《The Adventures of Nick Cage》Book 1: Chapter 6: Stuck in Space
Author's Corner: Nothing crazy here, second chapter of the day.
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Book 1: Chapter 6: Stuck in Space
Stuck in the vastness known as space Nick wonders if he can get away with simply flying faster to get home. Then he realizes what is waiting for him at home and decides against it, after all he must not blow his cover.
‘Daddy you may want to look left, you are being watched.’ –Sally
‘Watched? By what?’ –Nick
‘Not a what, but a who. I sense a ship over there, thought it isn’t in the visible spectrum.’ –Sally
‘Hum… you are right, let’s see who has the technology for such a thing.’ –Nick
With that Nick quickly flies to where the ship is and waves to it. Shortly after a hatch opens and seeing it as an invitation Nick flies inside. Assuming since he is in Earth orbit that whoever has the ship is probably just some rich eccentric he calmly walks in once the door shuts and let’s air in to see who runs the place. He was not prepared at all for what he saw.
“What what what? Who are you people?” –Nick
“@#%@#%@#%@#%@#%@#@#%@%#%@@#” -???
‘Can you understand me now?’ –Nick
I hope this works. I did not expect to find aliens at all in my little venture to the moon… -Nick
‘Yes, we can understand you now’ –Unknown Alien
Standing in front of Nick is three very curious creatures. They stand about 4 feet tall and have blue scaly skin with big bulging eyes and no hair on their pig faces. Nick breathes a sigh of relief noting how ugly they were as there is no chance of his curse acting up. So without any fear he begins to converse with them.
‘So what are you guys doing orbiting around my planet?’ –Nick
‘I’m a female, only those two are guys.’ –Female Alien
‘Figure of speech or thought in this case. I cannot tell you apart.’ –Nick
‘Not a problem. We came here to witness the doomed planet and hopefully get some rare resources once it blows up.’ –Female Alien
‘What do you mean doomed planet?’ –Nick
‘We have been monitoring your planet since the first stage of evolution and now that the second has started this planet should blow up within a single solar cycle!’ –Female Alien
‘Hey that is only a time limit, what makes you think we are going to fail?’ –Nick
‘Humans always fail. This isn’t the first human planet that we have harvested and it won’t be the last. Fortunately our species isn’t up for evolution so we have no fear from the True Ancestors.’ –Female Alien
Unsure who these True Ancestors are Nick simply stops to think for a bit. Then he continues his questions to see what he can finds out before he leaves to save the world so to speak.
‘So no one has survived the second evolution?’ –Nick
‘No human in the last 5000 cycles. There are a few other races that are similar and have passed but we are not one of them so cannot help you.’ –Female Alien
It appears the two males with those odd looking weapons must simply be her bodyguard, best not piss her off too badly. –Nick
‘Okay glad we could have this talk. It is about time I go home to my wives and find a way to save the world.’ –Nick
‘I’m sorry but we cannot allow that. We have to take you to our Queen for interrogation as you seem to have knowledge that we seek.’ –Female Alien
‘Wait, can’t you just use remote communication to have this chat? There isn’t reason to fly me across the galaxy for this is there?’ –Nick
‘No, without this linking of the minds you won’t be able to communicate with her.’ -Female Alien
“Ho ho ho, but that’s not true at all. If you have indeed by monitoring my world for as long as you say then you clearly know English since it was and is the dominant language of my planet. No more need for this mind link I say.” –Nick
With a smug look on his face Nick calls their bluff. Probably not the wisest decision but Nick has always been one to have a lot of arrogance *cough* confidence.
“It is as you say but we are already halfway to our home planet.” –Female Alien
“What?” –Nick
With that Nick finally notices that they have been moving through hyperspace lanes the whole time.
