《Fallen God decides to live a little》Chapter 7: My eyes are a problem.


It was at the 18th apology when Kin started to calm down.


I was seating on the comfortable bed and yet I felt exhausted the whole time.

Ragos said that receiving too much kindness was exhausting.

I guess he was right.

I don’t really get it though, what’s with my eyes.

The eyes of a god are golden.

My eyes should be golden as well.

Our Irises are golden, while our pupils are a shade lighter.

Mortals should know through Ragos that the eyes of the gods are Golden.

Unless my eyes have changed.

No... it can't be...

My inherent body couldn't have changed that much right?


I grab her shoulder and ask with urgency.

This jolts her from her apologetic stare. 


She stammers but she manages to regain her former seriousness.

“What color are my eyes right now?”

I'm staring at Kin with widened eyes.

I need to know what color my eyes are.

I hope I’m not creeping her out.

Kin stares at me but she speaks.

“You’re eyes are a shade of cyan. More on the darker shades.”

Once I heard Kin's words, I let her go.

My eyes have been transformed.

This is disconcerting.

It's not because I dislike the color, I actually really like the color cyan since it fits the color of my robes.

Whoever game me these eyes means that someone wants me dead.

Dark cyan eyes mean that I am the target of a god or a powerful heavenly celestial.

If a creature from the heavens were to curse a mortal with dark cyan eyes, it means the mortal has done something to greatly anger them.

It has many names but it is commonly called [Cursed Eyes].

The curse will last until death or the cursed one becomes a celestial being themselves.

Usually getting a god’s favor would be enough motivation to kill a person with the cursed eyes but to motivate people more, the gods made a rule that should they curse someone, the killer will be rewarded.

I must have a very big price on my head.

This curse will make sure that my life will be in constant danger.

Not good.

[Discovered hidden status Cursed Eyes]

I pause and stare at the notification in my status board.

I internally sigh.

I guess it’s just another problem I need to deal with.

I stare at Kin and wonder why didn’t she just kill me.

Most mortals would do anything to gain the favor a god.

The mortals that had the chance to talk to me fell to their knees and tried to immediately curry favor.

And even if Kin didn't want the favor, I would still be considered a dangerous being.

It would have been safer to just kill me.


This woman is weird.

Kin didn't answer immediately, she must've been thinking.


She regained her seriousness it seems.

I look at this simple girl and wonder where she got that extreme power boost.

And where the hell is that wyvern!

I thought it was my servant but isn't capable of sensing if its master is in danger. 

Well to be honest... Kin would have easily slaughtered it.

“Why didn’t you just kill me instantly? I am a cursed person, why spare me?”

Kin must’ve predicted this and looked at me with a serious pair of eyes.

The mana in the air suddenly vibrates rapidly.

I take a look at her status and her magic power jumped again.

I subconsciously tense up and Kin notices.

"Sorry... I got excited hehe."


Kin relaxes and her magic power drops back to 0.

“I don’t really know, my god F-“

A god!

“Your god?”

It's not my personality to interrupt others but I can't help but be surprised.

It was obvious that her power came from a deity because if her power came from herself, then I could at least see that but her magic power is 0.

If she is a follower of a god or goddess, she must have been an extremely high ranked one.

I ask her what rank she is in her religion.

“Are you an apostle?"

Kin's power is not huge compared to some creatures of the mortal plane but for a human, without a shred of magic power or talent, her power is astonishing.

“No, I am not an apostle or any lower ranking follower." 

I see. She must be an avatar.

“I’m an avatar”

I knew it. 

“I see”

My nonchalant response left her mouth wide open and even more surprised than my [Cursed Eyes].

“Wa- Wait aren’t you supposed to be more surprised, scared, shocked or anything?”

I internally chuckle and compare myself to her.

I can’t tell her that I’m a god myself that used to exist in a higher plane of existence and power compared to her god. 

Kin's god cannot be compared to me because the difference is too massive.

She won't believe that.

"I’m just a naturally calm person."

She’s frowning.

I guess she didn’t believe that either.

“Really, you’re not surprised?”

I shake my head to her.

While I've been talking to Kin, I notice that I’ve been here for too long and the fat guy whose status I didn’t bother to check is still unconscious. 

I point to the unconscious person and tell Kin about my current plans.

