother.”

“Hmmm…” Kakakakuykaka finally sat down onto his Demon Lord chair. “Do you have any idea where he went?”

“He first went somewhere... in the God’s realm, if I remember correctly…”



The table was destroyed again!

And then regenerated.

“Gruraga! What are you thinking? And why didn’t you stop him you stupid fuck!?” asked Kakakakuykaka.

“Brother!!! How can I stop him? He is the strongest among us!!!”

“And what about letting me know? Blue! Come on! Does marrying a human make you so dumb that you’ve lost your common sense???”

“Brother! Lily has nothing to do with this!!!”

“Lilo my ass!”


“So why!? Why did you let him go? He was strong but did you forget what happened to that stupid nonvisible dragon who challenged God?”

Kakakakuykaka was referring to this dragon.

“He… he said he was chasing his dream!!!”

“What? What dream? That little brat only knows about cupcakes and stupid animu shits!!!”

“Dream of becoming… weak?”

Ah… It turned out that Bluelelelele was trying to cover for our protagonist!

“Hah? Ey, Blue, what nonsense are you saying?”

“Brother! You really don’t understand our little brother at all! Since all you care about is … Blarghh!!!”

Bluelelelele vomited many blood before he could even finished his sentence, as he just received a serious punch to the solar plexus.

“Understand? Him? I was the one who raised him! And I was the one who scooped his fucking shits every fucking time! Do you even know that they were fucking radioactive? You did nothing for him! And you are saying that I do not understand him? You fucking...”



Another punch sent Bluelelelele flying one full circle around the globe in three seconds, just to be punched one more time when he flew back.

A few more punches and Bluelelelele was then laid flat on the ground, unable to move.


“B-brother…” he murmured.

“Stand up!”

“... that’s not what I mean… blargh...”

“Huh? So what do you mean? I trained him to become the greatest warrior in the world! So what is the thing that I don’t understand!?”

“Did you… pay attention at all? What make him happy? What is the last time he was smiling?”

Bluelelelele slowly got up, shaking.

“Brother! Do you fucking know?”

“How... dare... you…”

“He was crying! He even tried to kill himself you know!?”

“What do you say?... “

“He was too strong that even one scratch from his finger nail could kill God… But all of that power, he said, was meaningless!”


“Meaningless! And he said that he was so tired!”


“Of being a mere tool for the Demons to rule the world!”


“Yes! You raised him, so what? You think you understand him, but in reality...”




“BLARGHH!!!” Another punch sent Bluelelelele flying another full circle around the world!

Kakakakuykaka then caught him when he flew back and slammed his face a million times a second onto the Demon Lord table.

It took Bluelelelele a whole minute to fully recover his consciousness from that.

And then...

“Blue,” said Kakakakuykaka.

“Big ... brother…?” Bluelelelele raised his head, and ... confused, as he could see… his brother’s ... tears?

“You think I don’t understand?” asked Kakakakuykaka.

“So ... why …?”

Kakakakuykaka then wiped his tears and closed his eyes. “You think that I’m not tired of being the fucking head of his house? That I’m not sick of our own fucking power?” he said.


“But there is a got damn thing called RESPONSIBILITY! We are the rulers! The balance of this fucking world relies on us! You can’t just turn your fucking ass away from it like that! Do you understand?”


“And look at what just fucking happened! The Bad Slime! The Dragons! And the fucking Isekai-ers! And let me ask you a question, who the fuck hold responsibility for all of this? And who the fuck will have to clean up this got damn stupid mess!?”


“Haha! It’s me! It’s ME! Since that fucking brat ran away, now I’ll have to take care all of that shit MYSELF!”

Kakakakuykaka had already snapped.


“Huh? But what?”

“... can we just all get along? I mean… humans are not that bad after …”

Kakakakuykaka’s face suddenly turned black.

Bluelelelele also stopped talking.



“They killed your si…”

“I’m sorry!” Bluelelelele prostrated, as he knew he just said the stupidest thing to his brother.

“Jeez… Blue…” Kakakakuykaka sighed. “Don’t be such a naive, just because your Lilo is different…”

Bluelelelele couldn’t say anything back.

And after a few minutes of silence, Kakakakuykaka was the one who spoke first.


“Brother! Let’s not talk about this anymore. We’re both worried about our brother, right? So we need to find him first!”

“Ah, you’re right. But where is he right now? Any idea?”

“I’ve detected his presence coming from another dimension. But to get there…”

“Another dimension?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how he got there. And the thing is... the gap between here and there is too small that there’s no way we can get through it.”

“Jeeez… Grugara…” Kakakakuykaka sighed one more time. “What the hell are you doing?”


“Blue, how small is the gap?”

“Smaller than an electron.”



“Hmmm... “

Kakakakuykaka then lost in his thoughts for a moment. Many smoke could be seen rising from his head.

And then…

“Blue, let’s go to the library.”

“What? Brother, what are you trying to do?”

“If I can’t come for him, then I will send out my minions. I’m sure that I can at least squeeze a few through.”

“Your minions? What do you mean? And why the libra… Ey!!!”

“Yes, Blue, I’m thinking about it.”

“Are you serious? That is so fucked up!”

“I’m fucking serious.”


“How many Necronomicons do we have in our library?”

“Six thousands six hundreds and sixty six…”

“Good! Let’s send them all! And open a fucking portal to another side”

“Fuck me…”

“Gruragaramograd the Great numbered Twenty-five point One! You’d better be ready, cause I’m coming over to slap your stupid butt!”

And thus, that’s how the Necronomicon ended up in the world of Online.

Kawaii_Story_Bot's Note:

~Demon names~

In Offline, the Demon language is super weird so Demons will have super duper weird names when translated to English.

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