《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 17: Cecotropes and weapons


After closing the Primary Inventory window, I got curious and opened my Secondary Inventory, just to discover a shock truth…

I had lost many of my Cecotropes and Shits!

And even weirder…

Some of my poop and pee had ... increased in rarity!

-Secondary Inventory-

323 Normal Cecotrope 267 Normal shit 548 Normal Urine water 124 Uncommon Cecotrope 87 Uncommon shit 214 Uncommon Urine water 36 Rare Cecotrope 24 Rare shit 99 Rare Urine water 1 Legendary Cecotrope 1 Necronomicon

What the actual... fuck!?? Legendary Cecotrope?

Too confused, I decided to inspect this.

“Legendary Cecotrope!” I gave the command using thoughts.

And in an instant, Pop!

Something round appeared on my hand.


“So this is…” i gasped, looking at the thing.

It was small, like a marble, with brown color, and kind of slimy…

And had a very very strong smell…

This is…



“Cecotrope? What the hell with that fancy name!? This is just some stupid shit! ... Ewwww!!!”

And I was about to throw it away.


Blink blink blink blink blink!


"Why is my shit … shining?”

As the Legendary Cecotrope bathed in sunlight, it shone brightly like a diamond…


The more I looked at it, the more noticed ... its intense aura!

And rainbow glitters !

Twinkle twinkle!

"W-what the hell?"

And then, suddenly… I heard it!

Eat meeee~

Eaaaattt meeeee~~~

The Legendary Cecotrope was... talking to me!

“Eat you?” I asked.

Eat meeee~~~


And thus, like being hypnotized, I raised my hand and opened my mouth.


I was about to eat it…

But then, at the last moment…


That snapped me out of the hallucination!

“FUCK!” I shouted and threw the creepy shit away!


Out of the window!

“Like hell I’m going to eat that!!!


“Brrrr!!!” Couldn’t believe what I almost did, I shivered.

Holy hell…

I almost destroyed my own reputation!

That thing is dangerous!

And thinking that, I backed away from the window, and tried to focus on other things.

“I have to quickly finish preparing, and get the hell out of here!”

And then, as I was trying not to think about what just happened, I opened the kitchen drawers.

Kitchen Knife; Kitchen Knife; Kitchen Knife; Kitchen Knife; Kitchen Knife ... Wooden Fork; Wooden Fork; Wooden Fork; Wooden Fork; Wooden Fork ... Wooden Spoon; Wooden Spoon; Wooden Spoon; Wooden Spoon; Wooden Spoon ... Wooden Chopsticks; Wooden Chopsticks; Wooden Chopsticks; Wooden Chopsticks; Wooden Chopsticks ...


All common kitchen items.

I grabbed some of those to use as weapons.

And of course, I didn’t forget to do some modifications.


Ten-ended pointy wooden chopstick)>


Do you seriously believe that?

I’m just kidding!

What the hell is even a pointy spoon!?

I’m not that nonsensical!

Joke asides, these are what I actually equipped:

Weapon slot (Right hand)

Weapon slot (Left hand)

Head slot:

Neck slot:

Ring slot:

Tail slot:

And finally, as my fur hadn't grown yet...

Body and legs slot:

And thus, with that full set of equipment, I felt even more invincible than before.

"Raaaawrrr!" I roared.

And then...


I kicked the door open, made a triumph pose, then closed the door and locked it with the combination lock (Of course!).

Then, I headed towards the Green Trees Forest, where the Dungeon was.


Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note:

~Anti Mage~

A first tier job.

Anti mage is a special job, specifically designed to fight against mages or other magic users.

Despite of being an anti-magic job, it actually required the person to have great knowledge of magic. As a result, the Anti mage also know a lot of spells, and can even use them with more efficiency than a normal mage.

Unlocking condition:

Have basic knowledge of magic.

Stats correction:

MDEF + 20%; Debuff resistance + 30%; + 0.5*level to INT

Second-tier jobs derived from Anti-Mage:

Silencer; Magic Eater; Mage Slayer.

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