《True Identity》Chapter 11 - Meet The Crew!


Edited By: Tyhuko and Edet

Author’s Note:

Hey everyone, I have some exciting news! We just got two new editors, basically on the same day. Their names are Edet and Tyhuko. They are capable editors who will overall make the story much better. Well, you’ll see what I mean in this chapter. I hope you like the chapter and make sure you follow! :)

True Identity

Chapter 11 – Meet The Crew!


Marshall Zane has always been the type to just charge in and go crazy. Standing at 6 feet and 5 inches, Marshall is very strong. Although he may not be a very bright person, his athleticism and stature make up for it. Ever since he was young, Marshall has been playing football. During his high school career, he was ranked as one of the best running backs in the country.

Marshall was so good at football that he was offered a full ride scholarship to the college of his dreams, Atlas University. Atlas University has one of the best football teams and is also well known for its gaming development majors.

Many people have this stereotype in their minds that athletic people don’t usually play video games. Well, Marshall believes that stereotype is bullshit. Marshall’s interest in video games started in his freshman year in high school.

During freshman year, Marshall saw a fellow student, Dexter Prince, getting bullied. Marshall hated bullying because in middle school he was actually… nope, he wasn’t getting bullied, he was making life of the people, who were weaker than him, well, miserable. You probably want to ask why did he do that? Well, mostly because of peer pressure, as he was all brawns and not much of a brain he didn’t really think for himself at the time. You may think that he bullied everyone but no, he wasn’t that brave. The ones he bullied were weaker than him. Now, after enrolling in high school, was when he matured. Marshall has come to understanding, that what he did, was wrong. He started regretting that he bullied those kids and what’s more wasn’t even able to apologize to them.

Marshall thought he could somehow right his wrongs from middle school by helping Prince.

Soon after saving the student, Prince and Marshall became best friends. Prince introduced video games to Marshall and convinced him to play them. Marshall was at first skeptical, but after he started playing his reluctance faded. Ever since then Marshall has been playing video games, with Prince, and playing football while being a prominent player.


Amber and Lilath:

(Ashley and Heather)

Ashley and Heather Parker are both twins but their personalities are completely different. Ashley is an outgoing person while Heather is shy. Although their personalities might be different, they also have some common traits, like intelligence and beauty.

Ashley’s nickname in high school was the “Charmer”. She is a beauty that is friendly to everyone. However, if you ask her out and she rejects you, she not only will never be friendly to you, she’ll start avoiding you. Never having a boyfriend or someone she actually liked, the “Charmer” has broken the hearts of many men.

Heather’s nickname in high school was the “Ice Princess”. She has always been someone who wants to keep to herself and go unnoticed. But due to her beauty, she becomes center of attention very easily. Heather has also broken the hearts of many men. When they ask her out, she just walks away and doesn’t respond, mainly because she’s too shy. To some of the boys it seemed rude, even arrogant, but most of them didn’t bother, they realized that trying to judge this girl when they didn’t even talk to her was presumptuous, thus her fanbase stayed mostly the same.

After countless confessions, Ashley and Heather became disgusted with men. They started to believe that all men were beasts who don’t think before they act. They just do things on impulse without trying to think first. Think first, act second, why can’t men just understand that? But as time went on, they both became friends with someone that was an exception to their mindsets.

Ashley became friends with Marshall when she went to a group date event that her friends set up. Ashley didn’t want to go but her friends begged her to. They were complaining that they needed one more person and she was the only one they could rely on.

The group date had 5 girls and 5 guys. 4 out of the 5 guys were just staring at her with ogling eyes and kept on asking her question. She didn’t like being asked questions and frankly she found it kind of rude that they were ignoring the other girls.

After a great deal of questions, she became annoyed and just when she was about to tell them to shut the hell up, the 5th boy spoke up.


“Can you guys just shut up? Why are you asking her so many stupid questions? You guys begged me to come because you needed one more person but this… this is just stupid. I’m leaving.”

Shortly after he said that the boy left, Ashley followed his footsteps and left right after. She later found out that the boy’s name was Marshall and they became friends ever since.

Heather became friends with Prince in the cafeteria. She had gotten to the cafeteria late and all the seats were taken except for one table. There was a somewhat nerdy boy who was eating lunch while playing some kind of visual novel on his laptop. Because that was the only table open, she shyly walked up to it.

“Umm… ca-can I sit here? “

Prince didn’t even look up from his game before saying, “Yeah, yeah go ahead.”

Heather was taken aback by the boys rude remarks but she was forced to sit down anyway. She ate her lunch while reading a book. But she would look up from the book every couple of seconds to see if the boy was looking at her because that was what she was used to.

But to her surprise, not even once did the boy look at her. After that day, Heather started sitting there everyday and slowly Prince and Heather got to know each other. Then later on, his best friend Marshall and her sister sat with them.

Author’s Note: Prince’s mentality: Games > Girls haha


Dexter Prince is your ordinary otaku. He likes video games, anime, and manga. He was a loner for a very long time because he never really had any friends. And the people who called him a “friend” would tell him to give them his money and beat him up if he didn’t comply to their “requests”. They would always call him a nerd even though he wasn’t that smart. I guess he could be called a nerd of gaming though….

Then Prince’s life changed when he finally made a true friend, Marshall. Marshall saved him from getting beat up by a bunch of bullies. He even stopped them from bullying him in the future.

“If you guys ever bully this guy again, I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

But as expected, the 4 bullies didn’t take his warning seriously and continued bullying him the next day. But luckily Marshall was there and he beat the bullies 4v1, using his huge muscles and his 6 feet and 5 inches to his advantage.

The fight ended rather quickly, Marshall knocked out the first two and then the other two ran away, leaving their friends behind sprawled on the floor.

Ever since then Marshall and Prince became best friends. Then after that even more people became his friends, two twins, Ashley and Heather. His friends call him Prince because they think it’s a cool nickname. Prince introduced them to video games and they started playing first virtual reality game together, Absolute Authority.

The 4 even planned to go to the same college together, Atlas University. Marshall already got in on a football scholarship, Ashley and Heather also already got in with their superb grades. The only one that’s holding them back from their dream is Prince. He might be called a nerd but he’s only a nerd when it comes to video games. Prince is studying really hard and hopefully he’ll be able to pass the test in three days.

Author’s Note:

If you were wondering which football Garan plays, it’s American football.

The editors are currently working on editing the past chapters. I think they have already edited chapters 1-3, you can go back and see. Make sure to comment on how the editors did on the chapters, personally I think they did great.

Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I usually post the chapters 24 hours earlier than when I post them on royalroadl. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!


Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like work!


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