What a mundane way to travel. Even if they don’t have magic to teleport surely they are smart enough to create boom tubes! Oh well, nothing I can do about it now, best to see what this “Queen” has to say. –Nick
“Okay, well then can you tell me some of the stuff she wants to know?” –Nick
“No, we are not authorized to have this discussion. We are simply to bring you to our Queen where she will question you.” –Female Alien
Seeing this is the end of the discussion, Nick finds a chair to sit on while he waits. Thinking about all he has just heard he wonders if it is possible to find any of the other species that have passed the trials. Maybe they could possible help. Though it probably isn’t important at this stage since he is positive the next stage is simply passing the 5.0 Aura bottleneck. He always wondered by even the strongest werewolf Ted only had the strength equivalent of 5.0 Aura. There must be something limiting his power since he can draw on all the power of all the werewolves in the entire world. Sure that can surpass a measly 5.0 Aura…
While Nick is off to who knows where Solaria finally wakes back up.
“Ugh where am I? And what happened?” –Solaria
Looking around she notices that she is lying on her couch and the only one in the room with her is a pale vampire.
“Hi sister. I brought you back home after you went to sleep. I noticed that your closet was too small so I had them double the storage space so I could move some of my stuff in.” –Maya
“Ugh, so it wasn’t a dream. Well what’s done is done. So tell me, how did you become Nick’s wife again?” –Solaria
Why don’t I just kill her? Why do I want to but not want to at the same time? This is too confusing, I’ll just ignore these thoughts for now. –Solaria
“Oh, he freed me after killing Vlad and he took the ring off of Vlad and bound to it. These rings are nifty. They are interspatial rings that hold lots of space and even have teleportation talismans inside that will teleport to the sister ring. And since I have the twin ring he teleported to me and broke the sleeping curse put on me by that Witch Ruby.” –Maya
“Wait? What is this about a witch? Didn’t you mention her before?” –Solaria
“Oh yea, that is why Nick ran away, something about her being pretty and immortal and a curse and not wanting to meet here. He got away but that is only temporary. Ruby always gets what she wants.” –Maya
“Oh I think I get the gist of what happened. Well then, welcome home I guess?” –Solaria
“Thank you sister! But is there a way to communicate with Nick? Through our bond I find he is getting farther and farther away by the second. He isn’t even on Earth anymore…” –Maya
“What? This can’t be! Sally wake up, find Nick for us please!” –Solaria
‘Mom, I don’t know if I can say.’ –Sally
“Wait, where is that voice coming from, and why is it in my head?” –Maya
“Oh that is just Sally, one of our 7 daughters.” –Solaria
“S s s se seven? D d d da daughters?” –Maya
‘Yes mommy, I’m your daughter Sally!’ –Sally
“Okay never mind that. Where is Nick?” –Solaria
‘Well he said something about escaping a Ruby or something. No wait he was escaping a witch… maybe the witch was named Ruby… yea that makes sense. Then he ended up on the moon magically. And you know how slow he is, so he started the long trek home when he got intercepted by aliens and is not stuck on their ship going to their home world.’ –Sally
No matter how you look at it. Nothing Sally said sounds reliable at all. Solaria figures she is just covering for him but Maya is different.
“I can see you don’t believe her Solaria by your face. But it has to be true. He is not on Earth anymore and he is moving too fast to be flying on his own. He is probably being kidnapped!” –Maya
‘Don’t worry he is perfectly safe. No one can stop daddy, he will be fine.’ –Sally
“I guess we just have to have faith in our honey to get back safely.” –Solaria
“I guess. I just hope he doesn’t bring home any unmentionables seeing as he is visiting aliens. What about the curse?” –Maya
“Don’t worry, they have to be his type first. Just look at us. We are absolutely stunning, he won’t be bringing back any aliens any time soon.” –Solaria
Meanwhile on an alien ship in an unknown quadrant of space.
“We have arrived, be prepared to be received by the Queen.” –Female Alien
“And what dare tell will I have to do to be prepared for this?” –Nick
“Just follow me, and no funny business.” –Female Alien
With that the hatch to the ship opens and he sees the most ridiculously ugly thing in his life. His thoughts instantly think about ways to escape as there is no way he can stay in this hideous play for any length of time! Before he can lament further a voice enters his head.