“You should deal with that. I only went to this village to get information and supplies. I didn’t think I’d fall unconscious.”

She nods and leaves me to tend to the fat person.

"Well... Sir..."


Kin looks flustered.

"Umm nevermind."

I shrug.

I just realized the reason why I fell unconscious.

It was starvation.

I spent 2 days without food and my body gave out.

I guess I have become truly mortal now.

I ponder for a while but eventually decide to go.

“Well, then I’ll excuse myself.”

I stand up to go and leave the room but not before leaving a small thank you to Kin.

When I went outside, I see an astonishing sight.

Oh, my poor servant...

The wyvern is chained to the ground with light magic.

Gigantic chains made out of the light element are chaining its whole body to the ground.

I hear a snap from behind me and the light chains disperse.

I look back and see Kin. She's going to apologize again so I quickly stop her.

The Wyvern, noticing it’s free, jumps towards me and looks for defense against Kin’s cruelties against it.

Poor boy...

I pat its head and knock Kin’s head weakly.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"You try being imprisoned. It's not a good feeling."

Kin’s rubs her head and just nods.

Once the wyvern is free, it obediently follows me.

"Is it okay if I walk around? My wyvern is here after all."

Kin nods.

"As long as I accompany you, it'll be fine."

"Then please come with me."

I say that with a smile and Kin replies in affirmative.

We start to tour the village while the Wyvern follows us.


It’s a pretty small village on the outer fringes of the royal kingdom’s border.

At the center of the village lies a small church.

It seems that the one who manages it is the village priest.

I imagined Kin being the one to manage it but I guess it isn't her.

I immediately notice that people everywhere are staring at the large scaly monster following me.

Hmmm... Maybe I should name him. 

We both see the church from the distance.

Kin smiles and talks about it.

“That church is where I grew up, and there I was taught to read and pray. That was where the place I met the god I worship.”

Is it Supremas? No... He wouldn't pick a random human in the middle of nowhere.

Supremas is the patron god of humanity.

He was a mortal in the first age that gained Ragos' favor through kindness, compassion, and strength.

Because of Ragos, he was elevated into godhood.

I find him to be a stuck up person.

If it's not Supremas, who is the god that gave Kin such a great amount of power.

I’m interested in that god.

He or she picked a small human girl with no talent as an avatar.

I call that stupid.

Maybe the god fell for her.

“Who is your god?”

Kin looks at me with worship in her eyes, not towards me but towards the god she reveres.

“I am the avatar of the Goddess Felina, Goddess of kindness.”

Felina... I've never heard of that name before.

It’s a goddess, and judging from my memories she must be a new god.

She’s most probably only a lesser god.

The avatars of higher gods can flick their fingers and a Pioneer country would be destroyed.

I do find something weird.

An avatar shouldn't be stuck in a frontier village.

I look at Kin who's trying to get the wyvern to approach her.

Well, it's not my business.

I respect all the higher and lesser gods because they were once mortals but achieved godhood through their own power and effort.

I recall Kin's deity and ask her a question.

“Why did she pick you?”

I’m quite curious.

Excluding us, Gods cannot intervene in the mortal world without expending a ridiculous amount of effort and power.

A weakened god is a prime target for other gods, celestials and evil beings.

To ensure that they aren't in danger when interacting with the mortal plane, they manifest their power through artifacts, miraculous events, powerful champions and when they need to be serious, the project their power through an avatar.

An avatar contains 1% of a god’s true power but it can be increased up to 60%.

Well, synchronized mortals and deities can reach up to the god's full power.

Felina and Kin might have really good synchronization.

It's a shame that Kin has such a low level. If she had a higher level, she would be able to channel a higher amount of power from Felina.


She seems to be holding back.

I don't want to force something out of her.

“Stop, you don’t need to say it if you don’t want to.”

I see her relax and we continue to explore the village more.

Kin explains to me that since this village is a frontier one, there is an encampment set up here.

A bunch of soldiers... It might be interesting.

"Can you lead me to it?"

Kin looks surprised but she nods.

"Sure just follow me."

After asking her to lead me to it, we arrive shortly at a large circle of tents with a small amount of lightly armored soldiers.

I admire their weapons and armors.

I can't help but smile about these battle-hardened soldiers.

