《DemonLord_Floof - The lack of common sense isekai》Chapter 18: On my way.


I forgot an important item, so I went back home to get it.

The map! Or actually, a book that contained the maps of all the nearby dungeons!

I had to remove 100 Blueberries in my Inventory to make space. The Blueberries were delicious, but the book was more important.

“What idiot would go to a dungeon without a map, right?”

Thinking that, I saluted to give props to the cartographer who took his time illustrating it, and checked the maps one more time to ...hmmm... just for the sake of checking.

I mean, there might be something that I missed?

So here you go, the map of Cauconorth!

Looking at the map, I sighed in relief. “Phew, I almost went the wrong way! I'm supposed to go northeast, not south-east towards Boofaloof river!

Although I could still get to Greentrees Forest if I had traveled east, that region only had high level dungeons that were unsuitable for me.

And so, I went north, saw the farm, then turned right and went onto the Don’t Jump bridge to cross the Don’t Swim river.

The Don't Swim river, what a weird name it had, was the one that divided the Cauconorth region. To the west of the river was Cauconorth Village, and to the east, Greentrees Forest.

And you might ask why the river had such a silly name?

Well, it was named like that because we were told not to swim in it, and the same could be said about the Don’t Swim lake which the river poured into.

But why not to swim?

I don’t know, I’m not the one who named it!

But I can ... guess!

Maybe… because they were both red areas? Meaning they were, in fact, dungeons?

According to what I learned in school, the Online world has Green, Yellow, Red and Purple areas. Green areas are safe zones, where people are under God’s protection and are less likely to be harmed. Yellow areas have wild animals and sometimes, stray Dungeon monsters appearing. Red areas are dungeons, where Dungeon-monsters spawn and re-spawn continuously. And finally, Purple, lands of the Demons.


They didn’t explain how dangerous purple areas are, but with the way they talked and the fact that it was mentioned last, I guessed that “purple” has to be “Extremely Dangerous”.

Then, standing on the Don’t Jump bridge, I turned around and looked at the scenery of Cauconorth one more time.


Turning my head to the right, I could see many similar looking tiny houses all having blue roofs. The one with red roof near the poison growing area was my school, Elemental Tree, and not far from it, the statue of King Cauco, hidden behind a stupid watchtower that was placed there for no reason.

Well, the village itself was just another typical village, nothing special about it.

But the thing that captured my attention was a giant ball of fire, partly hidden behind the wall of mountains, rising far away in the West.



I love sunrise.

Who the hell doesn’t like sunrise, right?

You might argue that vampires don’t, but that’s not my point! My point is, you just have to love the artistic sense of whoever made this world!

In my old world, the suns were not nearly as beautiful as this one in Online. They were pathetic suns, and it was somewhat my brother’s fault…

But anyways, it was not until I arrived here that I got to see the sun this awesome!

The Online's sun, was giant!


I moved my hand up trying to estimate the size of it.

Friend, if you are human, spread all five fingers wide and hold your arm straight in front of you like making an imaginary barrier, and here it is, the image of this sun would be five times the size of your hand!

The wonderful thing about this sun was, despite of its ridiculous size, it was not unpleasant to look at directly, unlike most of the suns that my brother destroyed, and at the same time, it also reminded me of who I was, as everything looked so tiny under that massive ball of fire.


In my old world, I was the most powerful Demon Lord. But here in Online, I was just a tiny Grass Bunny smaller than a bucket.


What is this feeling?

I feel… small, and powerless.

So overwhelmed...

Right, if I was the old me, I could easily destroy it with one punch... or compress it to make a ping pong ball and take it home to play with brothers.

But now, all I can do is ... look, say woah... and that’s all.

Can't even touch it.

So ... is it what it feels like to be ... weak?

To have nothing?


And wonderful.

Just like that, I lost in my own thoughts and ended up spending so much time just watching sunrise, until…


A leaf hit my face!

The wind blowing on the bridge was so strong that it was actually hurt! But thanks to that, I had returned to reality.

I then continued east, exited the village.

“Aha, here is the grassland where the kids found me. It’s been a while.”

The grassland was actually a yellow area, and that explained why I was attacked by an eagle.

I laughed at myself while walking past it. “Haha, what a reckless me.”

As I learned in school, Tornado Eagles were level 20 - 25 creatures, many levels higher than me, and I finally realized that Riku had risked her own life protecting me.

“Thank you Riku, I will give you my loots when I get back.”

I gave my thanks to her and made a promise to myself. And then, at the forest entrance, where there were two different roads, I took the right one.

According to the map, the Forest Dungeon should be near the swamp. Should I take the shortcut across the swamp, or should I stick with the road and go the longer way? I thought.

Because I hate slimy things, including giant slimy frogs, I took the long way. Thanks to that, I had an interesting encounter with a new friend, Leon the white lion, who was for some reasons, trying to eat grass.

Kawaii_Story_Bot’s note:


A first tier job, not to be mistaken with Thief.

The rogue combat style focuses on speed, stealth and sometimes, traps. Rogues can be both melee and ranged fighters.

The Thief job is very similar to Rogue, but less focused on fighting. Instead, it focused on stealing, lying, deceiving and getting away.

Unlocking condition:

Run very fast.

Stats correction:

PATK + 10%; Speed + 20%; + 1*level to AGI.

Second-tier jobs derived from Rogue:

Bounty hunter, Swashbuckler, Spy, Scout, Ninja, Trap-master...

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