《Kyrio's Monster House (Dropped)》Chapter - 4


Kyrios bought four gargoyles wich were saved at [Saved Minion File] that he accessed immediately.

There the four gargoyles were stacked with an icone of a small statue and an X4 symbol on it, the only options Kyrios had was [Spawn] [Convert] and [Copy] so he tried to copy one but it costed the same price, 100 credits.

He didnt want to spawn them yet and went to the [Create New minion] wich had the options of [Load] and [Save] from [Saved Minion File] so he loaded a gargoyle.

The gargoyle appeared as a 3D teal transparent figure and new options were available, [Add] [Paint] and [Remove] along with the basic info of the creature.


A basic beast that has the power to turn into a statue to recover mana and at the same time watch over what it happens around it. These creatures may vary in size and shapes and after reaching a certain level can evolve into either Beast Gargoyle or Warrior Gargoyle.

The gargoyle had a symbol on it's face and torso, wich the system explained to Kyrios once he wondered about them.

The Random symbol means that the minion will spawn with a random appearance of piece's body.

Kyrios nodded his head at the explanation and tried to grow the creature a bit, only to the credit symbol appear on top increasing in number as he added mass to the body. (Symbol of euro)

'I guess their body size is fine.' The monster was the size of a child. 'But only three fingers?' He doubleclicked the hands, wich gave him better options, like more fingers, scythes and even drills. 'I'll just change their hands into four fingers, should be enough for basic work. Now into mobility' He doubleclicked the back of the beast. 'Let's see, bat wings should do it.' "Hm, painting them also costs credits? Better leave them gray, already the new hands cost 10 and wing 15."


He spent 25 credits, had to name the new gargoyle to Gargoyle Mk1, saved the minion, returned to [Saved Minion File] and converted the other three immediatly to the mk1, spending another 75 credits.

'Now I'll just get a few slimes, they're good at cleaning...' He quickly bought in the 1 Star section four slimes and paid another 100 credits as each costed 25 with no changes.

One by one he spawned the new minions in front of him, each moving to the sides, somehow knowing that more of their comrades where about to spawn and soon the system warned Kyrios about the completed quest.

Lair Basics - 2 Complete!

Reward: One random minion

Generating random minion... Skeleton obtained!

'Skeleton?' Kyrios looked at [Saved Minion File] and indeed there was a new minion to spawn, but it wasnt something that he expected. "A skeleton dressed in butler uniform?" He rolled his eyes. 'Typical'

The skeleton was dressed in all black and white, wearing white gloves and a black bowtie. While he was bald in the top and had no beard, he had short white hair on the sides and back of the head. It reminded Kyrios of a certain scientist.

After spawning the skeleton butler, all minions bowed towards Kyrios, with the gargoyles giggling "Mastah!", the slimes moving their jelly around in excitement and the butler bowing and greeting him. "Good evening Milord."

He contemplated at the view of his minions, the lvl 3 slimes, lvl 5 gargoyles wich were all different, a fat one with a monkey's head, a muscled one with an lion head while the two skinny ones had an eagle and a wolf head. As for the skeleton butler, he was lvl 16.

Again, to him it was just the start, he planned to get more and more minions. 'Now that I think of it, system is there any population limit?'


No population limits, but be adviced that host needs to fill their requirements.

If not they will disapear. No refunds.

'Gotta be carefull then!'

"Milord?" The skeleton inquired his new master. "Do you have anything for us to do?"

Kyrios returned his atention to his minions. "Yes, from now on, your name shall be Sebastian, you shall be responsible for mainteneance of our home. You may command the slimes and gargoyles at will to assist you."

'When in Rome... I mean if you are an evil vilain and if you dont get a butler named sebastian, then you're doing something wrong, never ignore tradition.'

Sebastian bowed again. "It will be an honor, Milord!"

Kyrios nodded before adding another command. "You shall be in charge while I am off, I shall take two gargoyles with me. Hm, you two will come with me." He pointed at the eagle and the lion. "I shall return later."

"Have a nice travel, Milord" Sebastian bowed as his master got into the elevator with the gargoyles. 'Good that master took bodyguards with him. They're a bit weak, but will do for now' He thought before turning to the four slimes and two gargoyles. "Follow me, we must make sure master's home is sparkling before he returns!"

A few minutes later, Kyrios left the building with the gray gargoyles after finding a spare key of the entrance in the mainteneance room.

They flew immediatly before someone could see them and he turned invisible. "Can you see me?" Kyrios asked the minions wich both nodded their heads, knowing that they should not speak when focusing on being stealthy.

The group reached their objective minutes later, it was a street of closed shops. Kyrios grinned at the view. 'Loot!'

"Eagle stay on the top of the buildings, if you see anyone coming near the store that I am in, warn Lion okay?" The eagle nodded it's head before flying off an finding a building to sit. "You pick a place to stay where both me and eagle can see you, warn me when eagle or you see someone aproaching okay?" The lion nodded and continued to follow him.

The first store was an electronic shop. Kyrios entered trough the lock while the lion gargoyle stood outside in the other side of the street just above the second shop's door, looking like decoration.

Inside, Kyrios looked at the TV's, fridges, freezers, radios, ovens, cookers and several other kitchen and bathroom electronics. 'System, how do I get to powerup electronics in my lair?'

They work by themselves. But items like TV and Radio can only use local network, to improve and reach everything available on the world, Host must get improved satelite dishes.

"Buahahahah!" He laughed while putting three of each items in the inventory. 'Into the next one!'

Kyrios continued his stea... gathering of goods as every hero in games do. After all, if there's nothing wrong with breaking other's people furniture to get money for the greater good, then surely he can borrow them, permanently.

And so he got piles of random clothes from the clothing shop, books from a bookstore, toys from a pornshop, plenty of food and medicine from the drugstore and grocery shop. He even got a huge stack of guns and ammo. 'Thanks America!'

Without being seen or noticed even by the homeless people sleeping in the alleys, Kyrios left with his minions and returned home with a massive plunder, it was time to decorate his lair and of course he didnt forgot to check the cash registers and safes inside the shops, after all, it was for the greater evi...good.

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