‘Daddy, mommy and mommy are worried about you and so are we. Are you going to be okay? Oh and Maya says not to bring any aliens back with you.’ –Sally
‘Don’t worry, these pig faced monsters are hideous and their buildings are even more hideous, no chance of that happening here so let them know that. I have to talk to the queen and then hopefully I will be able to leave this place.’ –Nick
‘Okay daddy, I will tell them.’ –Sally
Finally done talking to Sally Nick sees that the “corridor” is ending and a “throne room” is in front of him. On top of this thing that must be a throne, even though it is too hideous to be such a thing is the largest nastiest thing he has ever seen. Instantly thinking of the classic Star Wars Trilogy (which was made using real supers and had even more amazing fight scenes) he must say this creature is what happens with a Rancor eats a Sarlaac then mates with a Hutt. She must way 4000kg at least and the blue skin with pig face is just worse on her.
“Greetings! My name is Nick Cage and it is a pleasure to meet you.” –Nick
“@#%@#%@#%@#%@#%@” –Queen
“@#%@#%#@%@#%@#%@#” –Female Alien
“She says she refuses to speak your language as it takes too much to move the jaw in that way.” –Female Alien
So a fatass and a lazy one at that. Probably can’t speak it at all. Oh well guess I got to get in that things head. –Nick
‘Better?’ –Nick
‘Yes much better. And this is why you had to come in person.’ –Female Alien
‘Anyways, I hear you have some questions for me oh mighty Queen.’ –Nick
‘Yes, we want to harvest your planet when it explodes. What type of things can we find underneath it?’ –Queen
‘Well nothing of course as the planet won’t be destroyed since I plan to beat the timer.’ –Nick
‘This is impossible, no human has ever done this, they don’t even know they can train their Aura or upgrade their type from weak to strong. Such pathetic creatures have no chance.’ –Queen
‘Say that again bitch and I’ll punch your fat fucking face in.’ –Nick
At this the new guards bring up their weapons and start sweating.
‘Hah, like you can do that, our weapons are strong enough to defeat anyone under an Aura of 5.0. You have no chance! Show him true despair and pain, shoot him!’ –Queen
With that the two guards start to shoot energy blasts at Nick. Unperturbed he doesn’t even move, he simply waves his hand and all the blasts get deflected Darth Vader style. As unknown to the stupid fat blue aliens, Nick’s armor lets him double his Aura giving him a whopping 10.0 at will, such weak weapons cannot even get near him. And in a rush faster than the eye can see Nick flies up to the fat slug and punches her in her fat fucking face causing her to get knocked off her “throne” and fall on her fat face bleeding out slowly.
“What did you do?” –Female Alien
“Only what I said I would. I punched her fat fucking face. Now can I leave now or are we going to have a problem?” –Nick
“You just killed our Queen, we are going to force you to wait in a different room until someone else with power comes around and can deal with you.” –Female Alien
With that she mashed a button and Nick disappears.
Fuck, should have seen that coming. I figured they hadn’t figured out how to teleport due to using hyperspace but maybe they only have short range teleport. And of course I’m stuck in a small room or cell that blocks Aura. Of course I’m still super strong and my suit adds to that, but I don’t know where I am and blowing up a wall is probably not the best idea. Guess I will wait for now. –Nick
‘Sally, tell the girls that it may be a few before I get back. I seemed to have killed their Queen in a fit of rage and am in a jail cell that blocks Aura. But don’t worry, they can’t kill me as they just don’t have the means being as weak as they are.’ –Nick
With that Nick sits and waits for a new ruler to come along and “decide his fate” so to speak. Fortunately Solaria wasn’t alone or something may have just gotten destroyed in her rage.
“Calm down Solaria, let her finish explaining before you destroy our room. It’s only been a day, surely Nick is fine!” –Maya
‘As I was saying, he killed their Queen and is in jail waiting for a new Queen or whatever to appear. If the next one is as stupid as the first he may just end up destroying the whole planet knowing Nick when he’s angry. I assure you he is in no true danger.’ –Sally
“But you said they cut off his Aura! How can he survive without it?” –Solaria
‘He still has his suit and ring, he has many secrets in his suit and the room doesn’t stop magic at all.’ –Sally
“So what should we do? Our bond lets us know where he is, can we go to him?” –Solaria
“Not unless you have a way to get to a place many light-years away by just using magic as a guide.” –Maya
“Hum… I guess that won’t work will it, not without Nick here to do the math for us.” –Solaria
“I think it is best if we just stay here and maybe concentrate on how to stop Ruby from finding Nick. Thanks to Sally she isn’t able to come in here, but that doesn’t mean she can’t find him in other spots. We will need to coordinate properly with Porter to evacuate him if she ever shows up as the curse is not an instant affect.” –Maya
“Great idea, let’s call the team and brainstorm…” –Solaria
With plans in motion the girls go back to scheme on how to stop others from getting caught up in their sisterhood. Too bad for them Porter is Mr. Absolute’s best friend and partner in crime, so trying to get him to change topic is way too difficult.