While admiring the soldiers, I see a soldier who’s to be wearing leather armor approach us.

I guess not all of them are battle hardened.

The soldier looks angry at me since I came here with Kin.

He clearly likes Kin, after all, plain and simple women tend to attract a lot of people.

And I can't deny that Kin is a beautiful but simple appearance.

What I don’t understand is why is he glaring at me. 

“Oi Kin, why you going around with some brat?"

Hmmm... Wait... Haven't the otherworlders I've sent to the mortal plane before experienced something like this as well.

Despite her polite attitude with me, Kin talks to the soldier with a tinge of sarcasm.

“Calvin what a pleasure, this is…..”

Kin is staring at me.

Oh yeah, we forgot to properly introduce each other.


I respond just in time to save Kin from embarrassing herself.

She mutters a nearly inaudible thank you like a response and turns back to Calvin.

“I didn’t ask his name, why is this brat with you?”

I don’t like the way he’s calling me a brat.

Kin ignores him while I check his status.

I don’t find him impressive.

Is this the average of the human armies?

An ant could kill everything if this guy was the average of the army.

He only has a body power of 20.

He’s only twice as strong as me, but he has so many openings.

My sister Remries said never give an opponent an opening not even once.

If you think about it, it’s unfair if I compare the goddess of war to a mortal soldier.

“Hey, Kin I told you before that you are my woman. Messing with a brat that hasn’t even stopped drinking from their mother’s breasts, why not come with a real man.”

Calvin looks vicious, are all males of the human race like this.

I doubt it, but I think I’ll encounter a lot of males acting like this. I hope not all of them are as stupid or weak as this guy.

I enjoy the challenge after all.

While thinking of my own thoughts Kin starts retorting to Calvin.

“First of all, I am no one’s woman. I belong to the Goddess Felina. And since I belong to her, it means I belong to everyone. And let me get this through your thick skull, you sorry excuse of a human being."

Oh wow... Kin has a sharp tongue.

"You wouldn't even know how to respect a lady even if it hits you in the head. Felina's teaching says I belong to everyone, I cannot give myself to anyone”

That can be misinterpreted in many horrible ways but let’s just roll with it.

I chuckle. I have to admit, she’s pretty harsh for the avatar of the goddess of kindness. 

Calvin looks surprised.

He must feel unfairly treated.

I doubt that this is the first time though.

I’m sure Kin isn’t the first woman to reject him this harshly.

Kin looks surprised as if she just remembered that I was here.

She looks at me and her mouth opens up many times but no words are coming out.


Hmmm, where did that come from?

I turn to Calvin and his silence turns to anger. He starts looking for someone to vent his anger too.


Calvin’s face turns ugly as he points his finger at me.

“How dare you take my woman?”

Calvin is shouting again.

Wait... Is this one of those damsels in distress scenes.

Calvin pulls out a sword from his side.

He points it to me haphazardly.

“I challenge you to a duel”

Is this really happening now?

“If you’re a man accept then, if not then you do not deserve Kin!”

I start to recall that specific otherworlder who experienced something the same.

Isn’t the good guy supposed to say something like...

“You will never get Kin, you bastard! For she belongs to me”

I say this with so much zeal that Calvin was stupefied and Kin’s face is grim.

Eh--- did I do it wrong?

New Status Update

Name: Magnus

Race: Fallen God 

Ability Level: 1

Magic Power: 10/10 

Max Magic Power: 10 

Body Power: 10 (5+5)

Defence: 1

Agility: 10

Resilience: 1

Magic: 1 

Magic Defence: 1 

Unique Skills: Creation (Sealed) (Ultimate) | Indestructible Essence (Ultimate) | Endless Mana Capacity (Legendary) | All Magical Knowledge (Godly) 

Innate Skills: God's Eye (Partially Sealed) (Godly) I God Senses (Partially Sealed) (Godly) I God’s Stare (Partially Sealed) (Godly) 

Extra Skills: Pain Tolerance I (Normal) 

Magic Skills: N/A

Custom Skills: N/A

Affinities: N/A

Resistances: N/A

Weaknesses: N/A

Titles: God of Magic | The Fallen God | Dreamer | Masochist | Master of the wyvern 

Blessings: Sealed (Indeterminable) | Cursed Eyes [New]

Equipment: N/A

Items: N/A

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