《True Identity》Chapter 15 - [Crusade]


Edited By: Tyhuko and Edet

Author’s Note:

Hey everyone, i decided to change make my post 1 whole chapter behind on royalroadl than on my blog. So if you want to read my chapters faster, go to my blog and follow. Also, I left you many cliffhangers but the fight is finally here. I hope you like the chapter :) .

True Identity

Chapter 15 – [Crusade]


Suddenly, a ton of goblins were coming out of the forest. They looked ready to kill anything in their path. From the looks of it the goblins were similar to us, well except the fact that they look ugly as shit. They had goblins holding crude melee weapons in the front the ones in the back were holding crude staves. Goblins that were mages and healers stayed in the back while melee and tanks stayed up front. This fight is going to be tough.

Savage Goblin [Rank 1]

Level: 16

Health: 350 / 350

Attack: 50

Magic Attack: 40

Defense 45

Abilities: [Crusade]

“Charge!” – Edilath Commander

Hearing the command, everyone charged at the goblins. Melee adventurers were chopping down goblins left and right trying not to die. Mages from both sides were shooting AOE fireballs in order to kill multiple enemies at once. Healers were healing adventurers but the number of healers could not match the number of adventurers getting injured. The fight was the most epic battle I’ve ever seen.

Analyzing the situation, I shouted commands to the rest of the party.

“Try not to get surrounded, their numbers far exceed ours, if we get surrounded then we’re dead!”

I used [Skull Splitter] on a goblin to my right that was trying to slash me with its sword. The goblins have higher numbers but their skill definitely doesn’t match ours, I think we might have a good chance of winning.



What the fuck was that! Explosions could be heard everywhere. The sound of screams after the explosions were so terrifying that it made me cringe. Looking towards my left, I could see goblins just charging full speed at adventurers then suddenly exploding. Adventurers were dying by the hundreds from the massive explosions. Their bodies being torn apart while their blood spewed everywhere. This must be their ability [Crusade].

The sight was so gruesome. These goblins are savages, they’ll do anything to win, even sacrifice their own lives. They’re taking advantage of their superior numbers knowing fully well that sacrificing thousands of goblins won’t hurt their chances of winning.

Looking down at myself, I saw blood all over my body. I couldn’t tell if the blood was mine or others. We’re going to lose. If this keeps up, we’re all going to die and the village is going to be destroyed.

“Fall back and regroup!” – Edilath Commander

All the adventurers that were still alive ran back towards the village. This is going to be the last defense, the last stand. If I had to guess the number of adventurers compared to the number of goblins was 3,500 to 16,000. The battle is just going to get harder from here.

Again the goblins continued to bombard us with explosions and adventurers continued to die by the hundreds. Not far from my position I could hear a NPC talking to the commander.


“Commander our scouts say that we only have 3,000 adventurers left while the enemy still have 17,000 goblins. If this continues, we will surely lose.”

Shit, the situation is worse than I thought.

Angrily slamming his spear into the ground, the commander shouted, “Don’t give up, fight with all your strength and we will surely win!”

But despite the commander’s words, the situation was looking grim. With adventurers dying by the hundreds there was no way to survive.


A loud battle cry could be heard from the west of the village but it wasn’t from the goblins. All of a sudden an enormous amount of people were rushing into the village from the road.

“Who are those people?” – Ronin

“I believe they’re from [The Brotherhood].”

“How do you know?” – Ronin

“I’m not totally sure but who else in Edilath would have those numbers.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” – Ronin

With the 3,000 reinforcements our chances of winning had increased astronomically. I don’t even think we’re needed at the front lines anymore.

“Hey guys, I don’t think we’re really needed at the front lines anymore. How about we sneak out of here and try to find the goblin leader. If we kill the leader maybe it will deal a huge blow to the goblins.”

“That’s a good idea, I say we do what Axle says.” – Ronin

“Alright, follow me.”

We snuck out of the battle making sure nobody saw us. I looked at the battle one last time and saw that we were indeed beating the goblins after the reinforcements came. Now it’s time to find the leader and get some good drops!

Finally behind the goblins, we searched for the leader. All the goblins looked the same but come on, the leader has to look somewhat different in order to distinguish him from the rest. Well, that’s just what I hoping for….

“You guys see the leader yet?”

“Nope, they all look the same.” – Amber

Suddenly I felt a tap on my left shoulder and I turned around to see Iris’ beautiful face.

“Over there.” – Iris pointed to a goblin that looked significantly different from the rest.

How the hell did I not notice him before. Unlike the other goblins, the leader is tall and packed with muscle. He has scars and tattoos all over his body that showed his experience in battle. The leader’s right shoulder was branded with something that looked like swords crossing each other. Maybe it symbolized his rank in the goblin army. He held a fearsome 2-handed spear that looked sharp enough to kill anyone.

“The leader is still too close to the other goblins. We have to draw him away from the others.” – Garan

“I’ll draw him away from the others, just get ready to grab aggro Garan”

“Alright” – Garan

I slowly moved closer towards the leader in order to see his stats and then draw him away from the other goblins.

Danik the Ravager [Rank 2 BOSS]

Level: 24

Health: 1150 / 1150

Attack: ???

Defense: ???

