《No content》A God arises


Gods have been in this cosmos from its inception. Some are the universe's defenders, while others are its destroyers. In both circumstances, their abilities are limitless. They are all-powerful, and no person on the planet can stand in their way. Legend has it that one person will mount 10,000 men and fly in a white phoenix to conquer the sky and the underworld. Humans are still waiting for this prophesy to come true, hoping that someone would save them from the fury of the gods warring over who would become dominant.

Since the death of Armdal, the father of all gods, his children have been battling deciding on who he will be succeded by. However, realizing how things were going to turn out, Armdal sent all of his power to a remote corner of the world in the hope that it would not be one of his sons or daughters who took ownership of it. This is why he erected an enchatment barrier, claiming that only a person with the purest soul and the purest intents will be able to wield his power and become HIM.

The hunt for Armdal's strength power has begun since then. Both humans and gods are still searching for this power, but it is stated that only the one from the prophesy will be able to retrieve Armdal's lost power.

Since then, the world has entered a period known as the Holy Age...

In the year 49 BC, 2000 years later

[One afternoon in a little Greek hamlet named Meralin]

You filthy Bastards, you! I should have murdered you when I got the opportunity.

Client: Oh Fuck you! All of my loans were paid off a long time ago.

Barman: Don't make me call the londals, you jerk!

A young man was walking by at the time, trying to collect some water from the main fountain while simultaneously keeping a close eye on the situation.

Many minutes passed, and the debate had reached a stalemate. When the bartender realized this, he began to take action.

Barman: Okay, I'll summon the londals.

The londals are sent by the god who occupies the hamlet to keep order. The god who inhabited Meralin is known as Martris, the deity of greed.)


Client: Okay, just give me a few days and I'll find you some money.

Barman: Enough with the nonsense; I know you're not going to give it, so I'll send you to the londals!

Recognizing that the situation was deteriorating, he pulled out a knife, grabbed the bartender from behind, put his arm around his neck, and stabbed him in the back without hesitation.

Cretus, the young man who observed everything, hurried towards the injured bartender only to learn he was already dead and the killer was fleeing for his life.

On the opposite end of the street, two londals were going straight for him, and when Cretus understood what was happening. Je ran for his life since one of the numerous regulations established by the God Martris was that it was banned to kill in the village, and if such a crime was to be commited, the guilty woudl recieve death sentence .

Cretus knew that as soon as he got at his residence, the londals with eagle eyesight would see him and begin hunting for him. Unless he fled the city right once, he was doomed to endure a hellish existence in the coming hours. The young guy only had one problem: he lived with his mother, who was quite ill. She was suffering from an incurable condition, and her health was deteriorating by the day.

Cretus' Mother: Cretus, my son *coughs*, what occurred in the outside world to cause you such pain?

Cretus: Sadly, Mother *pauses* I-I was observed by the londals near a dead body... I'm afraid they'll come after me and execute me *mumbles* I don't know what to do, mother, if I die, who will keep you safe?

Cretus' Mother: *smiles* You're worried about me even though you're in a circumstance that might lead to your death. My boy *takes a deep breath* you must leave right now. I already have one foot in the grave, and the other will follow shortly; staying here would ensure your death, and I don't want to see you in the underworld with me. For the time being, live, live for me...

Cretus: "Mother," he says.


Cretus' Mother: Go now, my son, and live for me...

Cretus arrived with a large bag containing food and a few gold coins, and he was dressed in a brown leather shirt called a hauberk and a black cloak to avoid being recognized, followed by his father's sword, who was one of the soldiers who fought against the God Martris when he attempted to take over the village. He left after ensuring that his mother had all she need.

Londals were crammed within the village's limits and the narrow streets. Cretus would be unable to dissimulate his existence through the crowd because of their eagle eyesight.

Cretus: The only way I can get through the londals is by going in the dead angle of the vision, but where could that be *looks up at the roofs of houses*. I think I found the solution *smiles*.

Cretus then leapt over a wooden fence and into a chicken coop, where he climbed the roof by hopping on a box of rice.

He paused for a while to obtain a good sight of where he was supposed to go before beginning to survey the area. He then saw a gigantic hole that is only large enough for Cretus to get through if he grows himself to full length on the wall that separates the outside world from the town.

Cretus: The only way I'll be able to reach there in time is if I accelerate to maximum speed and alert the londals that I'm right above them. The one advantage I have is that I will be higher, so they won't be able to get a solid target on me to hurl their spears at, but if I miss my jump, I won't have a second opportunity. *takes a long breath* Ok, I can do this.

Cretus suddenly began sprinting at a rapid speed, leaping from roof to roof and generating a lot of noise because the roofs were made of aluminum sheets. When he was around 100 meters away from the hole, he noticed a swarm of londals on top of the wall, preparing to fire their arrows. Cretus, who didn't have time to devise a well-thought-out strategy, took his thick cloak and wrapped it around his head, and below the cloak, he placed the heavy sack to provide further protection for his head.

Cretus: Oh crap! I'm not sure where I'm headed!

The only difficulty with this strategy was that the cloak was so lengthy that it obscured his vision. To put it another way, he was rushing without knowing where he was going.

He could feel the arrows striking his back, and they were becoming more forceful and entering deeper.

Cretus: If those arrows are piercing deeper, it implies I'm coming closer, therefore I'll remove the cloak and bag when I believe the moment is appropriate.

When Cretus reached a particular point, he took his cloth and sack from his head and began to dash toward the hole; however, an arrow struck his right leg, slowing his pace and making it more difficult for him to sprint.

However, the things his mother spoke to him before he went inspired him to run faster than ever before, and he tried the largest leap ever. He attempted to stretch himself as far as he could... But, at the last second, an arrow struck his right shoulder, causing him to shift, and instead of passing through the hole, he smacked his head on the edge of the hole, leaving him with a large cut on his forehead, and he plummeted face first from around 4 meters away to the ground.

Suddenly, a swarm of londals rushed around him and seized him with such force and he was dragged to prison.

When he arrived to jail. He was able to restore consciousness once more. When he realized he had failed his mission, he burst into tears and remembered his mother.

Cretus: "Mother!" I let you down! I hope you will forgive me for being such a failure one day! I apologize; please forgive me, mother!

Suddenly, he became exhausted and slipped into a deep slumber...

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