《True Identity》Chapter 10 - Moonlight Cleaver!
Author’s Note:
Hey everyone, thanks again for those of you who have recently followed my blog. The number of followers are steadily increasing. It makes me want to keep writing :) . If you haven’t followed my blog yet, it would be greatly appreciated if you did. Now, will the people Axle meets be good or bad people. Well, read the chapter to find out . I hope you enjoy the chapter!
True Identity
Chapter 10 – Moonlight Cleaver!
{Ching! Clank!}
What the hell is that noise? While I was connecting to AA I heard a lot of noise near me, it sounds… it sounds like fighting!
When my character finally rendered into the game, I was still in spirit form. I saw a party of 4 fighting the dwarf boss, Calic. But even with four people they were getting pummeled. Man, even with 4 people you can’t kill the boss. Why the fuck did I try to solo it….
The party’s fight had moved Calic far enough away from my dead body. Taking the opportunity, I revived and ran back. Not wanting to join the fight and also die. Cough cough I mean, not wanting to interfere with their fight with Calic, I stayed back and diligently watched.
In the party of 4 there was a monk, 2 healers, and a knight. The monk was the undead race with the name Garan. The healers were both females of the elf race with the names Amber and Lilith. Oddly enough, they both looked quite similar and good looking, maybe they’re sisters in real life. If I had to rate them, Amber would be an 8.5/10 and Lilith would be 8/10. Amber is rated a bit higher because she has a more… mature feeling to her.
The knight was a mere human with the name Ronin. Ronin had the party leader tag under his name so he was clearly the leader of the group of 4. Ronin and Garan were both level 14 while Amber and Lilith were both level 12.
You could call me heartless for not joining in to help them but if you saw what I was seeing, you wouldn’t want to join in either. The monk was getting repeatedly hit while the healers continuously tried to heal him back to full health. The knight was trying his best to attack the boss but with each swing of the dwarf’s axes, he had to keep on falling back from fear of losing too much health and dieing. The knight obviously didn’t want to give the healers too much trouble because they were already using all their mana on the monk who was being dealt around 35 damage with each of Calic’s strikes.
By the time the healers ran out of mana, they only got the boss down to about 350 health. The monk was still losing health rapidly but now he had no one to restore his health anymore. With a couple more strikes, the monk fell to his knees and died.
The aggro immediately went to the knight, Ronin. Before dieing from 3 hits, he cried, “Fuck! Our heals are enough but we just don’t have enough DPS!”
Author’s note: DPS = damage per second. So basically he said that their party don’t do enough damage.
Then shortly after the knight died, both healers died with a swift strike of the Calic’s axes.
Ah man, those people were useless, I was trying analyze Calic’s attacks for my benefit. But they didn’t even last long enough for Calic to use [Enraged Axes].
After seeing the gruesome death of the 4, I sat there waiting for them to revive.
I read on the AA forums that you can either wait 5 minutes and revive exactly where you died or you can wait 30 minutes and revive at the nearest gravesite. Also, when you die you drop some of your items. The item could be a lame item or it could be something really good, doesn’t matter.
Clearly not wanting to risk dying again and losing another level, the party decided to wait 30 minutes until they revived.
I sat there bored for a good 30 thinking about various things like work, Haley, school, and above all how I was going to kill Calic. Then I saw the bodies of the party disappear, signaling that they had revived. Good they’ll be back in a little while.
I sitting there for another 5 minutes wondering where the 4 people were and why they hadn’t come back yet. I finally realized that I was retarded. I’m so stupid, why would they come back after suffering such a gruesome defeat. I certainly wouldn’t come back either. That party is definitely smart for know when to stop, while I was retarded and literally sat here for 35 minutes wasting my time!
But right after I finished that thought, the 4 people came running into the room. ‘Facepalm’ Never mind, I gave these guys too much credit, they’re actually just scrubs….
Tired from running all the way here, the 4 players tried to form a plan. The knight Ronin was telling the other 3 his plan.
“Garan you tank the boss and try to deal as much damage as you can as well. Amber since you have better healer you mainly focus on Garan. Lilith you focus healing Garan but you will heal me as well so I can stay there and do more damage rather than retreating every time the Boss tries to hit me. I will…”
‘I interrupted Ronin before he could finish explaining his plan.’
“Hello there, do you need help defeating that boss? It seems you don’t have enough DPS.”
The party suddenly surprised at my appearance and pointed their weapons into my direction. After a couple of seconds the leader, Ronin spoke up.
“Who the hell are you and how long have you been here?”