Abilities: [Poison Tip] [Armor Pierce] [Crusade]

Standing about 20 meters away, I picked up a rock that’s weight was fairly decent and threw it at Danik’s head. What the fuck, did he just not feel it or something? Danik didn’t feel the rock! So instead I picked up a nearby crude 1-handed axe and threw it at the Danik. The axe stuck into Danik’s back.


Just like swatting a pesky fly, Danik pulled out the axe that was stuck in his back and turned around. After noticing me, he started to chase after me while I ran away using my wings. I was clearly faster than Danik because of my wings so getting back to the party wouldn’t be that hard.

Passing through a clearing I saw the rest of the party. Yes, I made it safely!


|45!| |You have been poisoned, -20 health every 15 seconds for the next 10 minutes|

After being hit, I felt a poisonous venom seeping into my body.

“Aw fuck, I’m hit! Someone, hurry and heal me.”


What the fuck, -20 health every 15 seconds for the next 10 minutes. Isn’t this skill a little too OP!

“Garan,could you take the aggro already? I’m dying here, you know…”

“I’ll try my best.” – Garan

“Well, try harder!” I know I’m acting somewhat like an asshole but I’m in some serious danger right now.

Finally taking the aggro from me, Garan used [Toughen] in order to increase his defense and stamina. Garan wasn’t taking much damage from the boss because his defense was quite high. Damn, do shields help that much?

Garan used his shield in order to block Danik’s attacks while using his sword to attack. The way he worked his sword around his shield slashing and hacking Danik was masterful. In my opinion, he’s probably one of the best tanks in Edilath.

While Garan tanked the Boss, Ronin, Iris, and I tried to deal as much damage as we could. We have used our best skills as many times as possible in order to get Danik’s health down. Ronin used [Feudal Strike], which does massive damage to the enemy with one swift strike. Iris used [Decisive Blow], which hits a pressure point on the enemy’s body and has a chance of paralyzing the enemy for a couple seconds, while I used [Skull Splitter].

It was unfortunate that Danik was about 4 feet taller than me so hitting his head with [Skull Splitter] was nearly impossible. And moving up close to him in order to hit his body was a death wish. So I settled for an arm or leg, which was also very good. Disabling an arm for 5 seconds or a leg for 3 seconds was still great.

We have been fighting Danik for about another 4 minutes now and the situation is becoming tough. Garan’s high defense helped him stay alive by a great deal, but whenever Danik used [Armor Pierce], Garan’s health is almost depleted to 0. We’re are just lucky that we have 2 good healers that can keep Garan alive.

“Hurry up guys, I don’t know how long I can hold up anymore” – Garan

“We’ll try our best.”

“Well, fucking try harder!” – Garan

Alright, I’ll admit it, I deserved that….

We tried our best to finish the Boss for another 5 minutes. We all constantly attacked Danik while using our best skills when they were off cooldown. With Danik only have 200 health left, I think our victory is secured.

In a last effort, Danik used [Armor Pierce] on Garan. The attack nearly killed Garan but I wasn’t that worried, our healer will heal hi….


Garan fell to his knees and died. What the fuck just happened. Something from afar shot Garran right after he got attacked with [Armor Pierce], killing him.

“AARRGH!” – Lilith

Next a scream coming from Lilith. I quickly turned around to see what the scream was about, Lilith was stabbed in the back and killed by Duke! Oh shit.

“Well, well, look what we got here. If it isn’t the two who killed us before, it’s our lucky day.” Duke was smiling a devilish smile.

This is bad, they’re going to steal the Boss and it’s loot. They have 7 people while we only have 4 people left, plus we have a Boss with 150 health aggroed on us. Our situation didn’t look good, we might die.


Amber was shot in the head and fell to the ground. Fuck, our numbers are dwindling. All that’s left is Ronin, Iris, and me. I have to think of something fast.

“Don’t worry about them, just kill the Boss and get the drops.”

Killing 7 people with only three people left while a Boss is aggroed to you is impossible. So instead we continued attacking Danik hoping to get the drops before we died. I just hope once we die, we don’t drop and of the Boss drops.


The ranger shot Ronin while Duke stabbed him multiple times. Two more left, 100 health to go.


Iris was shot while Grimm slashed her down. Only 1 more left, 60 health to go.

In desperation, I tried to use [Skull Splitter].

|Skill [Poison Tip] has paralyzed you for 5 seconds|

What the fuck, I was hit by [Poison Tip] 10 minutes ago and now it has an after effect. This skill is way too OP.


The mage attacked me with a fireball while Duke slit my throat with his sword. Duke whispered into my ear while my eyes slowly closed shut.

“Thanks for the Boss.” – Duke

[You have died]

I respawned into spirit form and quickly looked at what I dropped. Thank god, atleast I didn’t drop my axe. I only dropped 2 health potions and 50 silver. I looked up to see what was happening. I saw Duke’s party moving closer to the Boss in order to finish him off. Danik only had 50 health left so killing him would be easy.

Duke’s party killed the Boss depleting It’s health to 0. After losing all his health, Danik spoke his dying words.

“If you kill me, I’ll bring you with me!” – Danik

The Boss’ entire body was swelling up, glowing an orangish red. Light could be seen shining through his skin. Uh-oh this doesn’t look good.

“Everybody run!” – Duke

Duke’s party tried to run but they weren’t fast enough.


Suddenly a huge explosion could be seen, devouring everything that stood within its radius.

Author’s Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I post 1 whole chapters earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com

Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like work!


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