《No content》The mysterious old man


Once Cretus woke up from his long sleep, he realized he was still in a cell, however, this time he wasn't alone. Someone in the very far corner was with him as well.

Mysterious man: You are finally awake?

Cretus: *Ignores him and keeps quiet.*

The mysterious man then walked towards Cretus and sat next to him.

He had a dirty brown cloak, ripped pants, and had no slippers. He looked like the normal old fool that wanders around the street in search of problems

Mysterious man: Well, how about you tell me about your story. What crime did you commit to appear in the high prison district?

Cretus: I return you the question, old man.

Mysterious man: *looks at the ceiling and smiles*

Cretus: What is it that I said is making you so happy?

Mysterious man: *says in a low voice* If' t be true thee doth not understand mine own silence, how shall thee understand mine own words?

Cretus: What the fuck are you mumbling old fool?

Mysterious man: If 't be true truly thou art innocent, thee shall not kicketh the bucket here, and thee shall liveth to becometh a legend

Cretus: Old man! I don't have time to listen to your stupid quotes that make no sense! Do you not see we are going to die here! So stop wasting my fucking time and leave me alone!

Suddenly, Cretus heard footsteps heading towards him, and he saw two londals both holding buckets in which one contains a load of rice and the other water.

londal 1: Wake up ya bastards, you got some food and water here. You sure are lucky you have a generous god governing this place because others would have placed changes on your hands and hang you right above everyone as an example of what happens to sneaky bastards who try to go against the law

Cretus who after letting the londal speak walked towards him and held the bars which separated him and the londal.


Cretus: If the god you talk about is as merciful as you say, please convince him to get an audience with me, for I am innocent, I was only a witness of the tragic death of the barman.

londal 2: I could if I wanted to, but it must be a lot of work and if things do not go well, lord Martris could kill me instantly sucking my soul.

Cretus: * astonishingly looks at londal* What do you mean, suck away your soul?

londal 1: Lord Martris' glorious power is snatch. The only way for lord Maartris to get power is to suck the souls of any living thing around it. However, lord Martris only sucks human souls who are enemies to him, usually, he sucks the souls of goats because they are reputed to have an innocent and fresh soul.

Cretus was more astonished than ever. He never heard of such odd magic powers in his entire life. He never left Meralin, so he could never discover the wonders of the outside world, so learning that the gods had such immense powers made him even more scared of them.

Cretus: So, everything is over, I will die by the hands of a God... *mumbling* What will mother think of me when she will see my dead body?

Londal 1: She sure won't be too happy!

After the londal guard said that, they both starting laughing out loud.

This infuriated Cretus who tried to reach for the guard and knock his head on the gate of the cell. The londal was completely out cold and the second one stabbed Cretus so that he could help his comrade up.

londal 2: You can say goodbye to your meal you fucking bitch!

The londal then left with his comrade and the buckets of water and rice. Cretus who was already injured quite badly in the leg, shoulder, and forehead now had a big wound right under his armpit.


Mysterious man: That was very brave of you young man, but it was very stupid as well. I know that they were not very nice concerning your mother, but you have to learn how to control yourself...

Cretus: *painfully tries to sit down next to the mysterious man* Who are you to start giving me lessons. You are just an old fool who knows nothing, so shut up if you don't mind.

Mysterious man: *frowns* I do not think that is the way to talk to your elder's young man

Cretus *laughs in pain*

Mysterious man: *smiles

Cretus: Why are you laughing now... oh let me guess, I won't understand

Mysterious man: You are the one who does not want to understand, I am smiling because I see hope

Cretus: Whatever old man...

Suddenly the mysterious man goes to the corner in which he was when Cretus first woke up and pulled out a magic potion.

Cretus: What are you doing over there *coughs in pain*

Mysterious man: Well clearly if I don't do anything now, you will die here.

The mysterious man then walked towards Cretus and crouched right next to him

Mysterious man: Drink this boy.

Cretus: How can I trust you.

Mysterious man: *smiles listen to your heart and decide whether you can trust me or not.

Cretus: hmm *looks at old man* I am drinking it because I have no other option, and not because I listened to my heart.

Cretus then drinks the potion with the help of the mysterious man and suddenly, all his injuries started to heal.

Cretus: Old man, where on earth did you find that potion.

Mysterious man: Some things are just bound to stay a secret young boy.

Cretus: *looks at the mysterious man* You sure are a mystery aren't you?

Mysterious man: does that disturb you in any way?

Cretus: It is not my choice but yours, however, I would want to know how you got into prison when you are such a lovable person.

Mysterious man: I am here to help you

Cretus: for the hundredth time was astonished by such a response.

Cretus: Old man I don't get-*hears many footsteps*

This time, it was more than 10 londals who came to the cell and opened the cell gate. A crecher (a god's most loyal subject) came into the cell.

Crecher: It is time for you to pay for your actions, I am sure our lord will find the taste of your mediocre soul at least a little sweet.

Cretus: You are not going to let your god suck the soul of an already old and tired old man are you?

Crecher: What old man are you talking about?

Cretus looked around him just to find out that there was no one in the cell. Was he hallucinating since then? Was he just talking to an illusion since the beginning?

Cretus *whispers* was I hallucinating? Not impossible, if I was, I would still be severely injured and on the verge of death. There must be another explanation...

Crecher: What the fuck are you mumbling over there? I don't have time for this, our lord granted you an audience to defend yourself. Be lucky that our lord is so clement towards while the act you committed is unforgivable.

Cretus: * menacingly looks at the Crecher* I didn't kill that man...

Crecher: Oh of course you didn't! Do you have any proof?

Cretus *stays silent*

Crecher: That's what I thought. Put him in chains and bring him to the lord's palace. You must be the luckiest human alive at the moment because you my friend, are going to meet a god...

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