“My name is Axle and I just got here.”
“If you’re here to steal the boss, we have dibs on him first. We discovered this mine first.”
Liar…. Well, the first impression is already out the window.
“No you weren’t, liar.”
“Yeah, and how would you know that?”
“Because I was the first to discover the mine….”
Embarrassed, Ronin’s face turned bright red. After a couple of seconds, Amber spoke up.
“Ronin, the body that was laying at the feet of the boss disappeared. That means that he revived, maybe it’s him.”
{Ronin followed up from Amber’s comment}
“Is that true?”
“Yep, that was me, I just came back from eating lunch and noticed you guys here and wondered if you needed any help killing the boss.”
The party seemed a bit disappointed because of my level. Ronin eyes looked up and down my body then finally said.
“Alright, come join our party. Just follow my orders and let’s kill this Boss together! But since you’re only level 7 make sure you stay back and don’t get hit too often.”
Ronin’s warning was nothing that I didn’t know already. But I think these guys are clearly underestimating my skills. I might only be level 7, but I cleared this mine all by myself.
Ronin stated the plan again and told me to inflict as much damage as I could to the Boss. Again, nothing that I didn’t know already.
Getting ready to start the battle, Garan used his skill called [Toughen], this skill increases his defense and stamina by a decent amount for 3 minutes. Full of killing intent, we charged the Boss.
Garan was the first to grab Calic’s aggro. With a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, Garan slashed the boss while using his shield to block Calic’s attacks. Garan was getting hit repeatedly but it wasn’t anything to worry about. With his shield, increased defense, and the efforts of the two healers, Garan could take many hits with most of his health still left. Meanwhile Ronin attacked the Boss with all his might. He dealt around 30-40 damage with each strike while I only dealt around 15- 25 damage each strike.
Even though my stamina still wasn’t that high, I used my wings to dodge the Boss’ attacks. This is mainly because one hit would instantly take away half of my health.
Calic used his skill [Mighty Blow] many times. But Garan used his shield to take the brunt of the blow and since the ability hit Garan’s shield, he didn’t get stunned! We continued fighting the Boss but the hard part was yet to come.
By the time we got the Boss down to 250 health, the healers were nearly out of mana and my stamina was running out due to overuse of my wings. We got the boss down to 200 health and then suddenly Calic savagely smashed the ground with both of his axes. {Rumble!} The ground started to shake.
I reacted quickly and used my wings to fly up in the air, I shouted to the healers.
“Healers fly up into the sky!”
Both of the healers tried flying up but unfortunately Amber didn’t react in time. The ground shook like an earthquake dealing massive damage to those who stood within it. Ronin and Amber both screamed in agony and within a couple of second they were dead on the ground. When the earthquake ended, Lilith and I quickly went back to our duties. Lilith healed Garan who was almost dead with only 45 health left.
Amber didn’t drop anything special, just some copper. But on the other hand, when Ronin died he dropped his two-handed sword! I swiftly went to Ronin’s corpse and grabbed the sword.
“Sorry Ronin, I’ll be borrowing this for a little while.”
I quickly equipped the two-handed sword. Ronin’s sword was a basic tier weapon but it still increased my damage and now I dealt around 25-35 damage. Well, it isn’t much but at least our chances of defeating the boss aren’t as bad anymore….
With only one healer now, the situation turned extremely difficult. Lilith only had enough mana to heal Garan 2 more times, 50 health with each heal. I was feeling extremely fatigued because of my stamina. But with the Boss only have 150 health left, the fight was almost over.
With Ronin dead, I decided to take command of what was left of the party. I should commands to Garan and
“Garan, stop focusing on defense now. We don’t have enough damage now, you’ll die before we’ll be able to kill the boss. Focus on offense for now.”
“Lilith, make sure you use your last two heals right when Garan loses a little more the 50 health. It’s better to use it earlier than not be able to use it at all.”
The two didn’t want to listen to me at first, probably because of I was only level 7. But since they were both rational people and they knew that I was right, they listened to.
We slashed and hacked at the Boss quickly depleting the Boss’ health. Shortly after Lilith used up her two heals and ran out of mana, Garan fell to the ground suffering a tragic death. The Boss only had 45 health left but since the aggro turned on me, I was running for my life. The Boss attacked me but luckily they all missed. In desperation I shouted.
“Lilith, you’re going to have to take the hit for me. After he hits you, I will charge at the Boss and deal the killing blow!”
Following the plan, Lilith and I charged at the boss. The Boss swung his axe in my direction but Lilith put herself in the way and took the hit.