“What do you mean Nick is captured by some aliens and is in a jail cell that cuts off Aura? And how come you aren’t concerned at all? Shouldn’t we be trying to save him? He’s the best chance we got to stop Ted. And who cares about this Ruby character and your sisterhood, Ted is the problem now!” –Mr. Absolute
“But Nick is fine, he told us himself. We have this bond you know… And Ruby is the ultimate threat! How can you not see this? Porter just tell us you will help when the time comes and we can move on to the next step!” –Solaria
“I agree with Solaria. Ruby cannot be underestimated. Sure it is safe here, but what about somewhere else?” –Maya
Not wanting to get too far into the middle of things Porter finally responds.
“Fine if the time comes and the situation truly arrives as you say it will. I will evacuate Nick and anyone else who needs it at that time.” –Porter
“Yay! You are the best Porter, I know we could count on you!” –Solaria
“It is the least I can do.” –Porter
“Hohoho, I see a different side of Porter today.” –Barb
“Stop getting off topic! Anyone have a plan for our next attempt at Ted? The containment room no longer works thanks to the EMP and Nick isn’t here to make a new one so we have to take him out in the field. Are we still tracking him?” –Mr. Absolute
“Yes we are tracking him, but without a plan knowing where he is has no value.” –Solaria
“Okay, well then without Nick we are going to need to-“ –Mr. Absolute
Just as Mr. Absolute is about to finish his sentence the elevator opens and out steps someone familiar.
“I came as fast as I could. Where is my new daughter-in-law!” –Scarlet Queen
“”Here!”” –Solaria, Maya
“Hey she is clearly talking about me as I just got married.” –Solaria
“Yes but she was at your wedding so she is clearly talking about me.” –Maya
“Yes I was talking about Maya. Come, let me take a good look at you.” –Scarlet Queen
“See I told you. Hey, how did you know my name or that I was even here or married to your son.” –Maya
“Just the same way you know that Nick is in a jail cell but is still fine even though his Aura is cut off.” –Scarlet queen
“Oh, I guess a girl must have her secrets after all fufufufufuf.” –Maya
Apparently it isn’t a known fact that Nick has his terminal connected to his AI daughters. Even though Barb knows this, it appears Porter and Mr. Absolute doesn’t. Nor do they seem to care either so it is all good.
With that said the Scarlet Queen rushes to Maya and starts to hug and pet her.
“So cute!” –Scarlet Queen
“Pfft, she is only as good looking as I am, no more!” –Solaria
“That’s true dear but she looks much younger and is thus cuter!” –Scarlet Queen
“Whatever. Anyways, are you going to help us keep Ruby away from Nick? That Witch cannot be allowed to join us!” –Solaria
“Ooh that sounds fun but that’s not why I am here. I have a plan to stop Ted but it requires a few players that are not here yet. Soon as Nick gets back I’ll let you know about it.” –Scarlet Queen
“Finally, someone who knows what is important and has a plan! Okay, until Nick gets back we will just go back to training or whatever it is you girls do in your free time. I personally am going to train as that year long countdown is disconcerting…” –Mr. Absolute
“If you need me I will be meditating on the universal way of Chun Kuk Do. The answers always lie in the mysteries of the universe. Of course I will be a bit rusty as I have not trained since I became a super, but I have not forgotten my roots and shall beat that timer if need be!” –Mr. Absolute
And with that Chu* err um… Mr. Absolute went off to train while Nick is stuck in a jail cell waiting for a new Queen to emerge.
At most one more chapter today and it will be much later so look out for it or not. The next chapter will feature kick ass fight scenes, more comedy and sound effects!
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