With one hit, Lilith was insta killed and fell to the ground. I used my wings to reach the Boss faster while my stamina was quickly about to hit zero.
[47!] [Critical Hit!]
I stabbed Calic in the stomach with a critical strike! Calic’s health reduced to zero and died. He fell backwards with a loud bang as he hit the ground. Dealing the last hit, I leveled up twice and was now level 9! Suddenly a window appeared in front of me.
New Title: Livin' On The EdgeTitle Buffs:Agility + 10 Strength + 5 Endurance + 5 Luck + 5Description:On the brink of death, you delivered the finishing blow to the Boss
Title: Livin' On The EdgeName:AxleLevel:9Class:WarriorHealth:148 / 148Mana:145 / 145Stamina:151 / 151Attack:83-85Magic Attack:45Defense:67Movement Speed:88Fame:10
I moved Calics body in order to see the loot but I did not dare to touch it. I didn’t want my dead party members to get the wrong idea, so I waited for the rest to revive. Looking at the loot, I saw 5 gold coins, a plate helmet, a plate chestpiece, a 1-handed axe that glowed a greenish hue. and what do you know, a pickaxe.
Fuck you Ferron….
When Ronin revived I gave him back his two-handed sword and thanked him for letting me use it. When everyone else revived we were deciding on how to split the loot.
“You guys wouldn’t mind if I take that pickaxe right? I need it to finish my quest….”
“Go ahead and take it.”
I took the pickaxe and felt satisfied.
Calic's PickaxeType:Occupation ItemDurability:500 / 500Stats:This pickaxe has been enhanced, this pickaxe multiplies mining proficiency by 1.5
Sweet, I’ll be able to mine ores faster with this pickaxe.
The plate helmet went to Ronin, the plate chestpiece went to Garan, and everyone got 1 gold. It was hard to decide who got what because nobody had a skill to identify items yet. All that was left was the 1-handed axe. We all knew that it was special because of the greenish hue. Ronin finally spoke up.
“I’m a knight so I can’t use 1-handed weapons and the healers won’t need it either. Why don’t Garan and Axle both roll for it.”
Author’s Note: Roll is 1-100
We both rolled.
I won the roll! I took the 1-handed axe.
Moonlight Cleaver [Tier: Grand]Type:1-Handed AxeDurability:100 / 100Stats:???Requirements:???
I equipped Moonlight Cleaver in my main hand and switched my crude sword to my left hand. Even though I only get 60% of the benefits, the axe is definitely better than my starting sword. Afterall, it was two tiers higher! Suddenly 3 windows appeared in front of me.
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Ambidextrous (Passive)Novice10%Description:Your main hand can deal 100% attack while your secondary hand can only deal 70% attack. You will be able to increase your secondary hand attack percentage when you level this skill up
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Axe Mastery (Passive)Novice10%Description:As you get better at wielding an axe, you will get bonuses and maybe even new skills
Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Skull SplitterNovice10%Description:This skill does massive damage to the enemy. The effects of the skill vary depending on where you hit the enemy. Head – stun 4 seconds, arm – paralyzed arm 5 seconds, leg – paralyze leg 3 seconds, body – stun 2 seconds
Woooh! I finally got my first attacking skill. This is fucking awesome! This skill will definitely be useful and there are so many different ways I can use it.
After I was done looking at the windows, I mined the rest of the ore in the mine while the other 4 waited for me to finish. The mining speed with this pickaxe was really noticeable. Usually it would take me around 10 seconds to mine each ore but now it takes me around 8 seconds. It’s not that much but it’s still a big help. It usually took me 40 seconds to mine 4 ores but now I can mine 5 ores within 40 seconds. I had 250 iron ore after mining the rest of the ores in both rooms.
Iron OreType:RawDurability:-Description:Can be smelted in a furnace to make other materials
After we were done, the party exited the mine and started towards Edilath Kingdom.
Author’s Note:
In all honesty, I wanted to make the 4 people bad people but then everything would be too… Zhang Longish. So I decided to take another path. Also, I decided to make the names of weapons and gears more fantasy like. This is because it would be boring if they just had literal names haha. Thanks for reading the chapter.
Thanks for reading the chapter. I would greatly appreciate it if you visited my blog. I usually post the chapters 24 hours earlier than when I post them on royalroad. So if you want the chapters faster follow my blog!https://trueidentitynovel.wordpress.com
Please comment if you liked/disliked the chapter and tell me what I can improve on. This will help me a lot thanks. Make sure you follow me if you like work!
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